How does Yas Forums feel about America and Donald Trump being responsible of the biggest mass deaths since 9/11?

How does Yas Forums feel about America and Donald Trump being responsible of the biggest mass deaths since 9/11?
America will not be left standing in two years after what they've done in the past 3 months.

Attached: TRUMP_Color.240x240.jpg (240x240, 8.99K)

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Good. America is the number one enemy to me and my race.

*my race and I

New on the job are you?
Because that is sorry ass bait.
Still MAGA bitch.
Watching leftists die because they won't take hydroxychloroquine, because Trump says it works.

ask who faggot

>How does Yas Forums feel about America and Donald Trump being responsible of the biggest mass deaths since 9/11?
>America will not be left standing in two years after what they've done in the past 3 months.
I'm honestly very amused to see Americans dying in such large numbers because of having a retard as president. I think it's an extremely funny situation.

Attached: You funny.jpg (510x678, 54.33K)

3 years down, almost 5 to go of watching histrionic liberals reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee about everything because:
>orange man bad
>orange man make me mad
>Time for my dilation again
>That's better
Your screeching and seething have been an endless source of entertainment you pathetic cunt.

>Still MAGA bitch.
Seriously, are you proud that Trump ignored the warnings from his advisers in January and let in 300,000 from China after the supposed border closure? How do you feel about Trump thinking that the virus would not affect US citizens, so the border closure didn't need to limit the travel of US citizens?

Attached: Trump coronavirus tweet 2.png (672x224, 91.44K)

you sound like every other dumb fuck

OP is a dick sucking nigger democrat faggot who eats little black boys as the scream for mercy. Sad.

name someone doing a better job at testing and treatment than America

aids infested nigger found.

>you sound like every other dumb fuck
Is that an argument? A rebuttal?

Attached: waaa.jpg (600x541, 44.06K)

911 report and their models were full of BS. The three towers were brought down by controlled demolition. The firefighters know.

TRUMP knew Truth on 911, maybe he can do something about it.

The destruction of WTC was an occult ritual.
>the Twin Towers represented Boaz and Jachin, the columns at the entrance to the Temple of Solomon
>Boaz and Jachin represent the two key energies: ying and yang, male and female, strength and beauty, north and south, up and down (duality - like the Star of David)
>WTC builder, Rockefeller, says the buildings are the perfect combination of "utility and beauty"; he also owns Jerusalem museum housing remains from Temple of Solomon
>Luciferianism predicts/wants a new age of transhumanism; Kaballah and freemasonry believe one attains perfection by mastering and combining male and female energies
>Twin Towers destroyed in consciousness altering event at start of millenium to usher in this new era of transhumanism
>Replaced by Freedom Tower where both towers are combined, one up and one down, like a Star of David
>2001: Space Odyssey is about man's evolution to transhumanism - he touches the black monolith and transcends human form to a space baby
>9/11 happened in 2001, next to the Millenium hotel designed to look like the black monolith
>madrid bombing was 911 days after 9/11
>sept 11 is the first day of the coptic calendar, first month is named after Thoth
>2001 was the start of the new millenium not 2000 (there was no year zero)
>33 years from groundbreaking to destruction pentagon groundbreaking sept 11 1941

Fuck kikes


>How do you feel about Trump thinking that the virus would not affect US citizens, so the border closure didn't need to limit the travel of US citizens?

Well, except that all US citizens arriving from China had to quarantine for 30 days

an observation

>responsible of the biggest mass deaths?
learn better engrish Chang

>larping MAGA faggot shills never use any images that show Trumps ugly fat ass, the orange shitstains in his face and his retarded humpback
>its alwyas some conveniently lighted conveniently framed chocolate side glamourshot with Trumps cringe posed "stern" look
You MAGA faggot shills are all so transparent

nigger found.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Yes, yes he is.

Trump created corona with his own bare hands.
truly this is the end.
orange man bad.

Corona is the new 9/11
Don't let Cheeto get away with framing China. We must not be fooled again.

public hairs in this faggot posters mouth found.

Well thanks for your blogging.

>Well, except that all US citizens arriving from China had to quarantine for 30 days
14 days. But self-imposed self-quarantine with no checks or penalties.

>name someone doing a better job at testing and treatment than America
Australia. Literally, Australia has the highest rate of testing for the virus. And Australia's curve is getting very flat while the US continues to set world records for most deaths and fastest rate of increase.

Attached: Coronavirus map USA April 5.png (1600x901, 503.8K)

If capitalism is so great, why does it need to be bailed out by socialism every 10 years?

BBC threads down, Orange Man Bad threads up.
Coincidence. Nope


Spotted the white man

Former trump supporter here. Not anymore.

I get the biggest hard on when shills like you log on and blast bullshit without looking in the mirror first.
talk dirty to me baby

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>14 days. But self-imposed self-quarantine with no checks or penalties.

Ah, so you were lying. Also


Yes, just assign a CBP agent to every American citizen arriving from China to make sure they do what they're told.

In reality, most were quarantined in hotels and brought food by people wearing PPE.

you havent supported a thing in your life

Attached: FUCKTHECCP.png (720x1280, 924.89K)

Australia where there’s 10,000 miles square per person? I wonder why a virus doesn’t spread as well there. We can’t all go and eat bush tucker at the billabong mr. Dundee.

If only you voted for Hillary - the deep state would have never released this virus.

Attached: hillaryinhell.gif (550x309, 529.85K)

>Ah, so you were lying. Also
Nah. The point is that the quarantine measure with completely ineffective and that this is one of the multiple pathways by which the US has welcomed the virus into their nation. The US is literally going to lose hundreds of thousands of people to this virus when it could have had the same outcome of South Korea, who reported their first case on the same day. Check the graph. This is the legacy of Trump.

Attached: Coronavirus graph by nation.jpg (1113x770, 90.1K)

>Former trump supporter here. Not anymore.

Attached: russiahackedyourmind.jpg (1004x484, 428.26K)

Former trump supporter here. Never again.

>The US is literally going to lose hundreds of thousands of people to this virus

lmao it won't even lose 30, the overwhelming majority of which were in NY and NJ, places whose Democratic governance called Trump a racist fearmonger for shutting down travel with China. You can already see the curve flattening hard

>The point is that the quarantine measure with completely ineffective and that this is one of the multiple pathways by which the US has welcomed the virus into their nation.

No, the point is you're a lying kike. Non-citizens were banned and citizens were required to quarantine for 14 days. And if NYers had stayed home instead of having a Flu Parade, there'd be half as many cases.

Attached: NY Health Commissioner giving good advice.png (472x579, 357.7K)

OP is an effeminate fag.

Oh how the tolerance will be broughten when he’s in the White House another 4 years.

>lmao it won't even lose 30
Too late! It's already above 13,000 American deaths right now. And climbing!! Spreading especially in Louisiana, Georgia, Arizona, and Illinois at the moment.

Attached: Trump America first.jpg (665x499, 81.59K)

Actually this is more than 4x as deadly than 9/11 so far and it's just getting started in the United States of Retards

Why didn't trump just close the borders in january when we first heard about the virus.

He isn't, the CCP is.

Attached: forgivenhater.png (474x288, 207.41K)

Lord, you're shit at this lol

>It's already above 13,000 American deaths right now.

Already past the peak -- this literally will turn out to be less deadly than the seasonal flu

Spic detected

>Already past the peak -- this literally will turn out to be less deadly than the seasonal flu
Nah, it's just getting started. And remember that in 1918, there was a second wave of the Spanish influenza that was far more deadly than the first wave. Muricans are completely fucked right now.

Attached: The Great Influenza.jpg (970x1500, 279.85K)

kys newfag


What the fuck is Trump supposed to do when half the country ignores anything he says and gets subjected to endless investigations and legal battles over every action he tries to take?

Peak doesn't hit until the 14th.

Because he listens to the news and he trusted china's numbers and the WHO's models. Everyone saying it was no big deal. He parrots the news a lot. Once he was told it's actually bad shit he closed our borders.

Truth. These 5 cent/post china shills are getting really annoying. Pretty sad to see Yas Forums falling for their damage control tactics instead of ignoring them and discussing problems with china right now.

>America will not be left standing in two years
Trump secretly based accelerationist

>Muricans are completely fucked right now.

lmao you guys, I cannot wait for the Trump campaign ad that is literally just every bullshit lie that's been told about him

>won't win the nomination!
>it's not rigged your losing XD!
>muh russia!
>muh Mueller!
>racist fearmonger!
>millions will die!

I wish he was at the very least 10% the monster you cunts paint him to be but I'll have to take what I can get

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You mean China and President Xi.
Stop listening to Fake News.

Yes, hello, how are you tonight? Good good, thanks and you as well. I'd like to speak to anyone in management that is responsible for OPs post. ....what's that? You've never heard of OP? Oh, okay. Neither did anyone else reading this bullshit.
Also thanks for confirming that OP is indeed a faggot and he's fake.

How does Yas Forums feel about china and xi jinping being responsible of the biggest mass deaths since 9/11?
China will not be left standing in two years after what they've done in the past 3 months

Attached: 1586080309412.jpg (678x381, 28.84K)

>Donald Trump being responsible
imaging being this besodden with trump derangement.

But you see, the orange man is in fact bad

Trump is just as much responsible for the virus as Israel is for 9/11

I like you ignore that Democrats told the public to go out literally in the height of the virus contagion to fight xenophobia that it's somehow Trump's fault

No, Israel directly set up 9/11, the equivalent for Corona is China
Trump is as responsible for Corona as much as airline security is for 9/11

Wrong, faggot.

Native American on radar

The US does not deserve to exist

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