So here's what I don't understand, Yas Forums spends 10 years preaching on how much (they) control the media...

So here's what I don't understand, Yas Forums spends 10 years preaching on how much (they) control the media, how much (they) use the media to push their own agenda and how (they) should never be trusted. But the moment (they) start this whole "CHINA BAD" narrative you guys all of a sudden have no issues trusting every word they say and sucking the Jew cock?

China wasn't this big evil boogie man until the Hong Kong SJW chimpouts which was again, pushed hard by the Jewish media. In-fact China was actually seen somewhat positively for now bowing the knee to the US, BTFOing their Muslim terrorists, being against multiculturalism, anti- degenerate media, not actively pushing this mass migration of 3rd worlders into the west and basically doing everything you guys wished you could do in your own ethnostate.

Wake the fuck up you retards and stop being distracted by Jewish tricks.

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you're literally chinese


danger level
jews>chinese>middle eastern>>>>>>>>>>>>>blacks

Instant evidence, op is right.

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Fuck off, communist cock-sucker.
Go look for gibs elsewhere.

George Soros is 100% right. About everything. Brainlets can't comprehend why this world is naturally and inevitably moving towards a global society. China, Russia and all associated with them are clearly foes of free societies.

we already hated China

Oh gee, 2 people we hate are against one another, false dichotomy ahead!.

>China wasn't this big evil boogie man until the Hong Kong SJW chimpouts.
You should go back to plebbit and stay there.

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>Yas Forums spends 10 years preaching on how much (they) control the media, how much (they) use the media to push their own agenda and how (they) should never be trusted.
Yas Forums was created in 2012. What have you been smoking?

t. shabbos goy mutt

Yeah nah fuck off. I'm just not buying this whole "China bad" narrative when all of the sources and reports are basically a load of shit. When you look at the picture they are trying to paint about China and then actually do your own research into what (they) are using as sources or information, it's a bunch of mental gymnastics, cherry picked information or flat out lies.

The USA or (them) has is working overtime on pushing the spotlight onto anyone else and the easiest target which you brainlets eat up a bag of foreskins is of course those evil commie Chinese.

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when everyone else come around to my point of view that isn't me trusting what they say

Shut the fuck up, Tarrant clone.
Nobody gives a fuck about your ecofascist retardation.
>I can assume I'm right, therefore I'm right.
You've already btfo'd yourself as someone incapable of critiquing him objectively.

Let me explain how it is.

Zionists are largely involved in esoteric occultism. They spread evil upon the world, but they still live by a certain code which is largely based around free-will. They want people to willfully turn away from God because that is how satan argues his case before the high court of God.
The CCP is on some strange esoteric tangent and dont recognize God or satan. They actually believe they can become goldlike themselves with the use of technology and focused human will.

Kikes sold gooks stolen western tech

let me guess... yellow fever fag?

Lmao fuck off newfaggot. Yas Forums hardly even said shit about China and when they did it was usually positive or some meme shit about eating dogs.

They were praised for blasting Muslims and not giving a shit about the USA in the South China Sea.

Not literally 10 years m8.
Also it was made around October or November of 2011. I remember it pretty clearly.

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The gooks have done a far better job handling the virus than you fat idiots have. The whole saga has made the US look inept. But hey, blame China if it makes you feel better.

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>Yas Forums
>positive on china

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fuck off slant eyed demon

How can you tell he’s driving?

>I can assert.
So can I.
China bad, Jews good.
Yas Forums destroyed, yet again.
Make a real argument, retard.
Shit is fucking pathetic.

I guarantee you only found this place after being banned from /r/Donald during the election and you think the peak of Yas Forums was MEME MAGIC XD and KEK PEPE KEK

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chinkoid detected

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t. jew

And you believe in commie math?
You fucking moron, I bet you think that the holodomor was just a regular famine, don't you?

Newfag detected. China was hardly even discussed before the Hong Kong shit recently.

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>China wasn't this big evil boogie man until the Hong Kong SJW chimpouts

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Imagine trusting in what Soros says publically. He also is supposedly a nazi

a yesh, herro ching chong. plz to making more shill posts. Fucking insects.

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Wrong. It just wasn't as obvious a few years ago.
It's been totalitarian, it just got exactly what it wanted up until now.

Howdy partner, I love my Jewish government! They would never lie to me!

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They are thick as pigshit. They see a based country and they attack it. Just like germany.

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It's OK chang, the CCP will be obliterated soon. You will be free.

>kikes bad
>therefore kikes of asia good

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China was still fucking the environment. And as any white man should be, you were infuriated due to your instinctual need to protect trees and shit.

You are white, right?

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most of us hated them already. I did at least because Yas Forums is not one person, but the consensus was there, shilling aside.

We have chinks in our own countries so the knowledge is first-hand, they always lie and are more loyal to themselves and their country than their host country. That hasn't changed at all. They hate assimilating to the host country, they insult us on their chink language, and so on. They are the jews of asia, of course jews are worse but that's another topic.

I was avoiding buying chinese like a literal autist because i hated china and the fact world economic ((( leaders ))) have outsourced everything there, polluting the planet and stealing jobs. So i always did my best to avoid chinese crap. My belongins attest this.
Now, after they either created or failed to contain and also fail to communicate to other countries about COVID-19, i'm more angry at them than ever. That surely has changed because they are responsible.
tl;dr jews >>> chinks and we always hated both

I hate my government, but not because of my feelings but because of what it does and has done. In fact, I think our federal and state governments are using this as an excuse to grab power for trying to do the exact thing your pic asserts they aren't.
Your government doesn't love you just because they give you gibs. Fucking communist, eat my corn-filled shit.

>But the moment (they) start this whole "CHINA BAD" narrative
(They) haven't done anything of the sort. (They) have made limitless excuses for China and are trying to pin the blame on conservatives and anyone that was ahead of the curve in trying to minimize the problem.
The real PROBLEM is globalism.

China Bad = Jews Bad
Jews hate China because of censorship and control. How can they push they're agendas if it's they are not allowed to?

>They see a based country and they attack it.
Basically this.
It goes without saying China is far from perfect but for quite some time they were basically seen on Yas Forums as being the closest government/society to what they wanted to be except they were Asians.
>Closing their doors to foreign immigration
>Keeping jobs at home as much as possible
>High regard to tradition
>high regard to family values
>Censoring SJW bullshit in the media
>Going as far as banning a lot of degenerate music such as rap and films
>Banning religions and even sending their Muslims into camps
>Banning faggots
>Telling USA globalists to fuck off whenever possible
>Calling out the Jews and the west on their hypocrisy
For years this was "based".

Now it's nothing but Jew cock sucking, mainstream media spamming and other reddit shit like posting cringe Christianity images.

They all thought that they could simply move the financial capital to China, the same way they did from London to New York. Until a few years ago Rabbis were openly talking about moving assets and people to China, but the Chinese, aka the Jews of Asia, had no interest in going along with their plans. Xi is a ruthless cutthroat who launched a coup within the party and literally put the man who was supposed to be ruling China in jail for the rest of his life. They though that Xi would play ball, but they've recently discovered he has no plans beyond returning China to economic, political, and military center of The East, and then the world.

The US Navy was already barely able to fend off Chinese aggression in region without a major war, and advances in hypersonics will eventually render every Carrier group moot. The South China sea, and thus trade to the East, will be under completely Chinese control at some point within the next 20 years. China not playing ball means a lot of Western financiers like Soros, lose a ton of shekels. But just because the usual suspects are starting to jump on the hate China bandwagon, doesn't mean that China is good or they don't pose a legitimate threat. For instance, in the realm of spreading world crippling diseases.

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>overtone changes when you dump 1 Billion Indians half of them with American, Canadian and Britsh IPs on a Chinese cartoon board and promote invasion of thousands of MAGA redditfags to invade a cartoon board with a few thousands active posters

There are barely any threads about Jews, Zionism, rapefugess, niggers being niggre, degenerates (unless exclusively about China), massmigration (unless exclusively about China), media porpaganda (unless exclusively about China or muh dems or muh poor Trump) government corruption (unless exclusively about China or muh poor Trumo) and so on ... as have been 10 years ago (but muh it wasnt called Yas Forums yet) and the catalog is 90% glownigger bullshit

The majority of the board is buying into the narrative because the majority of the board is now bots, shills, and Qboomers.

>Kikes bad therefore I should do what they tell me and believe what they say

>China was still fucking the environment. And as any white man should be, you were infuriated due to your instinctual need to protect trees and shit.
>HURR DURR, we western countries can all have our time of a heavy industrialization golden age to advance into a 1st world county causing insane pollution which destroys the environment and then push this onto 3rd worlders
But also please manufacture our stuff dirt cheap okay?

You do recognize my image right you brainlet?

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>As a white man
If you were white, you'd know that acting as a race and not an individual, and as a responsible member of society, is a weakness, not a strength.
Ecofascism is always at the expense of economic flourishing.
Clean water and air is boon to it's ability to flourish.
China was a sleeping communist nation, pretending to be "free market" to invite foreign investment so that they could beat us militarily and achieve global communist rule.
You see, I don't think with my feelings, and definitely not my race, unlike you, who can't think even without them, and is pulled every way by their needs, and not that of his reason.
Your irrational ideological doctrine is indicative of the cause of the degeneration of hegemonically european countries.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. Never been a chongfag

Everything you said is correct and yes China is a threat to some western countries but not for the reasons (they) are pushing. Plus it's the Western countries themselves who are allowing the Chinese to do what they are doing.

Take Australia for example, opening the doors and rolling out the red carpet for Chinese investors to purchase our government owned land, infrastructure and utilities. But then suddenly China bad for buying all of it? No. it's our own western governments fault for allowing this to happen and it's our own governments who should be blamed, but the Chinese.

>For instance, in the realm of spreading world crippling diseases.
>Better spread is throughout my own country first and cause a recession while warning the international community about it

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>The enemy of my enemy tells lies until and manipulates me until they say someone bad and suddenly they are not telling lies or trying to manipulate me

Broken clock and all that.

China’s always been the boogeyman. They hacked our govt’s personnel files and constantly steal military secrets

Commies are commies are commies, and no lefty infighting has ever stopped me from saying as such before, nor will it ever.

Must be exciting to be the majority in the us now.

China bad
Jews bad

What is hard to understand?

>Jew bad
>therefore China good
Nice false dichotomy, Chang. You’re both bad.

>They hacked our govt’s personnel files and constantly steal military secrets
And you seriously don't think the USA isn't doing exactly this to China or any other country for the matter?

Spying and hacking is just part of the game of being a modern country. It's expected that you do it to others and it's expected they will do it to you.

It's like crying and throwing and international hissy fit when one of your spies gets caught spying within another country and they decide to execute it.

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I thought they were butt buddies. What happened?

the united states' best nuclear target is China. I'd give my first born to see them burn.

>OP positively BEGGING for CCP social points
>notice Australian flag

Oh herroooooo Mistah Chaaaaaaang

If you knew any blacks, you'd know that they talk a lot but will always pussy out if you open carry in any regard.
This is why rappers always have guns in their videos, it's a psychological power play.
People with a slave mentality are not a threat to us. As a result, most black crime is done to other blacks.

I agree. The brightside is that the global government one-worlders dreams have been crushed, at least for a generation. At their core they are shameless self interested opportunists. Whatever rhetorhic they may spout, including any "right-wing" positions on issues, make no mistake, they still want to control the average citizen as much as ever. But the globalist overton window has been forever shifted.

Pic related happened and all of the "kekeistan" brainlets eat up everything that's said.

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Wtf??? The jew media they criticize everything and the right republic and occidental and praise the left oriental shit, you are stupid, or it is a Chinese slave writing with a rifle pointed at his back, asshole

The whole Jewish thing is equal parts running joke and something conspiracy retards actually believe.

The reality is somewhere in between. Jews are like Rats. They survive, not real likeable, and pretty fucking greedy.

The Chinks on the other hand are an actual threat, and anyone that doesn't realize that is a fucking retard.

We've been asleep as they've gradually pushed their way to becoming the World's super power. Their Ruling Part is borderline evil and their culture is at-times disgusting with a lack of empathy. Almost total disregard for anything but themselves.

Not only are they responsible for more pollution than any other State on the planet (and its not even close), but they want to run the world.

Would you rather have the world run by a Democracy that has issues, but for the most part wants to help, or a Dictatorship that wants to bend people to its will. Take your pick kiwi nigger

The world isn't black and white. As fucked as it sounds, there's bound to be common enemies with us and the jews.

>Force China to accept your waste for years
>Blame China for polluting the environment with waste

Lmao you can't make this brainlet shit up.

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Good goys. Keep siding with Israel. The recent spike in China hate is definitely not artificial or anything. Keep hating on the Chinks, goy.

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Ok Uncle Chang, keep shilling for the Chicoms.

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Everyone hates the chinese you cocksucker.

I have come to understand the Jew.


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