Comet ATLAS has broken apart


Attached: Comet ATLAS.jpg (1024x929, 346.41K)

Other urls found in this thread: Y4;old=0;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb

Bad day for happeningfags

Attached: 7A31966E-2706-42CD-93BF-671A35DD3B3A.png (761x584, 773.19K)

>tfw no supernova and now not even a cool bright comet
It's ISON all over again. It's not fair, bros!

Lets hope for a twin comet.

Attached: 250px-CometBiela.jpg (250x118, 4.91K)

Does this mean we will get a golden shower from Atlas?

Loss 1,000,204,434 for the happooners.

umm isn't this bad? doesn't that mean we might fly through the torrid cloud of the broken up comet? So instead of a big slug missing us by 20 feet we might get hit by some BBs from the buckshot?

Based retard.

Broken by whom? Are the pieces targeting specific cities?

I hope that Swedish user that showed his own pics of Atlas a few days ago will be on this evening.

Attached: post-222909-0-77792400-1586222706_thumb.jpg (800x545, 11.65K)

Super moon too. It is really, really, really, bright. I'm still hoping it is ayys in some case and Atlas is an alien mothership


Protip: Sciencefags dunno shiyit.

>comet about to pass close to earth for first time in almost 6k years
>breaks apart

Weird, posted night of the comet earlier.
Thought it was tangentially related to potential happenings given the pink moon.

Fucking cosmic lattice of coincidences.

Could be brighter, who knows. More surface area to offgas.

Virgin Atlas vs. Chad Hale-Bopp.

Aliens don't exist, bonger.

>appears to have
they dont even know what the fuck comets are
it could just be recharging, they dont know what the fuck its doing

he posted this

Attached: atlastcomet.gif (453x341, 2.7M)

They’ll burninate harnlessly in the atmosphere

fuck you bruce willis

Actually saw hale bop with my dad on a fishing trip. I feel like if these young people saw what I saw they'd literally shit themselves.

Even at 8, I was like "That's awesome. I love you, dad." And we just watched on the side of the road.

One of the most beautiful moments of my life.

Same thing happened to comet ISON some years back, was disappointing.
Also take off that flag you look ridiculous wearing that.

any video fotage of any comet???

All the bad cometary impacts on earth have been from broken up comets.

Ha. Right? What is this 2015? What a doof.

They would just take selfies with it saying things like YEET and post to Instagram.

Comets are ice and rock, what are you even trying to say?


Then Chelyabinsk was almost destroyed.

says who?

Not gonna lie. I probably would too.






Attached: CometC2019Y4AtlasEfrainMorales2.jpg (960x778, 32.6K)

That was an unrelated asteroid that did an air-burst when it hit the lower atmosphere, if it was more Iron than rock it would have done way worse damage.
All available observations from the past two centuries. You could learn if you were interested.

yeah well I would take their word for anything, after all they only very recently spotted this blighter

they always want ot give people the feeling that they can predict these things from far ahead, but the truth is they don't really know what is out there and what is coming for us at any given moment

it's all make believe, with science installed as the new religion with their high priests in lab coats

Its like a bottle rocket with no stick.

Burninating the peasants in the atmosqueer

That was a good thread

Easy. Easy. Popular Science and Popular Mechanics are pretty great.

Ayys destroyed it, we will make contact in May 3rd.

>past two centuries
so people looking into telescopes thats real scientific. what kind of rock? what kind of ice?

Relax Man. Well, about this at least.

Attached: Geoff1.jpg (550x309, 24.19K)

It was a sight to behold user, I remember it. MFW no mass suicide cults for Atlas.

Attached: 5128258F-2A16-46EA-8261-F5301E3594E2.jpg (569x1024, 108.07K)

>high priests in lab coats
Fuckin kek, lab work is the worst fucking life. I'd give anything to be a priest and get paid doing nothing

If scientists were the new priests you'd expect them to be paid for their work, no?


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That's exactly right, brother.

The best they can do is pump up these situations so people can figure out what they'll do when a real happening happens.

I digress. I'm more interested in Yellowstone.

I'm not your middle school science teacher you stupid nigger. If you aren't interested enough to even start looking then go fuck yourself.

This thing might be bigger than Andromida.

Yeah that cult thing had to be some kind of propaganda. Nobody REALLY killed themselves, right?

That really sucks because Bonnie Nettles and Marshall Applewhite were in a space ship right behind this comet and were likely killed in this terrible comet disaster.

You need to get lucky every single time. We only need to get lucky once

Attached: 096A2CC3-D99B-40EA-BADE-C23C37E71FDD.jpg (253x229, 48.23K)

they going with the 'Deep Impact' model

Attached: deep impact INCOMING.jpg (1276x541, 97.81K)

won't even come close to earth, was just gonna be pretty. Y4;old=0;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb

there's a few closer than the moon in the next year. link coming up...i wanna say sept 2, nov 2 are very close calls

Who dat?

Well Coronavirus is still a happening.

Punks. I viewed Halley's in the 80's.


Heavens Gate cult

you can mess around with known near earth objects table here
picture related is all known objects that will get closer to the earth than the moon in the next year

Attached: near earth objects.jpg (1270x306, 85.58K)


Attached: 02istbCometDonati1jpg.jpg (435x305, 27.01K)

It has a fuck off cloud that envelops it. If it has broken apart it shows that the asteroid does not have a gravitational field, yet it must for dust to form around it.

This means they can not split far.
T. Hypothesis

the tail was always more dangerous than the comet itself
the coming cataclysm mother shipton predicted is due to the tail of a heavenly body, so presumably a comet, hitting earth and setting it on fire.

I used to think the asteroid Apophis in 2029 and 2036 was the most likely candidate, as Apophis in Egyptian mythology is the Great Dragon who circles the earth and tries to devour it.

But any day a comet or asteroid might pop up out of nowhere and "surprise" the world.

Attached: mother shipton dragon prophecy.png (450x1684, 129.4K)

Hale bop sure was a sight to see though. When/where I saw it it was the size of a golf ball. And it just kinda lingered there. Suspended. Tryin' its best to get to where it was goin'. But to us, he looked like he was just standing in the wind.

thats what i thought bud

That... that gells with my time line a little too well. Take it back.

you stupid fucking niggers this is even worse now, it was going to harmlessly pass us by, now it might actually fucking hit us with fragments.

it won't be anywhere near us, see

Daddy issues.

Would you like for me to worship science harder and materialize a net to catch the little critters so they don't fall on your dorm?

No time. I got kids.

now those are some digits

Attached: Challenger_Photo_Montage.jpg (640x1103, 217.79K)


Ten seconds of googling, you mouthbreathing teenager.
You're stupid because you choose to be, you reject trying to educate yourself because it's easier to pretend you know better despite knowing nothing at all.
Get shot.

Here's a closeup of a comet visited by spacecraft Rosetta in 2014, which you've never heard of because you're a stupid stinking faggot.

Attached: comet rosetta.webm (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Great now instead we get pelted with many different objects like a shotgun blast

Attached: tXMhM3FQzPhaXVZkZCCuWk.jpg (1600x1000, 572.95K)

nah im gonna need some sources that arent (((sources))) from jewgle bro

Attached: mr clean apocalypse.jpg (700x700, 88.67K)

That link describes a new method of identifying comet material, you asked what comets were.
You stupid stupid nigger.

Here's Haley's Comet, you might have heard of that one but probably not, on account of you being a fucking moron. Drink Drano fag.

Attached: comet haley flyby.gif (560x404, 163.86K)