What's the fucking end game here?
WTF is happening with this virus outrage?!
Reparations china will pay soon
excess of deaths are NOT due to COVID-19
hypochondriacs go to hospital, healthcare staff panic, in goes the tube, and they die on the vent
Given the strange life change for most of us in burgerland it seems like it's just enough to effect our way of life but not enough to actually do any thing assuming it's actually super bad.
See bread and circus hasn't truly ended just yet. So people are entertained and distracted, but most cannot work and so have all day to freak out about the virus. We are told to isolate, stay a distance apart. I already see people adjusting by no longer speaking to each other, not even looking at each other. But overall life is going on as normal as possible. The urge to keep things as they were is strong enough to sway off any thought about what the fuck is going on.
Simple, the CDC prefers deaths to be overestimated rather than underestimated.
This. I was walking my dog today and while I was going down the street people 20 yards from me would cross to the other side and at times I’d do the same. There’s still the sporadic groups of idiotic families congregating together on a driveway and everyone that walks by gives them a look. It’s fucked.
This. Most people are just accepting it as a huge nuisance but realize we all gotta do it.
I dont get strange looks going out to the store with my full face mask anymore
saw this earlier today somewhere
about 25 people die at home every day in nyc. 200 are dying a day now. so 175 arent counted or tested.
also 100-400 call ems for symptoms but never make it to the hospital. they aren't counted or tested either
>they die on the vent
This. If by any chance youre with a family member and they want to ventilate, do not let them. It kills most people. And it's probably not dire enough to be worth the risk.
Same. My mother went out to the shop today to buy groceries and I asked her “Did you wear your mask” (N95) she’s like “Yep” and I go “was anyone else wearing one?” She’s goes “everyone but the people who worked there”
lol what a faggot
I wouldn't call the cops on anyone you fucking dilettante but if you can't feel the tinge of anxiety and nervousness in the air when you walk outside and see others going about their day your a fucking moron.
today on cbc they were talking about younger dying of strokes. very unusual. they will be tested in canada now
Many such cases
Fuck off literal fake news shill
One person died in India due to police beating a person down, hundreds of cases here of baranggay (like a street manager) captains abusing their authorities. I don't feel fucking good about this worldwide lockdown, rights will be ceased and abused. It's already a shithole here, the only hope is the people of the west again influence the world about freedom. Where is fucking founding fathers and Voltaire when you need them.
>Calls me a shill
>Meme flaggot
I'll only give you a YOU for the bump on this thread.
My countries entire existence is a lesson in freedom. learn it. especially the failures.
Selling your country to China right under your nose, but don't worry Boomer the debt was all just a number and the trade deficit is just some business man's problem
Very few such cases.
If you’re still scared of meme virus at this point, you are the moron
1. Not enough test kits
2. COVID contributes to deaths that otherwise wouldn't be happening if covid wasn't there.
Yep. This is how they’ve managed to convince all these retards that the death rate is fucking 2%. It’s like .05% or less.
My county's only death so far was a 95 year old woman with terminal metastatic lung cancer. It was totally the corona that killed her.
Interesting. In my suburb people are saying hi more often and generally spending more time outside playing with kids or doing yard work. I’m still working every day but the spirits are pretty good here in Colorado.
Forgot to mention that you’re probably the fucking weirdo giving everyone sideways glances. Are you a cvg drone by chance?
American scientists can’t be trusted
It seem everyone in the world is avoiding America
It’s like aids you in America you can’t say they had aids you say they died of liver failure and ect.
Trump cut the cdc in China so that could be from Fort Detrick, Maryland cover up
No idea. Every fucking person I've talked to sees through the bullshit. I almost want to say that they are trying to bait people to respond with violence.
You do realise this shows that shit is worse than we believe?
If people are dropping dead so they need to do this, things aren't looking good
my state only has 300ish and handful of dead.
are people dropping dead? media shows body bags so stacked up they put them next to the toilets but regular jackoffs are finding empty hospitals.
Ok chang
Pushing back against chicom fear shilling
I will just leave this here.
just that fact we're doing what we already are seems like it means it is a lot worse than we thought
makes sense. the recent reports about blacks being more susceptible seems like the last play to rile them up
don't worry, i'm sure if the virus doesn't get you the boredom will
Wow pol proves itself to be retarded NPCs... Yet again.
M.E.D.I.A. M.A.D.E. H.Y.S.T.E.R
worldometer sources are the (((mainstream media))).
It's all a ruse. You've been had.
>if you can't feel the tinge of anxiety and nervousness in the air
That's exactly why people need to know that it's not as scary as it seems.
China going on a lockdown shows they obviously believed this virus to be dangerous. The WHOLE world following is also a sign. You people are dense. I’m sure the United States, China, and all the elites are just conspiring to put you in FEMA camps or some shit like you schizos think. Italy using military trucks to haul bodies and endless pages of obituaries I’m sure are all so common occurrences each year. Damn this board is retarded.
>COVID contributes to deaths that otherwise wouldn't be happening if covid wasn't there.
>mfw 400 pound 92 year old grandfather with copd could have lived another couples weeks if it wasn't for this. this sure was worth shutting the economy down
what are you doing here then buddy? fucking plebs
you don't have to worry about liabilities if you die from epidemic. Otherwise Insurance has to payout. CDC/WHO buys Life Insurance bundles on stock market, and attribute all deaths to epidemic which is not covered by life insurance policy. WIN WIN! Like 9/11 kikery all over again
>Top down instruction
>What's the fucking end game here?
Nothing good, I think the Gates Vaccine is the next logical step after the hype-train.
Probably something to do with insurance companies slithering out of paying claims...
moot needs to ban this flagrant lockdown shilling . There is no way these are genuine
Typical no source leaf rofl
>It kills most people
can you elaborate on this user?
if they're families they either all have or they don't you fucking retard
This story is bullshit. I'm literally listening to Dr. Henry Niman on Rense right now and he's saying the opposite. He's saying a lot more people innth US are dying at home and they're not listing the cause as COVID so the case numbers are actually much higher than what they're reporting.
Fucking low IQ asshole. Turn off your computer and don't come back.
Here it is straight from the CDC:
"It is important to emphasize that Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is ASSUMED to have caused or contributed to death"
>it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”
>tfw it's literally just a late flu season
My friend is a surgery tech in the San Francisco area. He said the estimate of deaths from people who backed out of ALREADY scheduled heart/cancer surgery is already at 150,000.
basically the media hype killed all those people by making them afraid to go to get their procedures. No doubt they will add these numbers to the C-19 toll
Yeah, we know it's manufactured bullshit
Have grandparents whose friends cancelled chemo too
It's easy. They will call these drastic measures a success when the right time comes, whenever they want to. They will start testing everyone instead of just sick people, while simultaneously counting less people who die from other causes.
The whole fraction will change drastically and the covid problem will appear to be solved.
Also there is no test for the covid 19 virus. They test for genetic material which may or may not be caused by a virus.
Yas Forums is just another normie site at this point. it was supposed to be for social outcast ffs