All over calling them for what they are
This nigger is trying to ruing these girls live
Stop simping
I live a few blocks from Temple University
They're fucked. Temple is going to make an example out of them.
They're fucked. Damn I feel bad for them.
I agree, racist white girls should stop fetishizing Black men.
someone ask who they discriminated against? who's the victim?
Also the main post said "White People of @TempleU"
Couldn't we say that generalizing about white people leads to Temple U being a non-safe space or some bullshit.
No one
Never feel bad for women.
They are the ones that made it such a crime to even call out anything that isn't politically correct.
>This is how they want it, this is how they get it.
Look at the way blacks are just allowed to digitally lynch the poor girls. The niggers EXPECT these results now.
> It's almost time
>ruing these girls live
because as everyone here knows, going to a university is good for women
>Same ones fetishizing our men
Let them be fucked
And look how fast they got doxxed. This is why I don't use goybook or social media.
A black person wrote that I guarantee you that girl does not fetishize black people. One post said she was from Bryn Mawr.
Nappy haired disgusting sheboons playing the narc game because they do not have enough white features to be desirable doing what angry disgusting sheboons do...
>first thing they start doing is doxxing and threatening violence
What law was broken?
It's just the campus security which they call Temple police
An actual woman scorned doesn't have shit on a sheboon realizing she is a sheboon and nobody but those in a sexual desert would ever be thirsty enough to drink ape piss.
What law was broken?
Context? I'm not clicking that link.
being white is a crime
I dont get the video. I dont understand a single word except nigger. Please explain this shit NIGGERS.
Good thinking. The link is a virus.
White girl said nigger in her dorm room
ah shit I clicked it and my disc drive opened by itself
How do you know
>politically correct
What the fuck is that?
You really think that there is some kind of correctness in the politics?
Lol no a chance in hell those white girls fantasize over niggers and coons
Wtf is going on ! I’m so confused !!! Classes are out , all dorms are emptied what are those hairHats cooning about??
land of free btw, europoors have no freedom of speech btw, oh wait some belgian kids did racist shit and all school said was "ok so?" lol. You are literaly ruining some people lives over this, commie tier.
Bring in the stupid media heads. Also document Annabelle's little doxing spree. Archive and save images. Spam @TempleUniv and @TU_Police.
The law was broken in 1941. Now you pay the price for it.
Sure you'll have your entire life ruined for saying nigger or jew.. but hey, at least you're not speaking German right?!
this is Yas Forums
>not only recording it but allowing it to become public
Their fault
We should expose those niggers and teach them their fucking place.
Quick, CSI
Yup. And I want to watch ass the gas poured on the fire. Ripe for a chimpening.
girl with the phone making the video (probably black) said "nigger" and girl being filmed giggled and said "staaaaahhp" (tee-he-he)
this witchhunt is dumb but you say that shit behind closed doors with no cameras these days like the Japanese do, period.
> Definition of politically correct
: conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated
Wish there was something 10x worse that could be done to the narc niggers. Free speech you university faggots leave the country or get shot for violation of the constitution.
What? Of course I do. That's why I wanna see TempleUniv and TU_Police get their shit pushed in. They're endorsing doxing students for saying shit in the privacy of their own dwelling.
Leafs all get the rake
Nah it was a white girl
Think of how insane and anti-white that shit is. Imagine talking to someone, then mentioning they got kicked out of their college, and when you ask why they say "it was because I said the N-word".
Land of the free lmao
No? The ones doxing are niggers. The chimpening happens when the Annabelle nigress gets investigated too.
No the one who said nigger was a white girl
Oh, yeah. I really don't care that she said nigger. I care a bit more that these niggers are doxing the white girl's facebook, instagram and everything. With the University replying "thank you for reporting this!" The University has endorsed doxing its students and should be burned to the ground. Which would happen were they forced (via media exposure) to investigate the niggers doxing.
Isn't that against the law?
Oh I replied to wrong person at first, it was meant for the guy who said it was a black girl that said nigger
This is what pissed off the niggers. Some white girls goofing around in a private video calling eachother racist things while joking with each other.
holy shit
how much of an ESL can you be?
Yup. Exactly, it's some bullshit.
No many university's call their campus security x police
Don't forget to report them for their gay doxx for maximum chimping.
>it was removed because of white privilege
>i was banned cuz racism
>fucking whitey is investigating me for doxing
Global pandemic going on and niggers are still chimping out about someone saying the word nigger.
fumare mio cazzo, tutto fascisto italiano
White Americans are literally the biggest thieves and con artists in the history of the world. Built a nation on stolen land with stolen labor. White supremacy is a lie.
>hears nigger a lot
>common around her
i guess she might just be a nigger
This so much
Black people can't get it. The cracker attacker is punishment for privilege n sheet.
>Niggers hate people
>Niggers are also jealous of white people
>be snake
>trying to sleep in a cold ass desert
>some human bitch tries to gain attention on the human connection shit they call "social media"
>fucking bothers the shit out of me
>remember the line that my north american cousin taught me
>bitch runs away