White people trying to kill us y’all
Racist Azz Virus
Fucking based virus.
I love corona now.
> African American may be dying from COVID-19 at a higher rate
there is no virus
its so obvious why that i was fucking livid most of the day as the msm did not even explain why. instead they kept asking what are we gonna do to make this more equitable. like we are gonna force white people out of their homes
A lot of them have terrible diets and smoke. It's not surprising.
It’s a blood virus that causes hypoxia. Black people have sickle cells.
Of course they’re more vulnerable.its why they die more from malaria.
>more data is essential experts say
Isn't "more data" more blacks dying? We're people, not your data. What sort of racist-ass honkey shit is this?
the msm refuses to make that obvious connection because the headline looks to good by itself
Q predicted this.
Just imagine how many millions have died in africa from this so far. Im cooming to the thought.
Give her your energy!
Is it really hard for blacks to social distance?
They dance around it. They just keep talking about socioeconomic shit and access to healthcare. A lot of the problems could be solved with a better diet and exercise.
The blacks in Africa would probably be better off, to be honest. They don't have the heart disease and diabetes that black people do in America.
Listen on the Chicago Police Scanner tonight and you'll see how many dispersals there are for gatherings.
A lot of them also suffer from institutional racist policies like redlining which provides them less access to healthcare and education than white neighborhoods
Probably partly to blame. Other part is poor health in general and mixed households (young and old living in the same house). The young go out and party bring back virus to their grandparents.
>poor people die from the plague more in country with for-profit healthcare
wow who ever could have predicted this totally 100% unforeseen outcome
the health aspect is what i was alluding to, but the way the msm talks, its like they want white people forced to receive the virus as a way to level the playing field.
there is no virus
there is no virus
obesity is definitely the number one reason. your body cant do much if youre wider than you are tall
oh no no no
Yup everything is everyone else's fault and everyone else is responsible for black people but black people. Fucking jew.
corona-chan confirmed /our_gal/
they have less access because they are poor and smoke weed all day instead of getting a job.
man, blacks were way better in the 70's. fuck this kiked country.
Still no real stats on the virus by race. Why not? Stats were released on age and sex already and the race was collected at the same time? I believe white males are most affected especially since the virus was designed to attack the testicals shows the intention. Headlines stating “blacks most affected” is to hide what is really happening.
I can’t social distance while I’m fucking your girl cuz
Blacks were not better in the 70s. You can go back to antebellum years and find really old crime statistics and they more or less match today's.
Has anyone ever spotted a nigger social distancing in the wild? If they wear a mask they get their ass beat.
>essential experts say
I don't believe any experts said anything
CoronaChan is a slut for BBC!
Yas Forums is BTFO
Bulshit theyre dying from the lack of epipens...
>niggers don't self quarantine
>niggers don't do social distancing
>niggers don't wear masks or gloves properly
>niggers don't wash their hands with plenty of soap and warm water for 20 seconds or longer
>"Why are more African Americans dying to covid-19? There must be something happening at a deeper biological level..."
Niggers won't stay home. They're still hanging out and having parties.
Only minorities get trumpbux. Everyone back to work
They got gibs! "Tyshawn gibs me dat Corona wid lime"
Big bat cock
>black person wears mask in public
"Sheeeeeat look at dat nigga actin white, sup faggot ass nigga"
affirmative action triage. it’s going to happen.
I new a middle class black guy in high school. His diet was so poor that he didnt shit for over a week and doctors had to surgically remove a giant rock hard log from his bowel because it wasnt moving. He would eat like a whole can of frosting for lunch. This
Correction the coronavirus is hitting poor black drug addicts with health issues. Dont worry whites will catch up
>imagine not knowing what a virus is
>be black
Why can’t din du’s ever get it together ? They’re always needing extra help and handouts. It’s embarrassing.
Genetic low iq is the underlying cause to literally every single problem with blacks globally.
>muh education
So because the stats show them dying to it more than white people, suddenly it's because white people are trying to kill them?
I mean, they're not wrong, I'd love if it they all fucking dropped dead, but come on.
Immune huh?
most Americans are stupid as fuck and don't take public health seriously
just look at diets and just take some time to notice how little people actually cover their faces when coughing, see how often they touch their faces, etc...
and guess what group is the stupidest
Bruh you dont even need to dig that deep. Since day 1 of quarantine these niggers have been throwing block parties and shit all over the country. My dad in detroit said there are crowds of hundreds of em having parties and BBQs in the middle of streets. Of course these "journalists" will never mention that part though...just keep blaming trump and eventually the blame will spread to all white people too
That's your problem, nigger.
White guy here. I was out today for business restocking the skittles around the hood. All geared up, cloths in the wash with bleach when I got back. Every white person I saw in my day was wearing their mask right. Every old man, every woman, every scummy haired dumbass teen tinder whore. Every single one wore their mask right.
Blacks? Ever single black person I saw either no mask or mask sideways or some shit. Like they wear it under their nose, loops somehow used wrong, they wear the masks with the earloops lose and hanging off their face like their pants hanging down. To a lot of them I suspect having a mask it like a flex (expensive/hard to get) or a luck charm to them. But the few that are trying are also doing it wrong.
I was telling a black lady at the post office with all her kids with her and all of them masked up wrong that she can knot the ear loops of the masks if they don't fit. Then she thanked me and started fixing their masks. I felt kinda bad I was perpetuating some idiots and should have let nature take it's course. Charity is the true bane if white people.
But the big problem isn't just fat, can't obey a quarantine, they also can't use PPE right. Every single one. It's amazing. It's like watching all the blacks take an IQ test. I suspect some monkeys can put masks on right.
Why do niggers try to blame everything on muh racism? Why can't they take responsibility?
Stop being a self hating poor fag and hang around smarter people.
fuck you wypipo and fuck trump
Holy fucking cope batman, god damn these people are stupid.
>Watch empire of dust
>China is colonizing africa
>But niggers are lazy and do lots of damage when they drive a truck
>Create virus that is super deadly to niggers
>Plan to release virus in Africa to make room for han chinese
>But be chink and habe work accident
>Unfinjshed virus still somewhat lethal to normal people leaks from lab
>Corona chan is born
It all makes sense now
Helps niggers
>demographic that is known for ignoring or openly resisting every rule laid in front of them is laid waste by failure to observe advice and orders given to help them survive
my total lack of surprise dot png
I'm old enough to remember when they were saying they couldn't catch it... that was 5 days ago.
Lol niggers.
first the glownigger shills get on pol and twitter and claim black people can't catch it, now this. really makes you wonder