dairy farmers across america and canada are dumping truck loads of milk due to no demand and cows needing milking every day.

meanwhile you still have to pay 5$ for a gallon.

Attached: kek.png (990x553, 1.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:

No demand
All the milk drinkers stop !
Something is wrong they did this during the Great Depression

>meanwhile you still have to pay 5$ for a gallon
I paid $2.53/gallon at Aldi in California.

The schools aren't buying as much now. Its a USDA thing to prop up the milk cartel.

I buy 1% chocolate milk by the gallon.

price fixing.
they do this with all the major crops when too much is produced. its a huge fucking waist.

They did this during the great depression too, dumping supply to up prices.

>1% chocolate milk
Why cut the fat if its loaded with sugar?

Just make cheese for pizza then, pizza orders must be espanding in home isolation.

>lets just burn everything down to gain more profits

kek based capitalism

Attached: 2.jpg (611x404, 39.32K)

trump is giving them free money too and they want to make a scarcity for americans when we need it most

Good, poor niggers be like: image related

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capitalism is gay clown world bullshit

>muh effecient
>muh ideal distributions
>muh hand of equilibrium

Farmers always get the shittiest end of the stick. Their industry is hard and they're overly regulated into oblivion by mafia-type organizations. These are people who just want to work with the land an animals. Farmers do what they do because they genuinely like doing it. But many of them are completely ignorant of business. If they actually knew what to do with their products they would be much better off and you wouldn't see them doing shit like this.

Most Americans aren't even drinking cow milk. Just some chemical concoction with a wee bit of milk in it

Dairy cartel doesnt give a fuck.
Fuck them

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Shut the fuck up ignorant OP. Shortages/overages are a hallmark of socialism. This is rare under capitalism and a result of the extreme circumstances we are in.


Because there are some inefficiencies in the market, that doesn't mean the problem is with markets in general. Stand in front of a moving train commie

And how is this related to the kike buzzword?

These are Jewish farmers.

This is the low IQ take. The issue is dairy cartels have strangled the free market.

I drink 4L in about 2 days. Also for the first time since this whole virus shitshow started I noticed milk fridges were starting to get low at the grocery store. I really hope there is still milk available when I go shopping on friday again.

Oh fuck some milk's going to waste. It'd be better if we all just starved.

Farmers do stuff like this regularly. One of the main causes of the Great Depression was actually the over production of food. The supply outweighed the demand so much that crops became worthless and countless farms had to go out of business because they couldn’t sell their produce for enough money to fund their farm.
We regularly do this now so we can keep the supply in control as to not collapse the market, and you will be hard pressed to find ANY government who does not do something similar.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-08 01-28-57.png (534x421, 160.07K)

>Shopping at Aldi

Damn, sorry you're that poor. Must suck

excess milk should go to making cheese, butter etc. this is just kike retardation price fixing. There is no reason to waste milk other than artificial create supply and demand and fund middle men kikes.

free markets coming together to fix prices

Don't worry, you'll still bail them out, just like every other major industry. But don't worry, when their profits soar, you'll succeed too! Supply chain economics is great!

/s, thanks for your money.

Fuck up gook, no one wants you here.

It's demand-linked. If milk prices fall farther, demand doesn't pick up further. They literally can't sell into the glut - nobody wants the excess milk for anything but festering organic processing. It's worthless.

If there was a huge swell of milk demand the price would ironically tend downwards.

Stupid moron faces. They should learn how to boil all that milk down and make condensed milk sweets, or atleast some cheese with that and start selling that on the side. Utterly retarded!

I don't even think you can get 2% chocolate milk in a gallon here. But I don't buy milk at all so I might be misremembering.

Fuck poor fags.

Price fixing should be illegal, complete sabotage of the people's welfare.

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>cows needing milking every day.
Only because humans pump them full of hormones so they produce 10x as much milk as they naturally would, and because humans steal their baby calves from their mothers the day they are born. Fuck the (((dairy industry))).

Even worse is that these dairy farmers are the first ones to demand more illegal aliens to work their farms.

If you want to see the market no longer contain these weird over-and-under production patterns in agriculture, subsidize chemists to invent alternative processing schemes.

Like, if there were some way to usefully polymerize milk... but I literally don't know what I'm talking about.

The key is just, if there's a huge list of increasingly tertiary demand sources, overproduction gets profitably soaked.

just go to where they dump the milk, bring a big ass jug or 2. free milk. profit.

lmao at vegans.
All those third worlders that are becoming middle class all want to eat meat. The consumption of meat on this planet is exploding.
Any victories you have in the West are irrelevant here and non existent on a planetary scale.

I live in CA what the fuck is Aldi?

Someone redpill me on napoleon

>Stupid moron faces. They should learn how to boil all that milk down and make condensed milk sweets, or atleast some cheese with that and start selling that on the side. Utterly retarded!

Pretty based India bro. Also our milk farmers get bailed out hundreds of millions of dollars because they are shitty at Capitalism. Let the big dairy producers fail and new owners come in with new ideas, these boomer farmers have it too easy thanks to central planners.

So grow it in vats, there's no reason to make animals suffer. Ultramodern new methods would draw in younger farmers to agriculture, too.

Honestly this is pissing me off there are so many other uses your saying the farmer is doing this or the wholesaler who buys their milk?

Wait, thats possible, and no one has thought of it except you? Dude you could be a billionaire. Open you meat lab right now.

Whatever the FUCK happened to full fat chocolate milk? I remember just plain "CHOCOLATE MILK" in my childhood. Now every chocolate milk sold is 1%, 2%, etc watered down shit.

What the fuck happened to the full fat fucking milk? Even the expensive brands don't do it anymore.

Hang dairy farmers. Turn their cows into burger patties.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-08 01-56-53.png (537x404, 178.27K)

they took the fat out and replaced it with (((Sugar)))

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-08 01-55-34.png (530x461, 149.23K)

>service wagies are essential
Replace them with robots and see how essential they are. Only productive, genuinely-creative people are essential.

Why not make government cheese?

Attached: chocolate milk.webm (854x480, 1.8M)

are you sure?
can you tell who will be creative or essential?

expensive and potentially dangerous

anyway suffering is part of nature, you should get used to it

The real issue, for those with brains big enough to perceive it, is that those dairy cartels own the FDA. Without their lobbyist tentacles in every facet of federal and state government, these weasel farmers (who eagerly hire illegal beaners over American citizens) would not be permitted to get away with these shenanigans.

short term problem solving


>factory farms
Damn, and here I was thinking Argentina was actually white.

I wonder what the us would look like if there was no gi bill

You, sir, are a scoundrel and a fiend.

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You're a fool to think (((communists))) wouldn't do the same shit anyway. Plus, we aren't in a capitalist environment. We live in socialism with actual government chosen winners through subsidies and bailouts. Get a brian moroon!

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fucking kike

you are always saying how perfect capitalism is right up until the point where the fags start doing bullshit

>its not real capitalism


us imports their creative and essential people now

yeah not true. Sign at my grocery store sayiung "dairy products in high demand. Only 1 gallon of milk per customer

that would be the agriculture farmers. dairy farms don't require huge crews.


While at home, I consumed more dairy products and milk than usual...

Actually it's more probable for him NOT to be poor by shopping at Aldi.

>true capitalism has never been tried!!!!

Farmers/Ranchers weren't making as much as they did in the years leading up to the depression. The first thought was just to sell more for cheaper. Didn't work so well.

Of course the guys who worship the labor theory of value have no knowledge of logistics.

>yeah not true.
supply restriction creates scarcity, you brainlet. this is how the diamond industry operates