This has got to be the dumbest and least coherent tinfoil, moreso than 5G.
Is Hollywood and the ruling class full of pedos? Fuck yeah. Are their giant tunnel systems used to smuggle and keep kids in and Trump is using COVID as an excuse and cover to rescue them while literally never mentioning anything about it? The fuck are you smoking?
This is just a really weird way for some people to make themselves feel good about the uncomfortableness brought on by the lifestyle changes because of the virus.
Jacob Morgan
None of that is happening you retarded Q-psyop'd faggot.
>The cabal is getting killed and their deaths are being counted as COVID deads.
This has to be shilling, no one can be this stupid not even Q--retards.
Colton Butler
>how can anyone be so retarded to believe Qlarps >see colombia flag
Its him just stroking his own ego while exercising his tongue , video is almost pornographic with that guys tongue gymnastics
Jace Ross
Only americans believe this bullshit
Ryder Gray
I want you to strongly consider killing yourself by gun to the face. Q is the worst thing that ever happened to america and is your new slave master. >--1984: love big brother--
These threads have gotten nuked and users have been banned. It was first moved to /bant/ but then everything dried up.
DUMBS used to traffic children, genetically modified offspring, eyes removed, horrible things. It’s gonna get out, but I think the anons are ahead of the script.
Check out this guy’s Twitter. Pediatric doctor and awoken to what’s going on. Worth a glance.
where's the proof that the 'satanic cabal' is getting rounded up and kids are being saved? Don't post 144p images of ellen with her 'ankle collar', that proves nothing. Neither does that spic in the hospital where a arm is covering 80% of the person. Either take your psych meds or blow your brains out.
Jeremiah Barnes
Holy shit, winged Jesus just flew over my house. My father works with him at Nintendo. I have codes for things you can’t imagine.
Joseph Evans
Shilly in here
Alexander Brooks
>they are rescuing the children, (implying corona is FAKE) >pray for the medical personal Fucking PICK ONE
Jason Lewis
Juan Wilson
navy seal who tracks kiddie diddlers. says it's not happening. this story made it's way around last year.
There is no proof. The whole thing is preposterous.
Brayden Perry
Why did the cabal not just kill the children?
Luke Martin
Do you have Game Genie?
Asher Brooks
It’s not just tunnels that move product. It’s underground harvesting facilities where children are born, live, and die underground. Born underground, trafficked till used up, then harvested for Adrenochrome. Everything remaining is Onions Green.
The elite actors and many others are just the users/end users. They flipped immediately.
Robert Robinson
Whatever the case may be, all this shit is over on 4/10/20. Right?
Logan Phillips
All that effort and not one bit to executing you? Shoddy job
Isaiah Peterson
Gas the kikes!
Logan Myers
>random picture of christian tents that were recently attacked by jew media for prejudice because muh christian charity >Right now the marines are entering the tunels in new york. All the COVID-19 tents are used to cover up the children being taken from the tunnels. The fucking cope you Q tards have to come up with to keep yourselves going is unbelievable and I mean that. More unbelievable than jewish power in the last 2,500 years of record history.
Evan Ortiz
>the reason why we have this worldwide virus pandemic is because trump is saving children >from nyc tunnels this is the brain of a qoomer
Colton Collins
exactly and all the low IQ boomers with onset dementia are here 'trusting the plan' or schizophrenics thinking there's a cult of child rapist/murderers that are the leaders or high positions of government in every single nation. This is literally stupider than nazis living in antarctic in base 211 or the whole hollow earth theory, those make way more sense than this bullshit. No whistle blowers, no one coming out to call out their pedo elite peers, no victims with evidence, nothing but boomer facebook memes and clickbait youtube videos.
Logan Miller
I’d like to think some sort of salvation is happening but it’s pretty clear the American people and the world will never know the result of anything.
Asher Nguyen
Chase Morris
stay on script huh shill?
Ryder Thompson
A conspiracy that vast would have countless people involved. Yet not one defection? What about the construction crews involved in creating these tunnels? There's no way everyone involved is silent.
>israeli weapon >american flag >"based" checks out
Easton Rodriguez
My IQ just dropped a few points by sheer proximity.
Daniel Cruz
All these replies to this fake shit. Fuck this board sucks
Gabriel Cooper
3 years nothing has come from this. Bring up Jeff Sessions and how he was first good for Trump then when he got fired immediately said he was a disinfo deep state agent lol. Michael Flynn was getting pardoned and giving deep state super intelligence and was going to come back and shock everyone that year. Nothing happened.
Conveniently forgotten.
Angel Bailey
The takedown of the last of free civilization is happening. Idiocracy has become reality.
>cult of child rapist/murderers that are the leaders or high positions of government in every single nation. didnt south korea find their female president was in one of these?
Isaiah Campbell
Post proof that there are underground tunnels under NYC where children are being harvested for organs. Preferably proof that isn't an infograph with a pepe on it or a link to a site that looks like it was made in geocities. If none can be provided please take your meds.
Isaac Evans
To be fair if our politicians quit with the satanic cults this wouldn’t be a thing
It’s a Mac-10, not an Uzi. It was invented by an American. Fuck outta here you mudslime loving frog faggot. I wish another truck of peace bulldozed over you and your nigger lover buddies. Fuck you
>this somehow proves a point giving you a black and white example? id say it did
Gavin Roberts
Because despite all the surmounting evidence that floods these boards time and time again, there is still obstructionist faggots like you that stick your head in the sand, and deny the very existence of these cults in the first place, let alone garnering he cooperation of retard normies. This is the ONLY WAY. now fuck off
Aiden Campbell
What's that picture supposed to depict?
Justin Butler
It's just you going off your meds. Get back on your meds schizo.
Adam Evans
Read it again you fucking retard, where exactly does it sound like I'm a Q-tard?
Eli Robinson
the place where an ear should be
Anthony Williams
If you're being tried for running a pedophile ring where you're facilitating the rape and murder of hundreds of thousands of children you wouldn't be released on bail. Judges have the right to deny bail for high risk convicts. She would of left the US by now and been in a different nation if she somehow got bail but guess what? she still walking around, still talking shit about trump, still free.
Oliver Roberts
I was literally just in the tunnels of NYC several hours on an Amtrak train to Penn. There’s no Marines here.
Josiah White
I mean, he has a point, why hide it? There isn't a person that will publicly defend fucking child traffickers except lawyers assigned to their case. Are you fucking nuts?