Jews play an important role in white hegemony. They are our chess piece in the levant...

Jews play an important role in white hegemony. They are our chess piece in the levant. And they fund and run our globowestern organizations, world banks, and infrastructure that neocolonizes Africa for our benefit before China gets to it.

They are working in white interest in the grand scheme of things.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If Jews are White, doesn't make Israel a White Nationalist state?

user dropping the real redpills.

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I like this

Those ebil nazis!

Then wtf is George soros deal???

What do shitskins have to offer that justifies propping up these shitty kikes who do nothing but fuck us over and make us look like assholes? What makes them worth it?

satan we dont want to colonize africa
let them life, maybe help them to make their own living so their people dont come over to us and maybe can raise the livingquality for their own as well


> be tribe of hook nosed merchants
> create dozens of useless bloated international institutions after WW2 full of their tribesmen to protect the goyim from the things their tribe caused in both world wars.
> demand your own free country in the biggest trade canal of oil in this plane because of the six gorillion caveman who died in the big ritual that can't be questioned anywhere.
> topple every government around your new country to replace them with your crazy arab friends.
> create a global cartel to fix the prices of oil so you guarantee an insane price for some ugly goo you pump out of the ground for cheap.
> sabotage every effort that was undergoing to replace your black goo from the desert with something else (GALT, EVs, series hybrids, microturbines, efficient engines, lighter materials, hydro power, nuclear power, decent renewable sources, ...).
> encourage the goyim to use products derived from oil as much as possible (plastics, kerosene, diesel, gasoline, asphalt, LPG, ...).
> force the entire planet to buy and sell oil using the US dollar.
> stage fake ass conflicts with your friends when the price is too low, so that goo you pump for cheap from the ground never gets too devalued.
> profit infinite shekels
> bonus: force the global use of US dollars in every illegal or legal product or service (specially financial ones) to boost its value artificially

Did you like my story?

She’d be fun to fuck. Would marry.

I'm just here for Abby.

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She could chase me around the house with a bread knife wearing that outfit...I’d be diamonds

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OUT scumbag brainwasher

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my women folder has only abbys
what did you do to me Yas Forums?

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image misusing flag so much

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For fuck sakes, stop advertising this disgusting whore for free. She is living rent free in your heads.

Jew milkers are heresy

Living rent free? Certainly not. I posted the pics to upset the autists such as yourself.


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Ovenworthy post, OP.
Now back to zhe masturbation machines ...

No user. She lives rent free in our hearts.

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I can't deny it anymore Yas Forums I am in love with Abigail Shapiro. Her class and sophistication, her innocent smile, and mostly those lush pendulous yiddie tiddies. I would betray my blood and my race to put my circumcised BWC between them. It has been great shitposting with you guys, but i'm taking the blue pill for her so that maybe someday she will reward me with her body. The merchant is my greatest ally and I don't care if Tyrone BLACKS every white woman on earth, because how can they even hope to compete with genetically superior khazar milkers? I would cut down a hundred pure Aryan younglings if only she would let me nurse on those swarthy Jewish areolae, gently stroking my hair back and whispering "that's a good goy" to me as I slobber and wojack-face with mindless, zen-like contentment. Who cares about the white race? We're inferior to (((them))) anyway and deep down all of you fags know it. The best hope I can attain to is to racemix up with a genetically superior jewess and watch her breastfeed our godtier IQ offspring on those luscious khazar milkers. I need jewtits in my life familia

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Shes a classy gal. I know shes a kike but a man can dream right? Lol. Shed never date any of us weirdos

I thought moussad killed nazi sympathizers, wasn't George Soros working with nazis to kill jews?
sounds like they missed 1

>And they fund and run our globowestern organizations, world banks, and infrastructure that neocolonizes Africa

I want her to live rent free in my bed if you knowamsayin

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She's a dirty slut

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Why do most Jews smoke crack?

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Thank you for the new pasta user

Perfect for suffocating the Nazis.

(((They))) COULD have played an important role, instead subversion was their game. Maybe for money, power who knows.. In the end betrayal will be what Jews are know for. Similar to how jews betrayed Jesus Christ. Some things never change.

> yfw ywn have a chubby mommy Levantine waifu

> descended from the consorts of Palmyra (mothers of Roman emperors) and the muses for Ishtar herself
> hardy, well tempered for nomadic and desert environments and resistant to any flu the chinks throw at her
> very fertile (goes without saying), wants a large family
> born knowing her family's age-old recipe for goat and biryani, keeps you well fed; the Arab mommy in her makes sure you eat EVERYTHING she cooks you
> the mediterranean nature of much of her diet allows her to live longer than even her first-world counterparts
> thicc stature bears hardier sons, she is a lioness over her children and her household, makes sure they achieve honorable places in society
> proud of her tribe and lineage, sings the odes of her ancestors as she does chores (in an Arabic far more sublime than any Latin)
> takes everything you give her in bed, well
> when you're locked in embrace, you feel surrounded and secure by her womanly essence
> your favorite thing to do is resting your head on her supple bosom after your passion is spent, and she strokes your head while whispering a lullaby to you


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jews are goat

Jews are Meds. Let us in.

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based and khazarmilkerpilled


Imagine fucking her and seeing Ben's face staring back at you...

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First post, best post

If Israel is there’s how come there is no ancient structures in Hebrew how come it’s all in Greek?

she has some nice tits but her face...

What game is this? I just got filled with feelings of hatred and inadequacy. Super Mario 2? I sucked at that as a kid.

The Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. The Jews will become the masters over the whole earth and they will subordinate to themselves all nations, not by material power, not by brute force, but by light, knowledge, understanding, humanity, peace, justice and progress. Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.


is this legi?


A White nationalist state with Jewish Arabs, Jewish Africans, Jewish streetshitters, etc.

Tis not legit.

This is the shittiest take I've ever heard. Fuck off kike shill

You should all be slaughtered like diseased livestock.

>Jews play an important role in white hegemony. They are our chess piece in the levant.

can our chess piece stop slandering us? I have never heard of a chess piece slandering us. And your just posting a white looking jew women to persuade us of your view.


faith in humanity restored

She kinda turns me on. She has a hot body and is feminine and does feminine things...but that face always reminds me of Ben.


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