Uh guys? What the fuck is happening?

Who could need the PPE more than hospitals?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Phase two has already begun

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Ok schitzos, explain.

These are the same faggots who want them to seize our guns? Fuck 'em

Ok, so what the fuck are the hospital workers gunna do about it? Exactly, based feds.


tell them to call the cops

They’re infected
Seizing to burn not use

hospitals around the country have been hoarding supplies
some hospitals have more than they need other hospitals dont have enough
so the feds are redistributing supplies to hospitals that need it more like hospitals in nyc
hospitals that were hoarding and had their supplies taken are now angry so they complained to the la times



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Dire Straits? Boy that sounds familiar. What's that?

That is gommunism. Wtf blumpf!


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Jesus are you guys ever off the clock?


not a shill, just sick of Q. I have been in countless threads and not once have I been shown anything that makes him/they legit.

Or maybe the higher ups are getting cold feet and want to stock their bunker just in case. We're in a low trust society now so it's best to just start assuming the worst. These people do not have your best interest in mind.

My cousin is an east coast Navy Seal. His platoon just got deployed to South Korea in the middle of a workup. He's shipping out Thursday with 6 other platoons. He said 3rd Rangers are being deployed there on the same day too. Something's going on.

Because yellow stone is gonna blow its load all over Americas face and breathing in volcanic ash is way more deadly than flu.

I only don't know 3 of those faces. I've been here too long.

the "bunkers" are already stocked




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they aren't seizing them.

fed gov is the ones who gave them those masks since state governors didnt prepare supplies.

every state got a bunch but it turns out some states got a surplus that they dont need so they are moving them to hotspots like newyork.

msm and hospitals are such kikes.
>oy how will we survive

their insurance payments are probably the best they have ever gotten in the last 20 years and yet they want more and more federal funding.

literal fucking kikes

Go watch Alex Jones latest videos it's crazy how he breaks all this down.

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Jared Kushner wants it all for his personal stockpile.

Holy shit. A cousin just flew over my house. It’s happening!

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sounds like communism

There is a plane full of PPE flying every day from America to Israel and not a single MIGA shill will talk about it

>Hospitals say
Admins or staff.

Admins can get fucked. They aren't interacting with or meeting any of the demands of staff. I've talked to dozens of people trying to help Hospitals get what they need and the Admins of the Hospitals are constantly asserting preparedness and claiming they have everything they need, then the staff say the opposite. Admins are sabotaging the ability of their staff to keep the facility functional.

Fun fact, U.S. special forces do not use the same military structure squad > platoon > company, etc.
They operate in A-Teams, and are assigned/stationed regionally. Unless your Seal is medical and being attached to a unit, you would never tell your family your platoon is doing something.
Platoons are also not individually deployable, again, besides MEDCOM. Regiments consisting of support units may, but combat arms never works this way. Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
Unless he's Delta, he and 11 other guys aren't being deployed on their own somewhere.

Alternatively, your cousin just flew over my house.

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Eat shit commie

Thanks based fact checker

When will dumb fuck Americans realize their govt are a bunch of traitorous pedophile Jew slaves who are actively hostile to white Americans and Europeans worldwide? How much more fucking evidence do you need when the president is literally spending all his time whining about much Israel, but doesn't at all give a shit about white issues in the country. Hires should have killed these Jew infested liberal pedophile goats decades ago, now this type of shit is the penalty for cowardice. You're the only people well armed enough to slaughter your Feds with relative ease, but you're too fucking lazy and stupid to do anything.

The people should have killed these Jew infested pedophile traitors decades ago*

You don't know what you're talking about. Each SEAL Team is comprised of 6- 8 platoons with 16- 24 men each.

I'll take this one guys *cough* WE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIIIE!!!!

Thanks reddit

nigger, they're redistributing it to other hospitals in more "need."
while you shitstains were focused on the reptillians in the subterranean cities Trump is blowing up, we went full commie shithole.
Fuck sake.

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Remember when the corrupt mayors in Puerto Rico were storing supplies in warehouses after the hurricane to make trump look bad? The feds are just trying to prevent that from happening on a national level

the 'muh joo' meme is getting boring bro. go larp as a wignat on the stormer LMFAO

you're a fucking retard.

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Is it true that the government is also buying up cattle, dairy, and staples grains to horde in their bunkers while the supply chain is shitting itself?
No one on this board has posted about the food and agriculture industry fucjery going on. Not even growers on /out/ are aware yet

release the spy kids

But dozens and dozens of very very incorrect q posts.

NYC sold all there ventilators in 2016
If you are prepared you are a criminal if your sleazy you are intitled
This is not America
The UN needs to step up and take control of America and stop turning a blind eye

Got any proof that the hospitals that need the stuff are actually getting it? Everything you said was nothing more than an assumption and hoping redistribution is all that is happening.

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I'm still surprised that paper mask technology is beyond the capabilities of the United States.

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Of course he doesn't have any proof. He just says what he wants to be the case.

Are you an Iranian spy telling Iran the us Government military operations ?

Die in a fire you slave of Israel, you and your family


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1. war
2. nigglers be stealen dem shits

The SOP on bioattacks is a first round to stress the health care system, collapse the economic system if possible, wait for the conversation of manufacturing to medical supply & equipment then you drop the second more deadly version followed by a military attack. Expect the second release globally by the end of May and the attack on the west coast around October/November.

Sounds like communism.

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OJ simson play a navy seal how many were there in the movie

lol I was wondering where my command was going to come up with free masks for everybody. Sucks to suck, civilians.

I'm missing 1

I can tell you without a doubt that the hospitals in florida are hording body bags. I had to argue for hours to 3 I needed last night, why they're doing this I have no idea but they're are doing it.


Christianity in a nutshell

If real you and your cousin are going to be in for an extremely bad time in the near future

>implying Christians are behind this

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((((((((((((((((((Noam N. Levey
Noam N. Levey writes about national healthcare policy out of Washington, D.C., for the Los Angeles Times))))))))))))))))))))
>kiked again


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The idea that 12 million people can control 1.3 billion people is ludicrous, unless the 1.3 billion are idiotic Christians who believe their sky god will come back on a winged horse waving a sword. Jews laugh all the way to the bank.

Why aren't we taking housing away from greedy landlords who have been hoarding it? Why aren't we taking money from greedy banks that have been hoarding it? That's the logical end of your argument for redistribution of medical supplies. Millions will die like in Soviet Russia if you get what you want.

LMAO it's so fucking sadly obvious the pampered children are at a loss the magic is no longer working

if you don't give an archive link why should I care?

((who)) yes

the grocery stores are half empty the supply chains are fucked up

I dont know who the lizards and the skull are either.

Everybody likes Q because he tells people what they want to hear. End of globalists and brand new better world. But reality is, he/they are random shills like alex jones or zerohedge or any random youtuber conspiracy theoriest.

You ain't seen nothing yet. Give it another three weeks. I sure hope you got a 100 lbs of rice and canned food stocked up.

Sure thing fuckwad, I'll build a tower of blue helmets.

Not in my neck of the woods in SoCal. Everything is in stock except hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes.

That Q bullshit, I used to be open-minded about it. If he was really trying to help people bring down the govt. He'd actually have strategic plans on how to do it. Not some "guess the word" puzzle type shit. It wouldn't be all of these dumbass riddles and clues that take several months to solve, if the alivhty savior, Q was real. Stop it and wake the hell up. No one is going to save this country but ourselves by finally starting to take action. You Qtards are coward waiting on someone else to save you. It's not gonna happen. Look around. It's obviously not gonna happen. No one can save you but you and all the rest of us standing together and going to war.

2018!???? LMFAO. That just proves my point! Q was a faggot ass Larper!

Thanks, user! Those are my thoughts exactly!!

I want to support the media business that goes out of their way to give us good stories fag.

They never did.

> (((Jew York City))) needs those supplies, Goyim!