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>I am scared of gays, I run in terror when I see them, I scream and make a scene and cry and am paranoid about homos in my closet
>I am homophic

>I dont want queers fucking on my tv in front of my children on the morning news
>I am also homophobic

this hasnt been confirmed yet stop with this bullshit

Bold and original, stunning and brave

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This thread just happened a few hours ago, at least wait a day you fag.

Naughty Dog has been headed downhill ever since Amy Hennig left.

Everything Druckmann does is dark and self-serious to the point of being obnoxious.


... so Joel is the bad guy?

doesnt the main character get raped as well?

They indefinitely delayed that game because of corona and are refunding pre orders lol

Have you considered that being opposed to homosexuality in a society where humanity is on the brink of extinction actually makes a lot of sense?

It’s weird how Druckmann forced Hennig out during the development of Uncharted 4. Not just her but a bunch of others.

why do game devs always put gross specs all over their faces

Agreed. Seems like he’s got a massive ego. I really disliked the tone shift between Uncharted 3 and Uncharted 4. 4 didn’t feel like an Uncharted game to me. The light Indiana Jones pulp feel was toned way down and I missed it.

the blame rests solely on the so󠛡yboys that keep buying this shit

That's only a problem for consolefags really. I'm sitting here enjoying bannerlord.

>Anti fag Christians
>In 2020
Every Christian I've ever met is either apathetic about fags or loves them more than liberals, even if they don't admit it.

is that really what the ps5 is capable of? looks like something that could have been done 15 years ago on PC

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>overtly with a muslim flag while offering an opinion on Christianity
shut the fuck up nupol

1. The devs today are hacks
2. The devs have gross specs on their faces so they put it on their characters

Liberals are a cancer that destroy everything the touch

But its shelved, baiting niggers

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It's a PS4 game.

Honestly, this is bullshit. Major developers are just as homophobic as the people they pretend to be better than. If they wanted to really fly the fag flag, they’d make the main character a gay male. But they won’t, because they know their games won’t sell to a predominantly straight male audience if they do that. So instead we get lesbians as a virtue signaling stand in for all LGBTQAAIPXBOX360GTAV people.

it's kind of weird that Christians are the only religious people that are intolerant of gays

> violent homophobic religious zealots
Uh… Muslims?!


I don’t get it. Aren’t games meant to be empowering or fun or something? Wouldn’t you try and make them as pretty as possible? I get that The Last of Us is meant to be realistic and story driven or something, but I still don’t get it. How many people do you see irl that are that freckled or have that many sun spots? Maybe they can’t do skin texture right so they compensate with color. I guess it’s better than it looking like PS2 graphics.

Thanks user for saving money.

what if they were homo-hating muslims?

It's the truth nigger, if it wasn't gay marriage wouldn't be legal in Christian majority countries

Christianity was defanged over decades before LGBT made their move
Also a lot of islamic countries see shemales as women therefore dont count them as gay marriages
not to mention your penchant for boy ass on the "down low"

>homosexuality in a post-apocalyptic world being tolerated. Especially among females, who are needed to keep the human race alive

The first game barely qualified as a video game, and this looks even worse.

I’ve never played this series but if it is about the last of humanity why would it be a good thing to be a gay who doesn’t contribute the restarting the race?

the more these retarded leftists take their target audience for dummies, the better

Isn't this game supposed to be about zombies?

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>Here’s 10 reasons why this game is going to smash the hetero-archly. If you suck cocks, this is a MUST buy

>Upon actual game release

What the fuck, there’s only 1 gay character in this game and he’s binary. I can’t believe these filthy breeders had to ruin this game with their heteronormalcy. Fucking bigots

That's not nearly as rampant as your love for faggotry, we remove as many as we let go while you champion them as the embodiments of your civilization.

I belong to Christendom and nothing else.

are the top two midget lesbians in a tiny limousine?

Fuck you christcuck, well kill your buddies and theres nothing you can do about it

Is 2020 my anoncat, degenerates (homos) over plot.

Director is (((Neil Druckman)))

Every. Single. Time.

Imagine being so gay and butt hurt and mad at God that you threaten people through a Japanese image board

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So something thats been dead for years?

Jak and Daxter was fun game.
I miss when naughty dog made exciting otherworldly action fantasy

The western liberal narrative is that all who are not straight white Christian males are natural allies to each other, which is utterly delusional.

You wish, heathen

>Console faggotry

>Aren’t games meant to be empowering or fun or something? Wouldn’t you try and make them as pretty as possible?
You would think so but the leftists that have invaded gaming whine about MUH SEXIST MALE GAZE so alot of game devs intentionally make their female characters less attractive.

Uncharted 3 was their last video game. Since then, they've been making muh (((art)))

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number 3 was my favourite, that Living Daylights set piece and walking across the desert shit was the highlight. 4 felt like they forgot to put enemies in the game for you to shoot

>implying it's a bad thing.

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Druckman is kind of a guy who honestly believes he is creating "interactive art" and detests video games being video games.

God doesn't hate fags, but they sure do hate him.

>We don't use the word fun when talking about the Last of Us 2


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wait. was it 'rape' or was it 'rape' rape

Based on what?

is the plot about the protagonists getting married and getting the antagonists to bake their wedding cake? because modern christians don't physically attack gays for being gay
