Liberals actually believe this

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Nothing wrong with having bugs in your house user. They're part of the ecosystem.

>prefering mosquitos over spiderbros in the summer when you keep your windows open

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The article is right, and you are retarded. Not politics.

>nothing to do with politics

>muh liberals

this is what Yas Forums does to zoomer brains


Imagine being afraid of spiders.

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i seen a spider on the kitchen counter but i took pity on it and let it live. later i saw one in the bathroom sink and smashed it.

Oh no, I see where this is going.
Today it's let bugs into your house, tomorow it's niggers and muzzies.

Ne try Schlomo.

Disgusting. Seal your fucking homes plebs.

A little spider that stays in its corner is okay, but anything else gets the shoe. Anoles get captured and put outside.

This, I have a daddy long legs in the corner of my room. That little cunt has killed dozens of mosquitos and quite a few moths.

>he doesn't want cute female spiders walking on his dick and making webs (spitting) on it
OP is the big gay.

This user knows the legend of spiderbro

I like spiders and ants. Ants clean up my garbage (crumbs) and spiders clean up the weird bugs.

meant for
OP is a homosex

>picture of arachnid
Great way to start an article

>not having spiderbros btfo mosquitos and moths

Imagine being this cucked.

>keep your windows open
Yo this nigga afraid of air conditioning

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I actively ignore spiders. They just want to eat other bugs for me.

Give him a skinless grape

Bet we will see lefties try to say "daddy long legs" is somehow homophobic due to the word "daddy"

Yeah opening windows in summer is retarded. Spring time and fall is cool but who the fuck doesnt have a screen... damn.

>Yo this nigga afraid of air conditioning
Look at Mr.Moneybags over here that can afford to keep his AC running all summer long.

Retarded newfag trying to fit in

>every headline that makes me uncomfortable is left-wing pinko commie shit
bugs are like bacteria for a household, a balance of good and bad. huntsmans, for instance, are incredibly useful and generally stay put of your way if you don't mind imperfect walls/ceilings from time to time.

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I generally don't fuck with house spiders. Wolf spiders, ants, stink bugs, cave crickets and those giant fucking roaches that sometimes crawl out of my bathtub drain get squished tho

Leave the spiders and you have far fewer "bugs"

Imagine not wanting to fuck spiders.

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Shh, let the boomers believe this.

>mouth butthole

Sometimes solving one problem means introducing another problem to solve the first one.

i wouldnt kill that but id probably drive it 10 miles away then release it so it couldnt come back

I know Hunstmen won't hurt me, I know they'll keep the Red Backs away, but still... fuck 'em. I use a big pump pack of surface spray every few months.

>spraying poisons around your home

>always been a city rat
>went to a rural area last year for work
>mfw nasty spiders are now part of my daily life

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I like the spiders that get rid of clothes moths.

Based leaf
Exactly this
>Black widows still get the gas chamber

Literally bugmen

Spiders are based and frens. All other bugs can fuck off, but that's what the spiders are here to help with.

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I got into a huge fight with my gf one time because I wouldn't squish the spiders. I just don't have it in me anymore to hurt a living thing if it's not bothering me and they usually help with the flies.

The whole argument ended with her saying
>so you care about the spiders more than you do me!?!
And slamming the door

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>that jew fro

my sides were bit by a recluse spider and rotted away

I always get a shitload of grass spiders in my house for some reason during summer. I'd see 4-5 of them a day skittering across the floor. They are completely harmless but it's still unnerving.

also preying mantis, ladybugs, and rolly polly bugs but only the ones that actually roll up not those pretender fucks

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>not posting with health bars

Spiders are based, they keep flyniggers in their place. However if the spiderbros get uncomfortably big you should gently get them on a piece of paper and release them outside.

not a big fan of bugs in the house but at the very least when it comes to spiders i always catch them alive and release them in a god spot outside on my front deck somewhere

Wait, I leave spiders alone in my house. They don't move and eat all the annoying insects (like fruit flies and mosquitoes, I live in fucking FL). Why would you classify this as a "liberal" thing. Don't do my spiderfriends like that.

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>not having a symbiotic relationship with spiders who provide protection against harmful insects in exchange for shelter

>Not having a based spider bro living amongst your desk clutter

>pretender rolly polly
Wtf I've never seen a jew rolly polly

I don't mind spiders and other small bugs crawling around but please keep me and my house away from *those* hellish things

Did all it take was one Yas Forums pasta to make everyone cool with spiderbros?

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Spiders are pretty based desu.

Spiders are fine but snakes are even more based. Let them in.

What the hell is a snake going to protect you from? Mice?

Spiders are a sign that you have bigger problems. Clean homes do not have spiders.

they're out there fren
stay frosty

Spiderbro can hang in the corner but flyniggers are not welcome.

Open windows at night to save money on AC and naturally cool down house.

Of course liberals want vermin to be within your living spaces