5000 year old civilization

>5000 year old civilization
>Dominant throughout its history except between 1850-1950
>Never had the urge to colonize, pillage and rape other cultures

Chinese are the master race. Anglo-Saxon savages lost their empire, Germanics got put in their place permanently, Slavs lost the Cold War. All of whites are irrelevant.

By the Mandate of Heaven, the Middle Kingdom of Zhong Guo has returned.

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>Never had the urge to colonize, pillage and rape other cultures
Because they were the ones getting colonized, pillaged and raped by everyone outside their borders.

>the Han never enforced their culture over other chinese peoples or korea or indochina or east turkestan or tibet

You Han fucks aren't even genetically related to the ancient Chinese. You killed them and now larp as them.

the original chinese were bred out of existence by the mongols 700 years ago

and 500 years previous to that. at least once before then too

You posted a Manchu woman.

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Read this for a quick history lesson about China.

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Hey Filipino user, I know Xi's been investing in your country for a while now, but remember you don't have to shill for them. They'll still bully your fishermen in the South China Sea, faggot.

Every nation has had its turmoils.

Throughout history China’a neighbors were made to pay tribute

The fact is that China still exists, 5000 years later.

Inferior nations were made to pay tribute and acknowledge China’s supremacy. That being said they weren’t brutally colonized like primitive whites would do to others. China never sent out warships or vast armies to conquer its neighbors, despite being capable of it

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>By the Mandate of Heaven, the Middle Kingdom of Zhong Guo has returned.
only when they get rid of the western ideology of communism

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>Never had the urge to colonize, pillage and rape other cultures
lol cool story bro

>Never had the urge to colonize, pillage and rape other cultures

You're funny.

Oh no its the philipines LARPing as other cultures because they hate their own, whatever will I do?

>>Never had the urge to colonize, pillage and rape other cultures
Lol user

Show me a place with an “original” population. How related to Britons are the British? How related to Romans are Italians, Greeks to Ancient Greeks? Mixing is inevitable. It’s absolutely pointless to bring it up

Chinese girls make my cock throb. My sperm were specifically designed to seek out chinese eggs. Odin put me in this world for the sole purpose of cucking the chinaman

>get raped over thousands of years by various ethnic groups, including the Mongols
>not even a single real Chinese left

>253 year old civilization
>unparalleled in power since 1945
>brought peace to East Asia and Europe and protects global trade
>Raised the standard of life of the world for commoners to be better than royalty 200 years ago
>not full of amoral insects that only find joy in putting others down

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Sentinel Islands

Dominated throughout its history*

they raped pillaged and colonized all of asia

Do people in your country hate China? I know most Vietnamese hate China but they all like Chinese movies.

China has never colonized another nation throughout its 5000 year history. Meanwhile ANGLO SAXON and other white savages have behaved like absolute niggers, destroying and stealing others to enrich themselves. Anglo Saxons are the most aggressive tribe on earth, which makes perfect sense when you examine their historical roots. If you have Anglo Saxon DNA you are the product of many rapes

All of those populations are the same as they've always been.

>I'll have "Tibet" for 500, Alex

>Trillions in debt
>Divided over orange man bad and LGBTQ Feminism Trannyism Minorities
>Has endlessly bullied 3rd world countries since it became a super power
>Foolishly gave China trillions in wealth and technology

Your days are numbered junior. You will be but a blip in China’s history

>Never had the urge to colonize, pillage and rape other cultures
I hate to break this to you chink but the chinese were never united, they were separate kingdoms constantly warring on each other.

Tibet has a population of 3 million and historically belongs to China. You are comparing Tibet to Whites sailing around the world and enslaving/exploiting hundreds of millions of people who were technologically behind. See how dumb you are?

>Dominant throughout its history except between 1850-1950
Historylet confirmed

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the chinese are the greatest example of dysgenics known to the human race. reading ROTK is painful to know such a based civilization became a bug hive.

Any civilization as old as Egypt, that isn't on an isolated island has been conquered over and over and over again. To the point the modern day people have no genetic link to those of the past.
Same shit happened in China.

5000 years of constant warfare made China what it is today, not 5000 years of peaceful coexsistence.

1850-1950 was Western dominated yes, but they were dominated by "barbarians" for a couple centuries before that

can you really say they had 5000 years of civilisation when they were constantly getting conquered by different peoples?

The Chinese are animals and should be killed.

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Chinese kingdoms would unite then divide, this has been the history of China. If you look at Europe’s history it’s the same story, do you think Italy or Germany isn’t a bunch of smaller powers that united? Except China isn’t a shithole divided into 50 different mutually unintelligible nations that hate each other. Whiteoids are genetically incapable of the high cooperation necessary to maintain a 5000 year old civilization that’s accounted for 25% of the worlds population since B.C.

If you look at the map of different dynasties, they mostly fought among themselves. Same thing with India.

The Han chinese are the original ethnic Chinese people retard

Is Chinkposting the new We Wuz Kangz?

Also, shitty job proxyfag

>Chinese people

If China had any actual 'people' within it then it would cease to exist.

Which makes more sense: a nation has been conquered repeatedly thus imbuing the successful conqueror genes within itself, and despite not being a full 1:1 copy to its ancestors (no human population is), the modern population of course has a significant tie to the original one


A nation was conquered and the women were procreated with, thus there’s no genetic link between past and future

Are you retarded or just white? This is literally human history from the beginning

What history? The Chinese government executed its scholars, burned its books, and bulldozed almost all of their old buildings. Chinese history is just a collection of stories that countries like Japan, UK, Mongolia, etc had in private collections + lies and made up stories to fill in the gaps.

domination and greatness goes without saying, i see chinks so desperate for western recognition all the time tho. Nobody cares nobody should care, fuck off chink and stop boiling dogs alive only because your dick wont work.

Keep talking shit. China is leading in AI research, genetic research, 5g and many other fields. You are on the brink of being a silver medalist

there is no such thing as a "master race", races developed to fill the niches presented by geography, the environment and their own social contexts

The Chinese are in their cononization period now. Look at Vancouver, Seattle, San Fran, LA. More and more are coming here and slowly taking us over

China colonized just as much, only they sucked at building ships

You left out the part where bumpkin farmers purged the elite class.and then resorted to cannibalism until the west decided to use them for sweatshop labour and toxic waste. The real China is Taiwan

China literally locked themselves up in a prison with their Great Wall because they were plundered and raped throughout history.

>>Never had the urge to colonize, pillage and rape other cultures
You know nothing about Chinese history. War of the heavenly horses? Incursions into Vietnam thousands of years ago? Moronic jungle ape.

>mix with niggers
>end up with clever niggers with worse attitudes
It is pretty much the same as conquerors mixing with Chinks. Mixing with niggers changed them some, but they are still niggers.

Never pillaged or raped ? Then how did china get so big ancient china was small comparee to what it is

That’s your own fault. Don’t compare peaceful immigration to forcefully raping, stealing from and killing inferior people because of your European nigger aggression and sociopathy. You call Chinese heartless bug men, yet your history is nigger tier in its violence and depravity. That’s probably why it’s ok to show gruesome violence in movies in America to children, but a nipple slip is rated R

Absolutely false. What kind of history did they teach you in Swedistan? Look up China’s treasure ships. You think a nation that has a higher IQ that Swedish snow niggers would have any problems building a ship?

How can you colonize anything if you cant keep your internal problems in check?

The west is leading the research, China is just quicker to jump the gun on using it after stealing it.

ye burrying 300k people alive and is not real right. cringe retard.

>5000 year old civilization
Completely deleted by Mao, back-ups erased, now live as a soulless ant farm.

>China never sent out warships or vast armies to conquer its neighbors, despite being capable of it
They never did because they weren't capable

>An incursion literally thousands of years ago is comparable to European colonization and slave trades.

Think big brain, think

Chyna has always been more occupied with itself than it can occupy others, which is why Chinese, and any of their slaves, talk about nothing other than from the perspective of themselves if they're not already talking about themselves. Genetically incapable of peripheral vision, an ever present hazard to their surroundings.

Yes, a nation that sent a lander on the far side of the moon (a feat Americans have not been able to do) is incapable of building a ship. This is what your dumb white brain really thinks. Chinese are not sociopathic warmongers like Europeans, why is it so hard for you to accept this? Your entire history is killing and exploitation and you’re shocked that there’s an alternative to that. Get fucked violent white nigger