Expose the fake news here

I lost my entire folder of similar headlines.

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arigato gozaimashta

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>no links to back up any of these fake images
Fuck off Zhang Ivanovich Borkowski

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thanks OP. i completely forgot about these obvious lies


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I'm not a huge fan of trump but fuck I cannot stand the hypocrisy and bullshit the media spews and trump is the vessel that exposes that bullshit.

Look at all the Trump faggots trying to distract you and take credibility away from a vital news source during a time of crisis, lies and manipulation.

This isn't media but it's still the same bullshit.

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WH correspondance dinners are parties for media/political besties. trump doesnt go because he's not friends with media. CNN holds a little panel to shit on him and one guy isnt anti trump enough so he gets replaced.

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Russia gate is over

trump has to stand on his own record now

Ahem -

multi-trillions deficit

Record jobless claims

Collapsed stock market

He’s just pissing into the wind at this point - he’s toast

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Every fucking time.

No way, what the hell?

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>Russia gate is over
is it? Are you admitting there was a coordinated campaign to discredit the president and overturn the election?

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>a _u____g __af
fill in the blank

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>talks about wall building with record jobless claims, collapsed market, and multi trillion deficits


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Fucking leaf. Opinion discarded. Go back to being America’s ugly ass hat.

Thanks for clarifying.

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Old news - no one cares

Also clarification on this one?

Actually he doesnt need to talk about it anymore because all of the funding for the entire wall was secured.

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>cuts cdc pandemic team to build more walls

>worst pandemic in nearly 100 years happens right after

>job market collapses

>stock market collapses

>multi trillion dollar endless deficits

Hhhh he’s fine guyz -

You clearly care a whole lot, but yes the story of media lies is an old story that goes back a long time.

Yeah he built wall with CDC pandemic response team funding

What a dotard

I appreciate your thread user, but this isn't uncommon knowledge. This was literally bigger than Watergate and the media just swept it away. It worked too.

All this thread is showing that CNN does report both sides of issues. Stay mad incels.

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I care insofar as russia gate is old news and trump has nothing to campaign on now

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>>cuts cdc pandemic team to build more walls
oops. that didnt happen. It would have needed an act of congress which didnt take place.
Not that it was the wrong decision anyways. the CDC has failed to fulfill its function, with all of its obama funding. thankfully private industry was able to step up to the plate.

Nope he built it with pentagon discretionary money. But frankly, had he been allowed to secure the border and restrict travel from unfriendly nations 3 years ago when he wanted to we'd have been ahead of the game now.

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That wall you're using as a criticism is his biggest success. Not that it matters seeing as trump will run unopposed.

Fantastic logic there. They are not sending their best shills.

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Idk what the article says but tbf they say it because they mean death to Jews(and US is their puppet). And they do mostly mean our government

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In May 2018, President Donald Trump’s biodefense preparedness adviser warned that a flu pandemic was the country’s No. 1 health security threat, and the U.S. was not prepared.

Borio left the Trump administration in 2019. Other high-level global health experts headed for the exits even earlier, after the White House dismantled the National Security Council’s global health security office.

Closing the pandemic office "clearly reflected the White House’s misplaced priorities and has proven to be a gross misjudgment

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wtf she's basically bald

Ya he’s really going to resonate with jobless bankrupt voters campaigning on muh Russia hoax and wall building

You’re the shill

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and yet we're fine, and the state centric solutions of europe are making their problems worse

How do you lose an entire folder?

if you're this confident why are you so scared?

Endless Multi trillion dollar deficits, a bankrupt country, and frankly
Speaking, disgusting growth hormone loaded food supply

Europe is a whole generation more evolved Than America -