LOL, Butthuet belt thinking about making their own super empire

Pretty funny desu, these non-nuclear shitholes and EU/NATO puppets think they’re independent of western power

Really makes you think.

Oh well, can’t wait for the next part of Ukraine to be taken in a few months anyway.


Attached: 32CE9BF1-0918-4221-8536-DB806FEA8187.jpg (955x1024, 97.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no no no no

Right up the ass

Holocaust tier cope

Will this horrible crime be taught in the history books for the next 100 years?

Attached: 24FA1D22-A66F-4A18-B4E0-8134AD80DEBC.jpg (1963x1107, 268.84K)

So it's Austria-Hungary + Intermarium?


>crashes plane and loses half of its government


too bad all they'll get are turk nightmares again

>bumping on own thread because no one cares

i dont want to be associated with monkey hohols WTF?!

you cant bump your own thread, newfag

based these are my people the last non cucked whites on earth

anyone wanna guess what kind of east/central euro i am? hint its the best one

Sorry user, it’s too late. The fifteen Ukrainians and twelve Polish twitter users decided that your land is now under their control

Enjoy the hohols swamping your towns

No, just Intermarium. Austria isn't in the map.

everyone but ukraine seething

Attached: 1585635081342.jpg (1024x660, 178.24K)

Good for them. Visegrad is based compared to the kiked EU. Only issue I take with that map though is that they still refuse to recognize Crimea as rightful Russian clay.

Access to two seas, good land. It could work.

V4 unironically will cuck every single pseudo europid kike

Lol Serbia left out of EU and Intermarium/Visegrad

>Only issue I take with that map though is that they still refuse to recognize Crimea as rightful Russian clay.
ok without pretending to be retarded // shitposting, explain why you think this. please

Romania has its own group.
those niggers can fuck off.

haha based

three seas. i think they named an initiative after it.
anyway, love intermarium. simple as.

Austria isn't, but the rest of Austria-Hungary is. I thought the intermarium was originally the strip of countries from the Baltic sea to the Black sea.

It's theirs ethnically, by historical claim, and by right of conquest where the locals even accepted them.

best part is leaving the Serbs out. that single decision renders this far more likely to succeed.

ok well then I guess usa is african clay

A coalition is only as strong as it's weakest link.

If all those countries team up, they'll be exactly as strong together as whichever one of them is weakest.

That's why the EU is breaking up now, it does more harm than good to the strong countries and doesn't really make the weak countries any stronger than they were before.

They are shitholes because of the US. What was the Marshall Plan?

>A coalition is only as strong as it's weakest link.
>If all those countries team up, they'll be exactly as strong together as whichever one of them is weakest.
Bulgaria BTFO

>we've had front row seats to the complete failure that is multi-culturalism
>Let's make more multi-cultural empires because big countries are cool

preferable to the fucking eu, rise up slavs embrace teachings of the christ


Literally fuck Hungarians for restarting the empire and leaving out Aus-bro’s. No respect for the good old days. And to add insult to injury they let Romania in the club.

Can I throw up a double-eagle for my Hapsburg KuK posse? Radetzky March on 3!

There lots of different proposals. Some were even bigger than OP's pic related.

what do people really expect out of visegrad?

The Chinese have a better claim to Canada than Africans do to the United States. We brought Africans here as a slave labor force while the Chinese in Canada are continuing to colonize you and take over your businesses. Same with Australia for that matter. I find it absolutely pathetic that you're all allowing this to happen to your countries.

> eastern europe unites into one empire, not including Russia

There's literally nothing wrong with this

>austro-hungary 2.0
Here we go again.

the whole point of NATO in Europe is to stall Russia. West side of the curtain will be kicked out of NATO

But having Bosnia in, a literal made up country, divided into three ethnic regions guarentees stability and safety?
Dumb burger, stop embarassing yourself.

Why do people think Serbia has anything to do with this group, v4 visegard or whatever it’s called?

Serbia is a neutral country and won’t purposely try to help blockade the Russians

But what do you think is going to happen if you don’t include Serbia lol. You have a potential Russian assets right behind you that can subvert the whole point of the group

Same with Macedonia, Bulgaria & Montenegro (as much as they seem to be American puppets they maintain good relations with Russia) less so Bulgaria but still

Which is ridiculous. We should ally with Russia and all turn our attention toward China as the real enemy.

Literal flat terrain

It would be the easiest “empire” to cripple

Polish lithuanian commonwealth when? Poland into space when?

Blessed and Based

>wanting to remake the Austro-Hungarian Empire without Austria

This is bad juju, you can't reform just PART of the band. What would Blessed Karl of Austria think? You've got to let the Austrians in. They're cool these days, they're not like the Germans.

Attached: e42.png (356x256, 146K)


It's literally backup territory for kikes to flee into.

yes all racist nazis will be destroyed

the point of nato was to contain the soviet union... who are not really around anymore. Gee I wonder why it remains?

So that should bring them close to the economic power of the netherlands maybe?

Once the Serbs are out of the way that is a solvable problem.

naruto? is that you


Quite based and, if I may be so bold as to suggest, redpilled.

Keep seething, muslim diaspora.

v4 has always seemed like a cool idea to me but im not that savvy when it comes to geopolitics

Austria is an irrelevant fag that got lucky in empire building.

Bosnia will be loyal to Serbia or else...

what happened to your pride? you should be happy to keep your independence in this scenario. you are welcome to conquer Turkey.


Who are you quoting?
I made fun of a burger for calling us a liability while accepting a failed, non state deeply divided into three ethnic lines into this new union.
Fuck nu austro-hungary, nu yugoslavia, eu and whoever comes tomorrow. We must never make that mistake again.

Correct, that's why the Serbs are left out of it.

Glad we agree, muslim diaspora.

I'm an American and have breathed the filthy airs of Beograd, nov i stari.

Sure you are...

Attached: BFB60EEA-A09F-4555-B599-A92BB31B9C4D.jpg (224x179, 9.03K)

while I was there I left a few holes in your city center. did you bother to patch those up yet?

Ugly map right out of Hearts of Iron