The facts remain America can't even win a war in Afghanistan, Vietnam or Iraq.
Can one of you muh superpower burgers form a coherent logical explanation how on earth could America defeat China in an actual direct war?
The facts remain America can't even win a war in Afghanistan, Vietnam or Iraq.
Can one of you muh superpower burgers form a coherent logical explanation how on earth could America defeat China in an actual direct war?
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They cant, China is stronger
Stop trying to get our strategies, Chang
By sucking bbc of course
Nukes are a hoax.
>How can burgers defeat ant people?
with a virus!!!
When has China ever won a war against an foreign country?
We follow international conventions of war so we simply can't exterminate entire regions who resist our rule
Got 'em x'D
Bug spray.
>China taking on the most armed citizenry in the World
China has nukes too. Fucking this is what I mean. Why are burgers so fucking retarded? You want to lose the west coast?
Trying to set up hotspots around the world, and make the world hate china is failing.
bugs built for WMD
>You want to lose the west coast?
Considering that California wants to give their own version of trumpbux to illegals;
Yes I would love to see LA, SF, and the rest of California burned to the ground
actual direct war is way easier than counter insurgency. We smashed the organized militaries of Iraq and Afghanistan, in a matter of days, their governments ceased to be and their nation fell into chaos. It was trying to rebuild them in our Image that we failed at.
We wont be trying to rebuild china.
They already set up near the canadian border incase you guys attack.
Idk whats going on rn desu seems like a shitshow.
Shut up dude....
no one is going to try to win the hearts and minds of chinks, going to make tokyo and dredson look like childs play
>America can't even win a war in Afghanistan, Vietnam or Iraq
we won all of those wars, chink.
you just don't understand war.
China's track record with modern Wars is just as bad
>make the world hate china is failing
china will make the world hate her just fine on it's own.
Encircle them, cut off all trade, starve them.
>we won all our wars!
Okay I'll play Jerome, explain how you won in Vietnam. Go on.
Muh we killed a lot of zipper heads.
throw washington and oregon in there as well. hell, the caldera will wipe that northern scab from the face of the earth soon enough. then shave off new york, florida and texas.
>War breaks out with China
>America orders 1000 new warships and missiles from their factory in China
>China refuses
>"If factory in china it chinese rihihihi!"
>America is summarily crushed by the industrial might of China
>then shave off new york, florida and texas.
Why Florida? We'll be voting red longer than fucking Texas will
South Florida needs to go but the rest of the state helps to maintain a strong red base
They were in da trees man. These fucking bum ass poor rice famer chinks literally used their kungfu.
>Same shit in japan.
This will be a bigger flop than those past two.
OP is a faggot leaf. How's that for an answer?
Rules of engagement would be different in a war that defines a century, or, saves America as a massive profit center. Allowing us to kill indescriminately will greatly increase our effectiveness in kinetic warfare.
Your army is our army. Based leaf shoots himself in the foot
>he actually thinks we're afraid of ching chongs
ok zhang
It’s all about high technology and automation, not who has cheaper peasant labor.
How does China feed their people without American imports?!
All war supply is American built.
We don't need a war. Let's reach for space, mine the asteroids, and crash the metal prices! Abundance, onwards!
Just take away the border counties and Texas will be red forever.
Well it's simple, Leaf.
We're going to enact an embargo while consistently launching missile strikes against critical infrastructure and important buildings.
A starving country of 1.4 billion people will collapse much faster than you think. Once the hunger sets in, we'll start looking to exploit the ethnic and religious tensions in China and cause a collapse from within.
Once we can penetrate Chinese waters and airspace, we will fill the land with smoke.
We're going to scorch the fucking Earth.
You're getting conscripted, Chang. When the US goes to war so does the rest of the world.
we burgers haven't tried to win a war since WWII
America would adapt and overcome like we did in WWII
Like in what way? We can't occupy China, they can't occupy us. We could crush their military easily, but they will keep sending in troops and eventually attrition will level the playing field.
Same way you always deal with ants.
Its called mutually assured destruction. Its what kept us and Russia from destroying the world.
There is literally no point in going toe to toe with our forces.
We just do proxy wars to control our influence.
Where are we fighting them?
>another chink hate/war thread
fucking glow-((("""mutts""""))) arguing with glow-((("""chinks"""))) arguing
why don't you glow niggers just talk to each other directly over that cubicle wall?
Instead of war we worry about hearts and minds. We should decimate our enemies and leave them rotting in the sun.
Vietnam was more of a strategic/political loss than anything, we certainly destroyed the NVA disproportionately, even in battles we lost.
We could pull a Civ move and nuke their actual soldiers. We've got plenty of warheads.
when has the US?
>Air and sea bombing campaign
>Air superiority is eventually established
>Bomb anything that moves on a road near the borders, blockade the coast via submarines
>Chinks eventually start to starve
>You want to lose the west coast?
More like about those little kids and "Nurturing them". Thats why everyone here is a fucking nutjob. Babylon the great
They have a food reserve for 1 year atleast, they can buy grain from Russia
That's the problem you stupid yanks. Chinks are like jews, they are naturally hateworthy, but with you americans launching retarded hate campaigns, you are making people sympathize with china, people who normally would never do
the same way i kill them in my yard with ant killer
> how on earth could America defeat China in an actual direct war?
naval blockade them and then you drop crop killing chemicals on their farmlands, and their whole population will starve
More than your Chinese colony has.
They'll enslave countries like main to make their grain
More clustered people vs. high explosives = more dead bodies. This ain't the 1800's anymore with battle lines. Technology > meat shields.
Not true toothpaste nigger we have bleeding edge tech the Chinese wishes they had
>we simply can't exterminate entire regions who resist
Oh but we so could... War over in a week
Does that country have a central bank? What treaties and sanctions are in place? Does that country have synagogues? What are the country's leaders policy and relationship with Israel? Quite a simple geopolitical thermometer to assess situations.
You can win a war against political parties and their armies. You can't win a war against ethnoculture.
Vietnam war defeat was the democrats' fault. Iraq was a victory in 1991 and 2003. Afghanistan is gonna end up as a US victory in some way in the end. There's just no way the US would allow the Taliban to take control of the country.
That was a foolish question to end with.
Bring this shit down and the war is over
I don't really care about your question, just wanted to let you know that you niggernuks are the most annoying things in existence. Please remove yourselves from out continent, thank you.
are you fucking serious? see attached.
>You can't win a war against ethnoculture.
>implying China even has a culture after the great leap forward