United Nations Proposes New "Global Currency"


The United Nations would like the dollar, euro, yen, and other national currencies to be succeeded by a new "global currency."

That recommendation appears in a U.N. report released this week, which suggests the dollar's outsize role in international finance has ended -- and says that it's time to invent a successor currency that would be managed by a "Global Reserve Bank."

Countries could "agree to exchange their own currencies for the new currency, so that the global currency would be backed by a basket of currencies of all the members," says the 218-page report from the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development.

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Man, the UN seems to be even worse than usual with this whole coronavirus going on, globalist rats.
Makes me wonder if Deus Ex truly was a prophecy.

Jesus fucking Christ, why are the conspiracy retards always right about everything? I'm struggling with a lot of cognitive dissonance over this.

>Makes me wonder if Deus Ex truly was a prophecy.
You had to wonder?

the US dollar already facilitates this
this is as logical as people suggesting we use Esperanto

seriously asking

You think this has anything to do with the treasury/fed reserve move end of last month?

Hasn’t this idea been out there for decades? Isn’t this why the World Bank has SDRs?

can we call them Schlomos?

lol we told yall!!!

UN = China

So, China is proposing a new world currency?

What could possibly go wrong?

So fuck you NWO shill
Do you actually think people wont fight this?

Prophecy? You mean predictive programming.

>thinking people will fight this
Fucking kek

the man has a point

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Turns out your the fucking retard?

How does this help the NWO, and what is it supposed to be?

Pretty much this.

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Predictive programming. Putting the idea into the minds of a generation. Same with all the Pandemic / Outbreak movies.

>do you honestly think a few people won't punch a skyscraper-sized steel wall?

>not shekels
One job.

They weren't retarded, they were awake.

The UN suggest a one world govt with the capital in greater Israel .

As long as they get their Satanic halftime shows and their slop on a plate they’re happy you could rape their grandmother to death in front of them and they won’t mind it’s over

just a feeling

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>SEPTEMBER 9, 2009 / 3:46 PM / CBS NEWS
lmao you fucking retards don't even go to the links provided in these posts

All to benefit Jews and make them even more powerful.

You should have listened. Libertarians have been calling this for 30 years. Fuck the Pheonix, Gold and silver for lyfe.


how so?
why hasn't anyone here given me an actual answer?

even the niggers on the street see this and are screeching about it.

but dont fuck with my money, cause you dont fuck with another mans money.

You can flash a $20 or Bennie in pretty much any country and someone will trade it for goods.

It's like a generic sci-fi but without any of the good parts

if thats done the US will fall apart
no one will work for US bullshit rules and pay and accept nuEuros that are 1/4 the value of dolllars

Cynics assume the worst of people and they are always right because people are fucking scum.

this is why they released corona

>bill gates vaccines and chips coincide with the release of covid-19
>lockdowns and loss of rights all over the planet
>now these fuckers want to force global currency

the virus is real though but all of this no coincidence

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if you believe in God, then this isn't "bad" because you believe in God, but you be killed. You know, the whole revelation book speaks about this lol.

if you don't believe in God, this is bad because you are no longer your nationality. you are a "global citizen". They will spy on you somehow. the whole ID2020 thing is literally that. An new ID.
All that shit connects together.

Its probably the same type of useful idiot promoting it.
Nah. I'm fairly certain its noise to cover up the massive theft from future generations with the latest round of bail out and Fed buy ins. Just as Google uncensored CP and Pizzagate searchs as it was happening and Q started spouting prophesy. The ruling class didn't want another Occupy Wall Street or Tea Party uprising while they do their looting.

Next is global minimum wage, global welfare, and then global shantytowns as no area will be able to sequester wealth, bringing the entire world down to a level of mutual misery.

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Nope not cynical,just rational.

do it, I need a UN-backed Bitcoin-Euro hybrid to laugh at as I keep over-leveraging and exporting my inflation until I die

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From the article:

"Keep in mind that this is a U.N. report written by bureaucrats without any actual legal ability to create the global equivalent of the Federal Reserve. Anyone who remembers how a U.N. agency once called for a global e-mail tax of one cent per 100 e-mail messages -- but didn't exactly get it -- can attest to that"

Clickbait title, and alarmists on Yas Forums fall for it every time

They are looking for something more like the Euro, with governments no longer able to issue their own currency.
Its been planned by the Rothchilds since the '80s.

Seems like a good idea to me. It could be even more convenient if they did away with physical currency and just did digital banking all together anyway. Even bio-metrics - like, you get a chip in, say, your hand or forehead that you scan at check out and boom.

Why haven't we done something like this yet? I guess it'd be tough to roll out. Would be a beast to implement EVERYWHERE.


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Will this be before or after they get rid of physical money?

What I'm saying is cynicism is rational.

Smaller denominations can be lamp shades, soap bars and schnozes.

The time to rise up was two weeks ago when the world was put under house arrest. No one did anything.

Actually this time it's the Chinks Or it could be Jewish chinks

Fuck the UN.

The UN can suck this global dick

in today's briefing, trump talking about our currency being the best and everyone wanting to be a part of it makes sense now. he doesn't want to UN globohomo monies



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This is the second beast. The first beast is our current financial system. The first beast gives power to the second beast. Our financial system bleeds into this one world currency.

This "virus" is all by design.

Will it ever be enough for the fucking kikes?

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I support this. I will make travelling much easier.

Cold someone who isn’t a schizophrenic explain to me why this is a bad thing? Seems like it would make the world a simpler place if we didn’t have to covert our money every time we flew across a border.

I’d buy some XRP boys while it’s still cheap. That’s your global currency and micro chip implant.


Nigger that story is from 2009.

backed by what?

OP even changed the date on screenshot sneaky cunt

Human slaves.

This article is from 2009 you absolut faggot

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looks like burgers printed too much of those green papers, it will be useless

>will globohoms stop trying to make the world globohomo
No and they think this pandemic is merely a hitch towards their agenda.

It better be called Zenny

tbqh. I hate that thats prolly right

We already have a "Global currency"
It's called Bitcoin
Deal with it globalists, the Libertarians already won

I really hope so.
People are selling Oculus Rift S here for $1931,23 or R$ 10090(W/o Taxes). Hopefully, with this new global currency, the price goes down.


Nailed it in one. This really isn't even a conspiracy theory, it's all pretty public info. Has an official website (ID2020) ffs. Only thing that can't be proven is whether this virus was really an accident they decided to just jump on (actually makes a lot of sense, they seem a bit rushed) or created to purpose. End result is the same though.

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