Why are women just the fucking worst

Okay kings, all bullshit aside. Get out the top hats, cigars and glasses of scotch. We're gonna have a woman hate thread. Post reasons why you hate women. Support your fellow king. I'll begin.

>be 21
>still virgin
>could have fucked a couple girls in HS but they were emo whores and potheads
>first girl I ever had a crush on in like 6th grade cucked me immediately
>no problem buddy, just ignore it, focus on school, rediscover yourself and grow up a lil more, you'll find a good one
>meet qt virgin
>5 years together
>find out she was fucking dudes behind my back the last 3 years of the relationship
>19 at this time
>swear off woman
>be 21
>meet cute Lithuania 26 year old who is unironically a virgin and wants kids, bakes and cooks, sews, knits and makes jewellry
>basically perfect woman, doesnt even like swearing, has never smelled a nog in her life
>have Finnish friend
>realize age and geographical distance it just cant happen
>tell Finnish friend to give it ago
>they meet up and are now in the courtship phase
>t. Cucked myself for the good of the realm, still hurts
>no woman will compare
>current year + 5
>almost 22
>realize my time is over

By now, all decent women have been scooped up and all thats left is the massive pile of sluts, coalburners and literally subhuman IQ knuckledraggers.

Thanks for attending my TEDTalk.

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Other urls found in this thread:


shut up you bodacious faggot you have the personality of a rat and you will never find a woman that will lower herself to your rat standards
fucking Yas Forums

>visiting a board that only makes you mad

Men don’t peak till their 30s. Chill.

Kill yourself.

You're still a kid

And 18yo girls still let you bareback them when you're 40

Ive heard this so much, but yet why the fuck would I marry a 18-22 year old when Im 34. They're gonna be too interested in the new TikTok replacement and Starbucks to have literally any fucking meaningful conversation lmao

You see the predicament. But regardless, as "pls gib attention" OP is, this is not about me, this about pure hole hate.

You still have plenty of time. Hang in there, champ. Good things come to those who are patient.

>Men don’t peak till their 30s.
The fucking state of American cucks, you have to wait tilm your 30 to enjoy dating, something most boys in other countries do constantly before 16.
Fucking lol you country is so fucking lame and gay.
I hope America dies to this fucking virus and Mexicans take over.
>Dude just wait till you 30 so you can get scraps.
Fuck off, cuck.

Blame the generation of men that gave them rights. They were nearsighted simps who interpreted beauty as superiority probably. Also Jews and the (((economy))). Women rights=more consumers=more business=more labour=stagnant wages


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Bodacious man.


That's why you should groom a 13 year old.

Something is wrong with the math
>American flag
>, but yet why the fuck would I marry a 18-22 year old when Im 34
Because when you're 40 she'll be 28
You don't want an old woman, never.
There is nothing more disgusting then the body of an old women naked with her tits flapping against her knees

>Why are women just the fucking worst
>stories of failure acquiring the opposite sex all of which of his own doing

You sir, are the worst. go be a degenerate(i,e a normal person) have sex, mutually use each other for your own selfish short lived pleasures and move on.

I’m 38 and I’ve been through a dozen or so 18-22 year olds college coeds off Tinder in March since Corona hit. All raw dogged. Your 30’s are where it’s at.

OP needs to realize women are whores that only want to fuck alphas. They settle for betas and you can have intercourse with them, but you’ll never FUCK them until you realize you’re worth more than them.

Scraps? You can be in your 30’s hitting teen ass easier than guys their age.

>dude NIHILISM lmao

Get a personality dumb cunt

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Based and redpilled. You admit you're the problem.

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What a nightmare we live in. People like this actually think they are accomplishing something by wasting their lives associating with sluts. The number of meat bags you've stuck your penis in is literally meaningless. You're having fun, good for you. While the foundations of our civilization keep crumbling away, and your neighbors get replaced with hostile foreigners. At least you are having fun.

We shouldn't blame the men, they didn't know. They were literally thinking with their dicks back then.
What we need to do now, is think with our heads and figure out a way to unfuck this shitshow we call "equal rights".

I suggest we cut women completely out of the equation and go to something more controllable.

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you sound like a huge faggot who needs to grow up

It's best to let them be at this point. They couldn't fathom going full fledged monk to fix the society.
The society must be allowed to fail at this point.

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This was a mean post. Fucking die you bodacious faggot.

>"who hurt yuo, sweaty"

You'll find a girl someday. Don't go killing yourself now. You sound like my friend who puts a gun up to his head

>you’re the problem

No I’m the answer; I was a beta teen in high school just like you. The answer is fucking simple. Stop worshipping women, they desire MEN. Doesn’t mean being an asshole, but don’t think they’re equal to men. If you’re a beta, they’ll treat you like one.

Walking autism speaks. Com

It’s over for you at 22? Nigga I’m gonna whip yo ass cmere

I know some government agency is spying on me right now. I just want you to know that the reason I am here is because I’m hurt and I’m seeking answers. I’m not a bad person, I’m just weak which is worst. Fuck Jannies

I love my girlfriend. She calls me king because she is in love with me and I take care of her and fuck her really good.
You are the common denominator in all your dealings with women.

Use your hatred of women to get pussy.

1.Court women via flirting, casual conversation etc.
2.Develop an emotional connection with them
3.Fuck them
4.Ghost/dump them
5.Ignore backlash because you don't care about women anyway

You think you don't worship women? Your entire existence is about satisfying their sexual appetites. You are not a man, you are a dildo. You have way too high of an opinion of yourself.

Im not suicidal bro lol if it came across that way, apologies, that's my fault. All things considered, I'm doing pretty well.

>5 years together
>didn't fuck
>perfect aryan girl
>didn't have the guts to move to lithuania
You deserve your suffering.


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This is why Yas Forums is retarded. Complain about women, but then when someone explains how to get one, they consider it degenerate.

Hate to break it to you losers, but even the most conservative woman wants an alpha. You aren’t going to attract a woman for anything, let alone keep one, if you’re a beta.

if your white just go to any Asian country and you should be fine.

I will agree with you that I was a beta in High School, me a beta now? That is some great satire.

What the fuck happened to this website? This post has absolutely nothing to do with politics. You can head over to r9k if you want whine about being a bitter incel. So tired of seeing you pathetic faggots complain about being unsuccessful with women EVERYWHERE. Some of us don't have that issue and would like to discuss other topics
is correct.
Go back to your containment board.

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Bodaciously based

How? My entire existence right now is sitting at home, working out, studying. I’m fucking quarantined.

I think you misunderstand the message.
By playing that game, of "alpha vs beta" you have already fallin into that trap.
You are welcome to do what you think you must to be happy. For happiness is the point of life.
However, if you don't want to waste time, you will quickly realize it is best to stop thinking about women.

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I'm a 28 year old virgin. The only single women now are the ones no one wanted. You don't get an opportunity to meet younger women ever, and most of the good ones were picked up in or shortly after school.

Beta doesn’t mean some wimpy skinny guy. There are plenty of great looking guys who are betas. They get cucked by guys you’d think have no chance with their girl.

You ever see a hot ass Latina woman with some short, fat Mexican dude and wonder “shit how’d he get her?” Because he treated her like a woman not a goddess.

I actually quit my job to become a Client Sales Representative and outjew the jew in the hopes of making big dick money to move her here. But my logical brain realized even if I did, the age issue remains, And she wants to get impregnated and married ASAP, I want to make sure all my shit is squared away before I take that risk. Last thing I want is losing my house or something and having my entire family homeless or something, bro.

Deserved? Possibly. But I knew what I was doing when I did it and I am happy with my choice. They'll have literal Aryan kiddos within a year.


Many white nationalists have stated that women are central to the cause. Its extremely repulsive to walk into a room and see all lonely men in the room. Women are necessary for recruitment and holding the group together. All successful groups of people have many women, this thread is repulsive in nature and designed to keep you a repulsive moron in the eyes of the opposite sex. Wake up and be revolutionary. Make flyers and pass them out in peoples mail boxes, start a group and arm yourselves.

No, I think people have a warped or misunderstanding of “alpha v beta”. You can be an outstanding person, and be an alpha.

George Clooney is a prime example. Politics and personal opinion aside, he is the best example of the traditional alpha male.

this mans spitting facts guys. even in other countries, besides a few at this point (sorry to say it), its a lot easier to get younger girls.
you don't have to be 12 to 15 years older but 2 or 3 years older is usually the sweet spot.
why do you think girls constantly wanna fuck their ugly teachers? it's not cuz they're hot. they're just older. dunno why its a thing but oh well right?

Apparently you're incapable of getting pussy at 22? You're pathetic grow up and stop pitying yourself then maybe women will stop treating you how you see yourself aka as a cuckold.

It’s also a power thing. Authority

>I hope America dies to this fucking virus and Mexicans take over.

You have to go back, Jorge.

>having conversations with a woman
user... you are too naive.


Being an R-Selected Alpha Male doesn't make you special, it makes you niggertier.

Being a K-Selected Alpha Male is what a healthy man aspires to be. Best you guys learn the difference.

Get some hookers man and give up about females. Females are acting like bitches so hookers or not it’s pretty much the same thing

plus that maturity bullshit.

though just saying, going to the gym is the best place to meet quality girls. plus, you'll see the girls that are checking you out bc of the mirrors.

girls who workout seriously do so bc they're insecure. so they're also a bit more likely not to be absolute sluts cuz those girls (hoes) definitely roasted them whenever they were in high school, college, sorority, etc.

Based and bodacious-pilled

Dont listen to the other anons.
There are good girls out there. Lots are at church if you know how to weed out the reformed sluts. Best way to tell is if they immediately start flirting.

You're 21 now
Buy a gun
Get drunk
Do anything else
Who the fuck cares about women?

I think you misunderstand what "alpha" is, Clooney is just a celebrity.
The mindset is what women typically go after, and it's typically a simple mindset of confidence.

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It's not about being incapable of getting pussy, I still have a hoe from High School who wants to fuck me constantly in my DMs. I could, if I wanted.

Point is, I don't want pussy for pussy's sake. I want a wife and kids. Good luck finding a woman worthy of that.

Severely based

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Hate this meme. Church does not prevent women from being roasties.

I love all of you thatsnotaknifeniggers :)

>"you have to act like you don't care about women so they try to gain your affection, being desperate makes you unattractive"
>"go out there and try to get laid, stop sitting in your room all day and going from work to home and from home to work"
WHAT THE FUCK is this contradictory ss advice? If you chase women it's bad but if you do nothing they'll never even bother talking to you. What the hell.

Nigger, take the dick out of town your ass and reevaluate your life

>22, time is over

You don’t deserve a gf faggot. You are literal brain dead retard. How often do you fap? You’re destroying your intellect

>There are good girls out there.
I don't think that is his issue user, it's the gamble. That's where the doubt and hesitation is coming from.

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Love you too faggot
I hope you guys can have guns again

I own multiple guns lmao t. redneck

Been drinking semi-regularly since 17.

Im focusing on my passion of rallying, tired of getting pulled over so might as well go to the track lmao

>almost 22
>out of time

Men don't peak until early or mid 30s.
DO lose your virginity with a slut ASAP, read The Rational Male (!), lift weights, study/work hard, save money, keep fucking sluts, and in ten years you'll have young trad girls coming to you.
DON'T despair, waste money, dick around in your professional life, think weightlifting is optional (IT ISN'T!), get caught up with any addictions (porn, alcohol, weed, etc).
We're all gonna make it.

Step 1: Become English teacher in asia or Latin America
Step 2: Unlimited Pussy

This has to be some jewish psyop

Also this

I have PTSD from the pure evil of women. I will never trust a hole again unless it's unused. I'm tired of being sloppy40 to a woman and still they think they deserve respect and fair treatment .

Good lad
I got an M9, AR15 from PSA, a Mav 88, a 7mm sporterized Spanish mauser and a Ruger Mark III 22/45

Check the image. I haven't been able to get hard in a couple weeks now.

Prior to that, I nut maybe once or twice every two or three weeks or so. I dont keep a fucking fap schedule bud, I know the NoFap meme but I'm also not a fan of walking around getting chubs 24/7 like I'm in puberty again.


The good Church girls are a meme. It's just a bunch of blown out roasties.
I can forgive a roastie if she has seen the error of her ways, but I refuse to get involved with her.

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Absolutely based and bodaciouspilled

Op never really loved anything, even himself.

Extremely based. At the end of sex, you realize what a huge waste of time it was anyway. Not to mention the huge energy loss