fuck guys its over
Uh, MAGAbros?
trump had like a 1% chance to win in all the polls literally the day before he won lmfao get out of here
We’ve had four years of negative press from the media people will believe anything they’re told Trump won’t win but at least it will be funny watching Biden stumble around in the White House
>x thing had a low chance of happening, yet it happened, therefore polling is now meaningless
you realize that people win lotteries right
Also many Democrats did not vote in the last election because they thought Trump wouldn’t win regardless they’re not gonna make the same mistake twice Screen cab this
No way that Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania ALL go blue.
Florida is a tossup because coronavirus, but Ohio and North Carolina are solid red, no idea why those are swing states in this model?
Oh man, i love this one. Funny thing, I see it on plebbit all time.
Dude... it's a fucking 1%. For all intents and purposes those polls were completely and absolutely wrong to the point you have to wonder if they are even real, or completely reconsider your polling methods.
Many Dems didn't vote because Shillary turned their stomachs. And she still won popular vote.
Trump's gonna get raped.
This is my guess.
I mean, reputable pollsters put Trump's chances between 10 and 30%. But that's not the point. Every week someone wins the powerball, despite having a 1 in 300,000,000 chance of doing so. Unlikely things happen on occasion.
I want Biden to win just because having a dementia riddle old man leading the US may actually produce better memes than a TV host billionaire. Though Biden might somehow give even more money to Israel after forgetting multiple times to pay the (((international aid))) blackmail fees over and over
>dementia riddle old man
Another one?
If you think people are gonna turn out for a senile coot like Biden, I have a bridge to sell you.
Flip PA red and youve got it right.
Stats guy here.
It means you probably had a shitty model or not enough data if you were that incorrect.
If I have a model that says that given a t score of 1.96 (95% confidence) that Trump is between LL85% and UL99% (85-99%) likelihood of losing and he wins, my model is shit. Improbable things should not happen in statistics, they do, but more likely your model is just garbage.
Other issues:
>Lack of data (First time voters, rural voters and those without phones)
>Weather can sway an election
>Coronavirus will sway this election
>October suprises could that people change their vote last second.
As a philly resident I can say that was a flash in the pan. That was philly niggers staying home and country boys going voting.
>pollsters again with muh 98% chance
Yeah, this is just a shit ploy to get people to play from the defensive side.
It only causes people to perceive that you feel the need to defend yourself.
Reality is, Dems are fucking finished.
2018, "muh Russia" was still unsettled according to normies.
Now, even a normie's bullshit detector is fucking broken because of nonstop stream of MSM lies.
The election is over. Write your concession speeches, blue faggots.
Biden'll be dead by November. He'll get COVID19 at a DNC rally from sniffing a teenage chinese girl.
For a party of hating old ass white men, Democrats really, really, really fucking like their old ass white men.
Every user? What about ones that hadn’t been here yet?
We’ll see election day
Think he needs them in powder form now? Like Metamucil?
Serious pollsters didn't give Trump a 1% chance of winning to begin with, but polling is an inexact science as well because of the things you listed.
>If I have a model that says that given a t score of 1.96 (95% confidence) that Trump is between LL85% and UL99% (85-99%) likelihood of losing and he wins, my model is shit.
Can you explain this? An 85% chance of losing is a 15% chance of winning. That's roughly the chance that I roll a die and it lands on 6. A 1% chance of winning is significantly more likely than the chance I roll a six three times in a row, which is something that happens on occasion.
Almost perfect prediction
Pollsters are shills, trying to make fraud seem plausible.
Republicans are going to ream the Dems so hard, they will be burping their cock.
not even Raleigh is unbearably leftist nowadays, this shit is going deep red for the foreseeable future
its not an actual 1% chance retard. it was just hopeful thinking by some leftest cucks just like the map here.
unless you interview every single human in the country on who they are voting for you have nothing more than some guesses
Polls have been fairly accurate for this Democratic primary cycle with a few exceptions (eg Biden greatly overperforming in SC)
What makes you think pollsters are underrating Trump when he almost lost last time against a much less popular politician
Because I never voted Republican until 2018.
I was a straight line Dem voter, who voted for Bernie in the primary, and Jill Stein in the general.
You shitheads burned your bridges with the pro-labor anti-war left in your eternal quest for intersectionality.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA screen cap this shit niggers because those are going red.
I grew up in Greensboro and it’s liberal as fuck. I literally moved 15 minutes away and I’m in a rural country town now lol
Nah he had a 30% chance. HuffPo were just delusional as fuck.
Pa is going red.
Biden wants to gut coal
How can he win PA
>Florida a toss up?
Is this like the democrat wet dream every year?
The Governor was just some dude from the house and he beat the next gay nigger Obama. Florida is never going Democrat while a GOP is governor.
Biden is a pretty terrible candidate but Bernie is probably the worst, and also the most retarded democratic candidate in history. guy couldn't run a successful campaign if his life depended on it
He could have had a 30% chance, or he could have had a 1% chance. I think it was more like 15 - 20%. Polling is an inexact science so who the hell knows. But 1% is a lot higher than most people seem to realize
I was anti war left. You don't get it.
Trump is the anti war candidate.
Trump is the pro-labor candidate willing to tear up the TPP and give the bird to the investor class.
Employment, aka demand for labor, had never been higher before this COVID shit.
I don't trust these economic neoliberals to fucking get this shit back on track.
>Trump is the anti war candidate.
nice meme
Before the world turned into fucking mad max, Trump had it in the bag. I can see people voting for Biden for hardcore nostalgia now though, cuz they desperately want to go back to Obama days. Sure, he presided over a vast expansion of the security state, but back then it didn’t seem like a big deal.
This is just one more reason on my long list of why this whole fucking ordeal seems highly suspicious to me. It’s all just too goddam convenient for the globalist elite / media / whatever else jews are in charge of.
My mom is a TDS sufferer and even she might not vote for him. Her concern was his commitment to nominate a female VP and all of the likely Democrat females are actually more revolting to my mom than Hillary was. Nobody really wants Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren to be one stroke away from the presidency.
Democrats will win simply because they been carefully changing all the rules for representation state by state. There is no electoral anymore.
i didn't vote in 2016 because i hated Hillary and the DNC, but despised Trump even more and thought Hillary would coast to an ez victory like everyone else. I was even prepared to troll the fuck out of Trumplets here after that and I embarrassingly made a compilation image similar to the ones people made about Romney here in 2012 to shitpost with.
I actually laughed when Trump won, I thought it was funny, watched him stumble through that victory speech with his retarded family at nearly 2am or whatever it was that night, then went to sleep and it hit me, holy fucking shit this retarded orange fuck is now the president and I didn't vote. Since then I've changed, I've voted in every local and national election since even though my district voted 76% for Trump in 2016 and won't ever elect a Democrat, but I still vote. I voted for John bel Edwards in 2019 and my vote helped him win a Democrat to the Louisiana governorship and not that retard Eddie Rispone who even Trump makes it seem like he's a genius in comparison.
I will vote for whoever is running against Trump this time, even Biden who I really dislike because people don't seem to grasp that this isn't about republican or democrat anymore, it's about what our country will become, and 4 more years under Trump will fucking destroy us. Things will never return to normal, ignorance will be the new normal, people will be proud to be as stupid and ignorant and uninformed as the president. America is a dumb fucking country, which is why we have Trump.
That said, if he is re-elected, we fucking deserve it, because Democrats have had 4 fucking years to get our shit together and defeat this literal orange retarded narcissistic cunt and if they lose this they deserve to lose every election from here on out. I swear to god if he wins again this country is fucking done, he will destroy all gov't regulation of the environment, prop up the coal industry, and continue to deny scientific facts and evidence. Fuck Trump.
Why is your map a ghetto knock off? Kek.
He is though, more-so than Obama and Bush Jr.
its going to be Klob desu. Minnesota is in the bag if its Klob
tldr kys for posting that wall of shit fag
there will not be an election due to pandemic war and assorted other horsemen.
Also go back.
They said hillary would win by 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 electoral votes, so this guarantees a Trump presidency
i guess it IS over
Fuck dude.
CNAS is just PNAC reinvented for the Democrats.
Victoria Nuland is Robert Kagan's wife!!!
The push for war with Russia? Complete fucking bullshit!
I'd take my daughters downtown to turn them out before I'd ever vote for a Democrat again.
I've probably been on Yas Forums longer than 90% of this board, on Yas Forums longer than 99% of it. Fuck you, you're the ones that came here after 2016 you Trumplet faggot.
No way PA is going blue. Purple maybe. Too many Trump supporters outside of Harrisburg, Pitt, and Philidelphia
I can larp too faggot.
>cherrypicking polls to fit your narrative
too busy having globo homo war with china for this shit to matter, also economic collapse
Joe biden....lol.
yeah, except I literally have been here and can prove it faggot, I have a Yas Forums folder that dates back to 2007, get the fuck out newfag.
Liar, You just got your first shareblue check last week.
She was one of the few who seemed like an actual human and not a cartoon character. I'm not surprised her campaign got nowhere, kek.
Up yours libtard
Sure dude, you little Trump cultists really have trouble understanding that there's a large number of us here who despise you and your little r/The_Donald invading asshats that migrated here in 2016. Fuck you, you're the ones that need to fuck right back off to reddit you cunts.
Joe Biden has been hiding in a bunker all this time, I don't think he'll even do the debates.
You've been here that long and you're still bluepilled, holy shit the mind virus is firmly lodged up your ass.
Ohios republican governor stuck his dick in this viruses mouth and blew his load through its skull. They aren’t voting blue this year.
>been here since 2007
>somehow still a delusional butthurt faggot
I'm not even mad. I'm impressed.
Implying he wont die or resign a week into his presidency because it is literally Kamala Harris' turn to break the glass ceiling
Get the fuck off my board faggot. No, not everyone is a Trump dick-sucker like you, not everyone is a literal 75 IQ brainlet that worships that orange moron.
But go ahead and keep wearing your cult hat so everyone can know what a massive little insecure retard you are, it's like a scarlet letter so we can all point and laugh when your asses get destroyed in 2020. How are you little Trumplets gonna cope when he loses?
>uh, retard?
On November 7, 2016, the night before the presidential election, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, and the Washington Post predicted that Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide. In fact, some websites such as Huffington Post and DailyKos were predicting that Hillary had a better than a 98% chance to win the election.
Yeah. How'd that work out?
Stop buying the brainwashing sold to you by the far-left propagandists of the mainstream media.
>Liberals have been proven wrong once again.
Unlike you my views aren't so easily influenced by others. I think for myself, make up my own mind, and am not deluded into a retarded cult of personality based around a clearly inept and incompetent narcissist and conman that is Trump.
I mean honestly, what kind of fucking brainlet can listen to that dolt speak for more than 5 minutes and not want to blow their fucking brains out about how stupid this shit all is?
the idea that joe biden will beat trump is hilarious.
as much as people hate trump, seeing biden babble like your deranged uncle you avoid eye contact with will frighten people more than trump's retardation does
How many new wars did he start? Or are you one of those fags who keeps saying he will start WW3 any day now?
No. This is the more likely outcome.
Nah, there will be online/app voting and Dems will somehow sweep 49/50 states.
>Generic shill reply.
You were meant for reddit, pack your bags.
>words words words
Didnt read, faggot
berniebros btfo
>some websites such as Huffington Post and DailyKos were predicting that Hillary had a better than a 98% chance to win the election.
Things that have a 2% chance of happening still happen. Why is this concept so difficult to understand?
btw, Nate Silver had Trump at 30%, which was much more realistic. Party incumbency sucked for Hillary's chances
It's not cherrypicking you dumb electionfag. There was a handful of polls that gave him a snowballs chance in hell, and all the major ones were basically calling for a solid blue country
i still have hope for nevada voting trump. you cant take that away from me.
>and am not deluded into a retarded cult of personality based around a clearly inept and incompetent narcissist and conman that is Trump.
What sources did you use to reach that conclusion? Because you said that you think for yourself, but you can't make decisions without reading the news. What sources?