Trumpbux canceled?

President orangenigger is too busy doing his usual routine to get us our stimulus money
Orangenigger has been removing people whose job is basically to report to Congress and oversee what is being done with that stimulus money, most likely because he wants a Zionist ass kisser who will help keep quiet when Zognald loots the shit out of the stimulus funds for himself and his Jewish friends rather than honest hard working Americans.

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OP is a faggot


Nowhere in that article does it say we won't get our trumpbux OP. Even if he did do that he'd just be robbing small and other businesses of the funds instead of us.

Anyway does anyone know when the fuck I am actually supposed to get my trumpbux? I'm unemployed now and getting dicked around by social services. I just barely covered this months rent and there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to cover May now without trumpbux.

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>poorfag detected
I make only 30,000 a year and will be fine. Learn to be frugal and save money dumb faggot. Also have plenty in my savings and have investments.

This doesn't answer my damn question. You'll notice for example that no one, nowhere, has set up any date for when we're supposed to get it. Not having a definitive date sounds rotten to the core. Zion Don is the swamp and you're a fool to trust this kike. I'll bet you a hundred dollars right now some "problem" comes up with it by the end of April and then we're told to just hold on until May. And then June. And then it turns out we're never getting squat.

Holy shit what a entitled little insufferable faggit kys

Trump sent it all to Israel

So after you demoralize us, then what?

What's it gonna do for you?

You guys are fighting battles that have already been decided using tactics that have already been countered perfectly.

Are you just a brainless insect? You can only do what you have always done? Every single one of your bosses will be in jail before the election, it doesn't matter how many anons you demoralize anymore. You already lost.

You're a stuck pig, you're gonna bleed out no matter what. If you spend your last seconds of life thrashing wildly trying to wound us, it won't matter. If you collapse the whole system, it won't save you.

You're fucking already dead, doesn't matter how bloody you make it, doesn't matter how much damage you do, you're destroyed and you'll be burning in Hell really fucking soon no matter what else happens, no matter who else gets killed.

You could even kill Trump, it won't do you a shit-a-bit of good.

I work paycheck to paycheck you bitch nigger like 70% of the country doesn't even have $500 saved. Post your bank statement now with identifying info blacked out or I'm calling bullshit.

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>I work paycheck to paycheck
You have been hypnotized by jew and U.S government. I don't need to post screenshots. You are a lazy fag who can do simple things like saving money. The rest of the country needs to stop spending money on dumb shit and learn simple bookkeeping. You a seething poorfag.

Aussies already getting cash to help them.
while Dumpf fucks around sperging to the media 24/7.

Our country is bigger and better than yours , so might take a while longer kangaroo eating faggot.

>Imagine being this poor

>laid off but 15k in the bank

Feels good not to be a nigger.

>Bureaucracy Drupmt fault

Ok joomer. Let’s all get on the Biden train now

>saving money on 30k a year
You must be 18+ on this board. Only a dumb teenager would think that they can save even a penny on that salary

Calm down faggot or show proof from a UN BIASED NON PARTISAN SITE.

Whose riding the wrongful eviction train? We're the boomer's now frens
Based federal regulators

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Start taking with your landlord now. You might be able to get set up on a payment plan

Omg Tom Brady I'm a big fan!

Well faggot I also get other percs and bonuses from my job which combined with the 30000 and my good financial literacy saves me money. You sound fucking underage.

Starting the 9th for direct deposits and like 2 weeks for checks been reported a million times.

Here you go dumb poor faggot:

lmao I spend 25k a year in fucking Switzerland which allows me to save 30k a year.
And I often eat outside I could spend 3k less easily.

Let them LARP, no other adults I know are able to save money. Just rent and bills are $1300 s month for a family of three and 76% of jobs in the US pay less than 14$ an hour. I know alot of people who needed Trumpbux last week.

unironically I could live a decent single life on this wage while saving in my hometown. I know a number of guys back there who make slightly less than that that live on it just fine and have managed to save money.

Areas fluctuate wildly, your anecdote is valueless

$1000 for rent
$250 for food
You still have $15,000 left over at the end of the year. You're living proof most people are retards with money, if you think you can't save on $30k

Poorfag who is larping?

this is a valid response. I was only offering my anecdote as additional perspective, not as refutation.

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Most people spend all they have and consider just enough to live.
Give them 1k more a month and they will do the same.
I know people who earn twice my pay, spend it all and don't believe I can survive, I don't tell them I'm actually saving more than 50%.

Plebbit is losing it's shit over this thing, is it big?

Kike confirmed

I am confused... democrat (liberal) faggot but uses fighting words such as nigger

That orangenigger is one of the most incompetent presidents we ever had. I didn't even get ny goddamb wall.


April 9th if you have Direct Deposit retard. Not long after for those retired or on disability. If you have neither there is a website signup. Paper checks start mailing out on the 24th.

No dates my ass.

stop being Poor

[Citations needed]
Surely if it's so widely reported you can give
e us proofs

>having all your money in one account


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wrong, that's 1 out of 6 accounts with similar value
>how into Google?

>anyone who wised up to that boomer's kikery is a liberal
Fuck off my site boomer

Oh, well that's good then. Careful about that, they only protect so much per account.

>President orangenigger is too busy doing his usual routine of having to waste the collective time of an entire administration fending off niggerfaggots and traitors as opposed to being allowed to perform the job we elected him for.
Thanks obama.

What website? Is it up already?

Ive heard that there was supposed to be some kind of website but i thought they were still working on it

Based Chinese woman stimulating the economy

I've heard April 15th, can you source the 9th pls fren

Jared kushner is a rat kike slumlord and the only reason trump would fire his oversight committee is if he was planing to misuse the money.

>Kike deflected when called out

Don't forget $500 a month for shitty healthcare that covers nothing. Not to mention utilties, car insurance and all the other shit you don't pay because your underage.

It's run through intuit

IRS is doing the signups through TurboTax. "Freefile"
Keep checking the IRS page for updates too.

>B O O T S T R A P S

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I linked it already. Feds send checks out the 9th. Then you wait on your bank to process it, which would be the 14th at the LATEST. Depending on your bank, you could get it earlier. That's about word for word about where the "14th" came in.

Get ready to live in your car

Saving money makes me a jew? Poorfags are going crazy in this thread.

(If) the check comes, sign it 'under duress' and return to sender. Otherwise, you are signing an agreement to this fuckery.

$1000 will cover rent and utilities in any decent town. Unless you're in a pozzed city like SF
>all other shit you don't pay for
You mean a new $1000 phone every 6 months, restaurant/takeout food every day because you're too retarded to cook, and a bunch of other useless trash you buy? Keep consooming.

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Hmm i used free file through hnr block since turbotax wouldnt let me use jury duty pay without paying them extra for the service. Though hnr wouldnt let me put in any direct deposit information. Would i have to go back to them or wait for the actual official website?

>Zionist ass kisser
>Zion Don
>That orangenigger

Well at least you’re not wearing out the same old cliches.

To find out where the shills are coming from:

>I know this one retard who wastes money so the fact 75% of Americans make less than 14$ an hour is meaningless
Reality is reality idiot, lots of people are working poor. A heavy majority.

>white working poor are all retards who deserve being tricked

Bitch, you expected conservatives to help the poor. Which is the opposite of what they've been doing for decades.
You're surprised they're fighting tooth and nail to slow down the process while profiteering as much as possible?
where your bitch ass been these last thirty years?

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Their not crazy it's just most people are alot poorer than other Americans realize. When I lived in coastal Maryland I made 70k a year but when I moved back to the rust belt the average income in my town is like 10k a year. Bretty sad :(((((

The intuit thing doesn't even ask for direct deposit information, they won't have that portal until the end of the month or early may so dont expect paper checks to go out any time soon