Why do science, philosophy, and psychology shills try to pretend that astrology is nonsense...

Why do science, philosophy, and psychology shills try to pretend that astrology is nonsense? Have these folks ever looked at birth charts?

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Their opposition to it is retarded. Given how much weather affects our emotions, the pregnant mother's physiology and how important the formative first year is in determining our future development, it would be odd for birth season to not have an impact on our personality.

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What birth charts are you talking about

Why did you, a retard, put January and February at the end?

Wheres your starsign OP? It doesnt seem to list faggot.


Aries is traditionally the first sign of the Zodiac. That's just how it is.

And also given how the moon affects tides and other cycles. It's obvious that planets and stars do have an effect.

Why are Pisces and Cancer women so terrible?

A lot of the zodiac derives itself from old pagan traditions. In the druidic calculator March was the beginning of the new year. The did that because the zodiac was also used as a Farmers almanac of sorts. March marked the beginning of the farming season were farmers started to till the fields to get them ready for planting. March is the season were ritual sacrifices were made to ask gods and spirits for a good year of harvesting. Aries has always been the sacrificial lamb all the way back to Mesopotamia where is was originally called the Shepherd Dumuzid.

Millionaires don't use astrology, Billionaires do. -JP Morgan
first day of spring is the start of the Mithraic calendar and astrology is part of Mithras the old religion of Rome, Persia etc.
Mithras is like the "God of contracts and fate" sitting above two gods of good and evil
basically gnostic stuff afaik, astrology is hard to separate from the rest of hermetics, without losing some of its power.
its very powerful btw.

I’m a giant skeptic but I’ve always found it interesting. Aries here

Pisces are boozers and Cancers are crazy homebodies.... but its not all about sun sign, moon in cancer is more powerful than the sun in any sign, some say. because the moon is ruled by cancer, and especially for women, they're super psychic.


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I agree I was just exaggerating.

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oh you're OP... hi.
yea dude, billionaires use astrology.
finance is alchemy
the mystics were right.
even numerology which I kinda hate, has some spooky things going on.
kabbalah as much as you can make fun of it, they say God made the universe using numbers and letters or something like that... equations basically, math.
programmer? lazy teenage programmer? who knows.

Capricorn reporting in!!

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Based libra gang reporting in.

>missing the 13th sign being the snake
>all the signs are also spaced earlier across the year than they actually are
its amazing honestly how god damn braindead its become

woah how did you predict your color like that?!?!?!
and yet it still works
because there is earth based astrology, based on the farming cycles and such, more about the moon... and then the actual celestial bodies, the planets, which as you say needs to be siderial to be correct.
however it still works either way... very strange world we live in huh?


They also used a moon zodiac as a monthly almanac mostly used for holidays I think.

Any based aries in here

nobody here talking about Pluto?
jeeze a bunch of brainlets

lmao you're such a Virgo

Uranus is best planet.

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Oh fuck yeah Yas Forums would totally be a better /x/. Tell me my birth chart Yas Forums! I was born Friday the 13th in November 1992.

I'm a Piscarian

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Who else here /feudalist/?

This. The fact of the matter is that Aries have significantly greater memory than most other people. You can find various studies on this subject, yet psychologists still deny astrology. I wonder (((why))).

Sagittarius here.

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I'm episcopalian

superior race reporting in

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You only have to talk to twins for two minutes to realize astrology is absolute horseshit.
Non-identical twins, because genes do play a huge role in personality.

cute centaur user

remember: if you're not an Aries, you're not truly important

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>pretend that astrology is nonsense
There's no need to pretend, it makes vague predictions that can always apply in someway. It's garbage for bored women.

I think we could combine feudalism with the current republic/three branches system like Amarica has. You need to account urbanization into this. There may be to many people for the old feudalism to work. We would need a system that accounts for people who live in cities and stuff.

Scorpio here. You don’t know shit.

very scorpio of you to assert, very scorpio of you to be wrong

Only thing scorpios are wrong about is when it comes to pussies

if you mean women then I agree. a dear scorpio friend of mine is charismatic around guys but spills spaghetti from his pockets endlessly around girls.

It wasn't always used as a divination tool.

It helped us develop a calendar system and helped in the development of the farmers almanac.


Because the Zodiac is a calendar that starts on Spring equinox with the month of Aries.

Cool. I found all the women on Yas Forums

Astrology is the most based and accurate occult science. Also bitches love it

Pussies. All pussies. Whether they’re attached to a woman or just shit posting on the web acting like their sign is the best. So I’m either right, or wrong and you’re a pussy.


I'm not gonna lie, I was interested in the whole natal charts and being a scorpio but the bible explicitly states to avoid divination.

i just figured i coincidentally matched so much of my zodiac sign's profile. but not to the other 11.

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Based and Astro pilled. Dated a cancer and she was a complete cunt, ruined me for awhile.

This ones for you

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D i g i t s don’t lie


I know this is pol but just this once can I get some actual convincing information or maybe a dump on this shit because it's actually quite interesting especially how a lot of elites use it etc. But you stupid fucking niggers want to argue about which sign is better like a YouTube comment section. PLEASE, BOOKS, PDFS, VIDEOS, ANYTHING NOT JEWISH SUBVERSION ACTUAL INFORMATION

Aquarius sun with Moon in Aries. Give me a BASED

That's like wandering into a kitchen and saying 'it's for girls', without realizing that all the top chefs of the world are men.
Women use watered-down astrology to find dates and compatibility. Men use it for strengths and opportunities.

As far as I can tell it probably has more to do with the time of year you are born in. I have found reports that children born in later colder months are sensation seeking and sensitive where as warmer months more confident and self assured. Basically the first year of your life could be one of the most impactful

intj Aries reporting in

>Scorpios are dicks

>can I get some actual convincing information
It's all about cold readings. You charge women $40 to tell them they will have a fabulous day and will meet a foreign Chad

But I think I'm funny. Can't you just laugh at my joke?

Twins should not exist


>Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years (Gen. 1:14)
Also how do you think the wise men found Jesus? Do you think the star over Bethlehem isn’t referring to astrology?

The Zodiac as a calendar begins where most traditional cultures started their new year: Spring Equinox

> “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades,
>Or loose the belt of Orion?
>Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its season?
>Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs?
>Do you know the ordinances of the heavens?
>Can you set their dominion over the earth? (Job 38:31-33)
Mazzaroth is Hebrew for Zodiac.

Using stars as navigation isn't astrology, how do you even make that connection lmao

>Men use it for strengths and opportunities.

Found the Pisces woman. Tits or GTFO.

If you genuinely believe in any of the ideas that fall under astrology, you are unarguably retarded. I'm not even going to waste oxygen and calories on using my neurons to formulate an argument against astrology because it is so fundamentally asinine that counterarguments aren't even required to prove it wrong. Elementary-level common sense and reasoning already oppose this outdated glue-eater belief system.

Post more pls

Get yourself an Aries. Very dominant in day to day dealings, submissive and eager in the bedroom. Fuckin mint, m8!

As above, so below, my negro. Pic related.

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