/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·NatSoc Ideology
·Active Movements
·NatSoc History
·Physical and Mental Improvements
·General Plans

What are you waiting for? Take the pledge!
> For the good of my people:
> I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind
> I must BUILD our culture and communities
> I must FIGHT for the future of my race
> We will endure forever!

>But what really is National Socialism?
National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.

Would you like to know more? Check out the Pastebin & learn the truth!

Security first! Follow this guide to stop your ISP from spying on your browser traffic, & to view blocked sites.

These are your allies. They fight for your freedom:
- gab.com/ProjectWhite
- bitchute.com/channel/projectwhite/
- t.me/project_white
- gab.com/Der_Sieg
- BRAND NEW VIDEO: bitchute.com/video/266QQeZTEN43/

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Hitler was right

The greatest story never told


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Checked and heiled.
Hail the new dawn

I hope this thread doesn't devolve into usual shitposting.

Humanity is beautiful; with national socialis, we can assure it stays this way.

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Cringepilled. How's life in the trailer park?

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hitlers views on multiculturalism


Based bump.

I really appreciate these photographs from the times of the German Reich - they are THE evidence of the great sacrifice and patriotism of the German people. It saddens me that the beautiful idea of National Socialism did not manage to move on to other European states. This was probably the last hope of creating a European community of truly sovereign and national states...

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What is this virus filled shit? Trailer park is that way wigger.

Why isn't this general more popular than /ptg/?

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You're batting a thousand
at my little lakeside vacation 3 room shack atm. fried up the catfish I caught and okra in cornmeal batter earlier. Wife is asleep in bed and doggos asleep at my feet. Cat was asleep on my lap but it keeps perching on my shoulder and nuzzling my ear. She likes catfish too. And you?

theyre ads and redirects - guys gotta make money and i'm willing to chip in. here's a pretty picture with words on it that even a Yas Forumstard can into. or you can join the big boys and get you a copy of Mein Kampf. protip: ch 11

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because this is /nupol/ and theres faggot that's spamming these threads with "diversity is our strength" multiculturalistic national socialism

>Thinks I'm not NatSoc
I'm criticizing your use of degenerate skulls and skinhead shit. Wignats are unironically better off dead then further trampling on NS. That blog also redirects to porn sites and is NOT something that blogspot ads do by default so whoever runs that website is not on our side and is a piece of shit. Money's on it being a Jew copypasta of a better site for ez wigger ad money.

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I'm positive there are groups and campaigns to subvert Yas Forums. This place is just too good and powerful to be true

>degenerate skulls and skinhead shit
Picture very much related

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Of course there is. Look at all the Q/flat earth posting and other well poisoning posts.

NatSoc is inherently race based and goal is white dekiked ethnostate.

I always figured other retarded conspiracies were well-poisoning to make all conspiracies look bad and to keep those from finding out the (((truth))).

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That's what they don't get yet

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Agreed, they're utterly fascinating. Historical photos of the Reich provide an honest look at how national socialism was celebrated and supported all throughout Europe.

Don't be sad user, there's still hope.

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how do we stop the jewish world order being implemented under the mask of china virus currently?

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Reminder that

Hitler was a Deist

Himmler was a Pagan
Rosenberg was a Pagan

Bormann was an Atheist
Goebbels was an Atheist
Heydrich was an Atheist

For those having an anal prolapse over religion and our movement and what religion to follow when we get our state, the original NatSocs had a very diverse leadership.

In fact, they were planning to eliminate Christianity should the war have gone their way.

That is all.

>they were planning to eliminate Christianity should the war have gone their way.
Because Christanity teaches those to worship Jews?


Where in the bible does it say to worship jews?

I frequently go online and mindlessly scroll or play video games to leave the moment

I am extremely disassociated. I will stare at myself in the mirror and do different things, but it's like I am an observer seeing a body in the mirror. I move my body but it doesn't feel like me and I'm barely aware of it. All I see is the person in the mirror.

When I am thinking I think about how evil women are for liking completely morally reprehensible guys and how they are all dumb whores who want nothing but the dick of the manliness man around. I do not consider this as a bias I have about women but the sad truth of the world. Women would rather be with an evil attractive and dominant man than a weak/ugly but kind gentleman. That's why we worship niggers, gang members, and women are masturbating to documentaries about necrophiliac serial mass rapists and murderers like Ted Bundy.

I think about how weak I am and how my father is a complete pussy ass bitch who would let the whole family die if someone broke into the home. How my mother is a dumb whore using my father for money. How she raised me to be weak as shit. How she was trying to prepare me to be a weak little bitch to wage slave for some women so that her sad existence could have the legacy of grandchildren because her life is utterly meaningless. I hate both my parents from the bottom of my heart. They are the saddest and most pathetic people I have ever seen and have produced genetic jokes of children. I seriously wish they had killed themselves, remained forever alone, or been selfless enough to not reproduce with their shit fucking genetics.

I think about how I have no purpose in life, my goal has been to get a job. Work to death for some whore whose been with 20 if not hundreds of other guys and is now 35 years old and raise those kids so that they too may wage slave for their family and the Jews. I think about how I don't have a reason to get up in the morning. I think about how I have no interests or goals because I realized I was following a fake goal my whole life because that is all I know. Study, college, job, marriage, raise kids to make Jews rich, die. What a sad fucking existence.

I think about what I can do to get better. I lift weights in the gym 6x a week. I push myself to do 3-4 more reps when I feel like I have to give up because it's getting hard. I count my calories and eat and am gaining weight. I do my school work. I sleep on the floor without a pillow to try to fix my posture. I try to be more assertive and stop letting my mom bully me into submitting to her will/being her pet. I ignore her most of the time and straight up say NO when she says some of her stupid shit now. Im moving away in a few months to other side of country and plan on cutting off all contact with my family. They are just bringing me down. I think about how I've never had a friend group and only remain in contact with friends that I met when I was 14 or younger although I am almost 22. I think about how I can possibly build a meaningful life (not the blue pill work for the Jews life) from a life that currently only has exercise, work, and meaningless distraction. Even if I get jacked af I doubt people will respect me. Ill still have a weak skull and face. Ill still have a not masculine voice. How am I supposed to build meaningful experiences when I have no experiences whatsoever. Everyone around me has given up and just does drugs/alcohol. What a sad fucking joke of a life these people live where you have to artificially make yourself feel good to even cope with existence.

does anyone have the documentary where a non-zionist jew goes to a holocaust museum and debunks the gas chambers there? I can't find it and don't remember what it's called.

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New Video Series by James Mason

SIEGE Audiobook here:

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Oh look - they're coming for you....


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After their fake attacks they're going to eradicate Racism and Bigotry by eradicating 'White Supremecy'.
Since there's no such thing as 'Supremecy' how do you think they're going to eradicate 'White supremecy'?
Looks like Trump WAS literally Hitler after all.
Oh the irony.

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I got banned fro k/ so what are you skinhead faggots up to

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Hey, I guess this is why we saw all those Hebrew 'nazis' and glow-spooks behind Charlottesville suddenly taking off their 'klan robes'. Including Richard Spencer.

>..... the designation was made possible by an order by TRUMP that allows designation of terrorists based on their training, not necessarily participation in violence.

So basically, it's totally arbitrary.
Thank to Trump. Dems couldn't have got away with this so easily?

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>“This group has innocent blood on its hands,” Sales said.

LoL @ Americans.

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Hey 'White Supremecists' go hide out in Paris. American Military might not bomb you there because of the majority population of faithful muslims and jews and you might be able to scrounge something to eat if you beg outside the mosque. Or you could trade your daughter.

Based and NatSocpilled
It is. We have some ~50 posters. /PTG/ literally is 3 people.

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Fight back. Help your community, and astart flyiering. Once you prove them you're a friend, they'll listen to the redpills.

>same disproved image
Mostly dealing with shills