From most to least cucked, how would you rank these countries?

From most to least cucked, how would you rank these countries?

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Sweden, Leafland, Germany, UK.

I mean they aren't that cucked if you thunk about it. Look at my flag, were cucked.

>Look at my flag, were cucked.
>Literal fucking Sweden
>America is worse than Sweden

Can't tell if meming or serious.

America is biggest cuck

Sweden, UK, Germany, Canada (has gun ownership and white man's sport, hockey)

They have a constitutional right to firearms and self defense, there is no way they can be more cucked than the UK or Sweden.



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UK, Sweden, GERMany, leafland


it's san fancisco: the country
slightly less cucked than sweden if only for groups like AfD and old school villages that hate niggers still
got out of EU. get rid of pakis and reestablished the empire I'd be very happy for them. has potential to get off this list if they kill the royal family and halted mass immigration.
Most canucks are actually great to be around and aren't cucked. if it wasn't for Trudeau and being a Chinese colony you would definitely not be up for consideration at all

we've all be cucked in some way. really sad this is the state of the white man. hope we can turn it around

Canada is literally the only country that didn't cover up/protect Muslim rape gangs.

Say what you want about Canada, it's multi-dimensions below the rest, ESPECIALLY the UK


And to be clear that's not going to change any time soon. Indians and Chinese don't like Muslims, so ironically, the less white Canada is, the less cucked it would be.

We're the most cucked easily, we've left the EU so we can have more niggers and pakis whilst cutting taxes on the rich. None of our industry is British owned.

wasn't the point of brexit to stop the mass immigration?

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Depends what you mean by cucked.
UK is the most cucked when it comes to our nanny state government and laws.
Swedes are the most cucked on an individual, personal level. They fully get behind the globohomo agenda.
Germany is the most cucked in terms of self hatred and guilt, leading them to virtue signal the most.
Canada voted the biggest cuck on the planet to lead them so that speaks for itself.

EU allowed for immigration inbetween EU countries. UK has a massive Polish community.

Leaving the EU didn't change the government's policy towards immigration. It just means immigrants come from outside the EU more now.

*Indian colony

It doesn't mean anything yet because we haven't gone yet. Boris was talking about an Australian style system and a ban on low wage migrants, but Boris is a lying globalist faggot so I'll believe it when I see it.

I would say Indians are built for the BCC but there is no waay in hell I'm touching that shit.

holy fuck that's even worse
i would take poles over pakis any day

also OP left out france

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Australia is getting taken over by Chinese, just like Canada.

Here I was thinking that Boris, with his past history of racist comments, would ACTUALLY be a racist in government. Damn lefties got my hopes up.

No its a Chinese colony because China have bought up all their property. India couldn't do that because they can't afford it.

In theory, having more outside EU immigration could be way better.

Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America and UK are all brothers.

But by non-EU, they just mean not white.

Yeah but you only gain entry if it's asylum or refugee. South African boers can't get out for shit. plus as the britbong said, all industry is not even english so what's the point of moving there if my boss is a muslim or chink and feminists run rampant.
english hillside is highly underrated and comfy though

I want to move to America, but I also want to be a cop irl

I feel like those conflicts, personally, would conflict because it wouldn't be my community to take care of.

Shit sucks, senpai

Leaders don't become leaders unless they cuck to the globalist system, like Trump with all the bullshit about the wall. They appeal to populist sentiment to get elected but in reality they arent much different to any other politicians.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? I would say that being a globalist in public would get you elected, but if you're elected, you can just institute more populist actions

G*rmany > Sweden > UK / East Coast Cucknadia > West Coast Cucknadia

Every single one is cucked into oblivion

Cops get a very comfy job and you can rise up in the small towns fast if you suck ass and run for a sheriff seat. Nice pensions if you stay the whole ride.
Personally, I wouldn't want to be a zookeeper for all the nogs, otherwise, I would consider it.
It's really important for Yas Forumsacks to get in good positions in their communities just like the commies did and redpill people.
This is the only solution to turning the tide.
All that Charlottesville nonsense makes us open season for the media. Groups like that only work in major crisis.

UK, Germ*ny-Sweden, Leafistan

1. Canada
2. Sweden
3. UK
4. Germany

>(has gun ownership and white man's sport, hockey)
So does Sweden, retard. Doesn't make us less cucked.

Sweden is most cucked but we are definetly close behind. Bu the time Trudeau leaves office in 2034 we will have surpassed them.

Yeah, but you play hockey like your Swedish.

there is only one answer.
Canada, Germany, UK, Sweden

I literally lived in every of these for a while.
canada is in general by far the least cucked of these.

and germany also has some common sense and based boomers that prohibit the politics to completely go crazy.

but UK is hard to find normal places and sweden is pure hell

Also, french-canadians aren't cucked they're codpieced.

dead heat...

nothing but 4 losers.

Yeah, which means we play well.

Canada is automatically least cucked then any of those, simply because we can legally buy a firearm and defend ourselves with it.
There's noting more pathetic then not being allowed to not get stabbed and rapped.

Pro: Small country, can be moved politically one way or another easier than the rest.
Con: Terribly self-hating, far too trusting and permissive

Pro: Arguably best gun laws of the group, rural population overwhelmingly white and widespread
Cons: White population has zero cohesive identity. Mixture of Je Me SoUvIeNs!!! and Lette us sucke uppe too Olde Mother Aenglande! Plus a few Slavs in the West.

Pro: It's Germany
Cons: Ferocious attacks on the culture, language, and history of the people made across the West since 1933.

Canada is least cucked. Their wokeness is just empty virtue signalling.
Once a politician proposed that our immigration system should be more like Canadian, more selective. All the other parties slammed it for being repulsive and straightforward fascist.

3rd or 4th best, for sure

How is UK number 3 and Canada number 1, you retard.

Point to me where 100,000 Canadian schoolgirls were raped by Muslims and the Canadian government protected them

This isn't a debate, you dumb cunt. Canada is the only country on the list who HASN'T covered up non-white crimes. They mishandled them, sure, but they don't straight up whitewash it and pretend they don't exist.

to be honest I don't see any problem with canada.
it's like a clean and less degenerated version of USA

I would call Canada chinked instead of cucked.

fuck, I confused from most to least cucked.
no, I mean from least to most.
canada least and sweden most

Canada takes in way more immigrants per capita than the US, and has 1/10th as many whites overall.

Canada is honestly less white than the US at this point I think.

Forgot about the UK, sorry bongs!

Pro: Britain created one of the mightiest empires in world history.

Cons: Britain has arguably fallen the hardest. Canada has always been a colony, Germany lost both world wars, and Swedish military power in the 16-1700's is mostly forgotten now. Britain, not long ago, was a world-spanning empire with colonies across the globe. Now it's a dreary island with Pakistani rape gangs.

Also US cucks us economically. Most big businesses are owned by the US or other countries.

Maybe 20-30 years ago. Urban centres have become swarmed with people from India and China. I think Canadians are just too isolated to realize the problems across the world affect them too.

Based Samurai Warrior

but somehow I felt more safe and more like I am in a civilianised country than in the USA.
in USA even the whites behave like niggers and think this is somehow based

Actually very hard question. For every child raping suntanned German and their 20 apologists there is a British "Asian" groomer his 16 cousons and some bong getting arrested for having an illegal bike wheel or hurting someone's feelings online.
Contrast with the most cucked PM in history and his open invite to brown infiltrators that makes Sweden, home of the cucked husband and resident black bull look positively far right.

Canada is honestly the best country in the world when it comes to handling immigration.
The process is extremely selective and wastes no time discarding human trash, a benefit of the country being only accessible to those who can afford a plane ticket since we don't have neighboring 3rd world countries.
When applying for a Canadian citizenship, everyone with a criminal record, no job opportunity/goals, no proper family or an unstable personality are ignored. Only those who are genuinely looking to improve themselves, their loved ones and can benefit our country get in.
So you only get fantastic people.

Canada is more orderly than America, I would say that. Our enrichment is Chinese and Indians, who are more corrosive rather than destructive.

Lol, quit getting triggered. They aren't the ones who had a literal Somali minister of immigration, lol. And a PM who is the illegitimate cuck son of Fidel that his mom got when she cucked her husband. I would have put the UK at 2nd, but they actually left the EU, so that earns them some plus points.

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exactly this

Canada is the most cucked. They are literally being colonized. We might have grenade lobbing somalis running rampant but atleast we own our own fucking country still, and that won't change for atleast 30 years if even then. Imagine being a cocksleeve for the chinese and pretending you're not cucked. What a disgrace

I believe that's checkmate canada

>Calling anyone cucked
You are literally the rape capital of the world. It's the second most popular Swedish stereotype after meatballs.

>we don't have neighboring 3rd world countries

Uhm, you border America, remember?

Tfw I've never seen a chinese person in my life only koreans and they work are already westernized

Rape isn't synonymous with cucked. We're the rape capital, but you're the cuck capital.

Shut up bitch. These east Asians are built for the BCC, but Swedish "women" (6'5 manjaws) are built for the Somalis.

I like it just like how it is :^)

There is a LOT of sexual tension between Canada and Sweden itt.