The Chancellor of Europe

What made you realize Hitler wasn't evil and the Reich was actually trying to save Europe?

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>Reich was trying to save Europe
That's what all losers claim - that they were actually the good guys.


>trying to save Europe
>literally razes the medieval cities of Warsaw, Rotterdam, Belgrade and London to the ground

It seems pol has been infested with undesirables

Waffen SS veteran memoirs and Greatest story never told

Watch it here bros

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He wasn't fighting for Europe from the start, later into the fight he realized how much bigger the situation was.

Thanks for the insight kike

All retaliation

>Reich was trying to save Europe
The Reich was triying to save Germany not europe, Hitler only cared about the germans, he saw the poles, meds and russians as inferior animals

>Anyone who doesn't agree with me deserves the rope.
Yeah, that's what the Nazis thought too.


and all winners claim that they were actually the bad guys.

WATCH this documentary

i mean, they kinda are lol

sounds like saving to me

hitler was evil.
he was man.

All Hitler needed to do was create a proper Reichsbank and let the world get cheaper loans to compete with Jewish banks.
Also learn to speak English so he could go on speaking tours in the USA

Enjoy the victory and the Niggers lmfao

Still think the good guys won?

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See here faggot.
It's not like the Germans would have thought much of you once they conquered your ass and raped your women.

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When I realized his actions led to the inability to criticize Jews because he couldn't finish them off. I realized failure was always his goal, so they could be protected.

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>Random pic and quote
>Still think the good guys won?
Since when are people in power good, user? Are you just retarded, or are you really that basic that you see people in power as good/bad. People in power are always corrupt. That's a fact. There's no real good or bad - just tolerable dictators and insufferable dictators. Hitler was insufferable. That is why he lost.

did that guy like big butts? do u think he would go ape shit for a big ol butt?

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I honestly thought the same until watching TGSNT, here

>Imma dick you tonight Hans.gif
Was Hitler into bestiality?

It's true. The jews have these cucks believing all kinds of inverted shit bro. they don't even know hitler was a folthy jew himself

Ah you're jewish, got it

Is this doco worth it? It says its 6 hours.

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>I honestly thought the same until watching TGSNT, here
So you changed your opinion because of a documentary? Hope you realize that documentaries are propaganda devices. Just like how you found one on how good Hitler was, there are millions more on how bad he was.

Me? I don't care if Hitler was good or bad. I just know he lost - and to me that makes him an incompetent leader.

Yes, its long because there are so many lies to uncover. Atleast watch first hour

>Me? I don't care if Hitler was good or bad. I just know he lost - and to me that makes him an incompetent leader.
100% this

cant beliebe he lost against against 58 countries on 3 frontlines. fucking loser
i would have won for sure if i was in charge

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>Ah you're jewish, got it
See what I mean? I'm not a Kike, but you're so far gone in your own fantasy that you're now unable to even entertain an opposing view. You're now desperate for people to share your opinions. But here's the problem user - people don't follow losers, they only follow winners. The Nazis lost - since that time, they were always destined to be wiped out.

Of course, you can sit here on a mongolian basket weaving forum and talk about how Hitler was a good guy, but he lost user - it's as simple as that. He was in power and he lost.

Q predicted this

Razed AFTER France and the UK declared war (Even Warsaw).

How about Paris retard? Germany's intent clearly wasn't the destruction of Europe

if you are already redpilled and pro hitler then dont watch it. trust me. it will make your blood boil and hate on most western countries even more. you will also become a slav hater. but thats a good thing i guess.

I'm pretty sure Hitler was a product of south German and north Italian elites.

>cant beliebe he lost against against 58 countries on 3 frontlines.
Why did he fight them? Why did he let thousands of soldiers leave Dunkirk? Why did he declare war on the U.S. after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (why the fuck did he ally with the Japs anyway?). Why did he help Mussolini's troops in Greece and not just move on and leave them to die like they should have? Why did he not withdraw from Moscow when the winter came?

Stop being a whiny little Kraut bitch. You know just as well as I do, he made many many many mistakes. The only reason the Nazis even survived for 6 years was because of the superior Aryan genes. Those genes compensated for Hitler's stupidity. Period. Hitler was a jackass and should have never come to power.

Literally my dad. He repilled me at a young age.

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Hitler was the autistic genius - a different species than you.


>Razed AFTER France and the UK declared war (Even Warsaw).
Even in WW1 the powers fought in the countryside and rarely razed cities. Hitler did the opposite. His goal was to demoralize his enemies. Stop being a retard. His goal was never to SAVE EUROPE - his goal was to PURGE Europe so that he could get Lebensraum for his people.

Russian currency circa 1900

>Hitler was the autistic genius - a different species than you.
Pretty sad that my species handed him his ass. Guess all that autistic genius is useless if you keep making one tactical blunder after another - to the point where you've lost all your conquered territories and your enemies go from fearing you to marching into your capital city.

Pic related.

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>unable to even entertain an opposing view
Because you are just simply wrong, its not even a debate anymore

Or, perhaps a sense of duty and obligation to his righteous fellows

Oh the irony of your post.
>Or, perhaps a sense of duty and obligation to his righteous fellows
Who? Italians? They deserved the rope from day 1. Couldn't fucking do anything. Japs? What the fuck did they help Germany with? They couldn't even fight Russia long enough to make sure Stalin didn't withdraw his troops from the east and reinforce Leningrad.

Face it you low IQ brainlet. Hitler was just plain stupid. He lost because he allied with the wrong people - and the German people paid the price for his stupidity.

Seeing the parallels between the world I live in today and the country he took command of in the past.

People don't call you a kike because of your opposing views.

They call you a kike because you sound so retarded that "kike troll" is the only reasonable explanation.

You're either a kike or a retard.. but don't worry, u can kys

D&C German jew,
sigh, always fucking things up by dividing euros rather than uniting..

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Yes absolutely. It changed my life. Not even joking

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when i learned the history of the soviet union

Useless comments. You aren't welcome here kike

When the migrants torched Norte Dame and Macron suppressed findings to save migrants

Hitler would have known what to do with people who torch cultural icons because it hurts their feelings.

When I saw how much worse his enemies were.

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you realize european isnt a race right? do you honestly think all of these people are the same race? you stupid fuck.

some races are better than others, get over it you fucking shit eye

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>it's just relative, maaaan
Jesus, what an insufferable cunt (You) are.

Alternatively, read The Lightning and The Sun, by Savitri Devi.

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No way?? Sauce??thats hilarious , did he really try to hide that migrants did it??

Greatest story never told was the nail in the coffin for me. Regardless of any truth claims I was made aware of the other side of the story and I like it better.

Yeah it's an atom bomb of red pills. No wonder kikes forced YouTube to take it down...

No one in their right mind would support Jews/Israel after watching it. The documentary literally has the power to redpill people by the millions and (((they))) know it

Hitler wanted a European brotherhood. He lamented the conditions of the Slavs and other degenerated European nations, pitying them, but at the same time admitting the reality that their inferiority rendered them ineligible for that brotherhood, at least not without significant changes to their societies on the same level as Germany, Italy, Romania, etc.

You seem to be very well read on the Jewish side of WW2