Thoughts on the new press secretary? i think trump has good taste

thoughts on the new press secretary? i think trump has good taste

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Weird photo angle, or she only has one boob

Hope she’s sharp

>i think trump has good taste
You mean the deep state? Only they keep picking beautiful bimbos for administrative positions.


for someone with her looks she dresses very modestly too. definitely a keeper

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she seems smart

When Trump posts a job on Indeed, it has to say:

Candidate requirements:
Fake tits
Whorish make-up
Tight-fitting outfits

Even Ivanka fits this profile.

looks a little like ivanka

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white woman are shockingly gross

changed my mind. clearly she never lifted weights

No doubt, we did some work around the spawar “executive” building... its nickname is the playboy mansion... literally navy brass and hundreds of bimbos in high heals and tight skirts

Kinda looks like Ivanka

Kellyanne is old anyway

How dare you make fun of her monotit

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And boiled dog is delicious. Shut the fuck up chink

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He actually picked her?! Interdasting

Not enough diversity for the american people. Needs to be racially ambiguous

I wonder how "hard and long" the interview was

look at her jew face

Kellyanne has a problematic wing nut husband.

This. I love Kellyanne, she is obviously very talented at what she does, but she isn't as appealing and her husband is a problem.

Can't decide until I see a picture of her feet and asshole. Come back when you've secured the goods.

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Are you the husband ?

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now i want to see monotit porn

Good taste indeed.

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I remember this bitch during 2016. She's just a standard pretty girl fox news shill. Pretty impressive that she's climbed to press secretary now. She's pretty hot, but has a mildly annoying voice.

>press secretary
Oh wait, now I remember she was CNN's token Republican. Terrible decision. She's just a bumbling fool that will get ran over by journalists.

Sadly this

>The media is the enemy!
>hires media goon as a press secretary

Great campaign material for the Democratic Party. Just loop her non-stop. Because she satisfies Boss Hogg is hardly any reason to masturbate.

I think you're thirsty.

>giving women powerful positions
Stop it

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This is why we need genetic engineering.
>Eight women in my family line have been diagnosed with breast cancer – several in their young 20s.

Does Fox News have a blonde breeding pit so they can keep pumping out these blonde thots for their shows?

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God damn I love when women wear body suits under pants like that. Imagining her unsnapping it at the crotch so she can use the bathroom. Hnng.

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Blondes are everywhere in white countries

Someone like her means that trump is really going to start making democrats and the media (China owned) look like the liars and losers they are. I feel like these last few years has been a build up, a snowball, to put all the ducks in a row. Like he was just doing his thing and dealing with the peers calmly.
Now, with this type A female who will smile as she makes people rage... the media will melt down harder than before. Idk if I can take all this winning.

another plastic make up queen, tower of babel is lopsided because its filled with whores made up of silicon and other synthetics

you have terrible taste, a woman with plastic surgery is a woman made to be a whore

shes cute and has cute feet
literally built for the bbc

what kind of homosexual sodomite complains about hot babes?

Timpf got her start online them moved to TV bullshit.

the same kind that keep going on and on about being built for bbc

Cuter than the last one

>looks a little like ivanka


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built for BBC

Let's see the butthole

What are you implying with those quotes

She looks like she’s at a porn star convention and is about to insert the microphone.

Leave mommy alone

Trump sucks mutilated jew cock.
He has fucking terrible taste.

He’s a fat, boomer, jewsucking retard!

He can eat my shit and so can you.

Porn has infected your brain. The ridiculously thotty women with fake tits can't be taken seriously. They are playing on your lust to fornicate.

There was a great 2016 meme of her as Pepe and some angry Hillary supporting bitch as crying Wojak, anyone still have it?

Didn’t mean to add that other user fag!

Remember to dilate

I’d drink her pee out of a hobo’s shoe

>for someone with her looks
see all that makeup user? she's literally hiding in plain sight

she looks like she was malnourished during childhood.

Post tits bitch

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A single superboob is the patrician choice over the virgin's bi-tit

Looks like a slut.

Her pussy is getting grabbed asap. By Biden.

you only have one mouth don't get greedy

>appointed to political positions

Your little Asian egg roll only gets to see the ugly ones. Can't wait for Corona Chan to finish her slaughter so I can take another month long trip through China and fuck your easy women.