Daily reminder that the US Senate is trying to push legislation through that makes it is illegal for US citizens to boycott Israel, US citizens who promote boycotting Israel could face prison up to 20 years in this bill.
The United States should end military aid to Israel.
1. Military Aid to Israel is unnecessary. Israel is a very prosperous country and more than capable of paying for it's own military.
2.Military aid to Israel is a security risk to the United States. Israel has been selling American developed military technology to China for more than a decade. These sales have been instrumental in the modernization of China's military.
3.Military aid to israel is a diplomatic liability,
4, Military aid to israel is illegal under American law. Israel's human rights violations disqualifies Israel from receiving military aid under the Leahy lLw and Israel's sale of nuclear weapon technology to the Apartheid South African government disqualifies Israel from receiving military aid under the Symington Amendment.
China's first fourth generation jet fighter is an Israeli design. (n China, it is called the J-10, in Israel it was called the Lavi. It is basically a variant of the American F-16. The J-10 is the pride of the Chinese Air force. Being able to purchase this design was a boon to China, it allowed to side step years of research and development. latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-12-28-mn-13774-story.html
Military aid to israel is illegal under the Symington Amendment. The Symington Amendment prohibits military aid to nations that have nuclear weapons and have not signed the nuclear non-proliferation act of 1978 and do not permit inspections of their nuclear sites. Israel does neither of these things.
International Jew bankers run the USA, Israel is important to them. They convince evangelicals that Israel is important and they swallow it because their (((pastor))) said to.
Kevin Perez
Lol. if only you knew the real reason the US is so attached to my country... if only you knew. If one falls, the other one will follow. The destruction of Israel will cause the end of the western world. Keep going pol with the UN funded anti Israel campaign.
Military aid to israel is also illegal under the :Leahy Law which prohibits military aid to human rights violators. The International Court wants to investigate possible war crimes, but that investigation has currently been blocked. However there are well documented Israeli human rights violations. Israel has routinely used collective punishments for decades and uses "administrative detention" this is when individuals are imprisoned without due process or even pressing charges. Over four hundred people are in administrative detention right now. I would argue that these practices are human rights violations and disqualify Israel from receiving military aid from the United States. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leahy_Law
Nice try. Even you don't believe in Christian eschatology. The muzzies aren't a threat unless the US army doesn't arm them. We have the resources play god in the middle East. Why do you believe we need Israel?|
>he destruction of Israel will cause the end of the western world.
Such vanity.
Zionists certainly have an incredibly inflated sense of self importance.
That crummy scrap of land just doesn't matter that much.
While it was under Muslim control, Western Civ had the renaissance, the enlightenment, and the industrial revolution.
When the West was at the peak of it's colonial power, When the European Imperialists could have taken that land like taking candy from a baby they ignored it and focused on places with meaningful resources.
Supporting the insanity of Zionism just isn't worth the effort.
fuck the jews, fuck israel, and fuck the law. boycott israel and boycott jews and boycott kosher products. get the koschertified app today: koschertified.com/
It's not just jews though. There's a lot of Christian billionaires who are staunchly pro-Israel.
John Russell
Because they believe in a kike-worshiping Religion.
Joshua James
Why Christians freely give their power to Israel: MUH JESUS MUH 2ND COMING
Christians honestly believe a 2000 year old dead guy will appear over Jerusalem on a flying white horse, surrounded by winged people blowing vuvuzelas.
Adam Martin
They are paracites--americans have forgotten the true face of the jew.
Oddly enough,, in that prophecy those angels will set the Jews on fire for not following the Gospels.
Christian Zionism is truly absurd. Protect the Jews from retribution for their crimes, give them unconditional and unlimited support so that God can kill the lot of them.
2 Thessalonians 1:8
8in blazing fire. He will inflict vengeance on those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Carson Lopez
It is, but Israel is exempt. I know for a fact that all teachers in Texas public schools are required to sign an oath saying they are pro-Israel.
It has nothing to do with them being Jewish and everything to do with Israel's many violations of human rights, international law and it's own treaties.
Never say "kike". they own that word and get a quarter everytime you say it.
Focus on cold hard facts and never use slurs because that lets them play the victim card.
so fucking what? those disgsuting mutts happily die for their jewish overlords so let them buy their shit as well mutt land is just a jewish proxy state
Nathan Wilson
Noah Martin
Damn... Should have known the khazar milker meme was made by JIDF.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
And yet Jews threatened HIM with boycott, brought him to heel and forced him to publicly apologize. A life time before all of us were even born.
Jason Thompson
they are stealing money from stupid Canadians every damn day here. and the second I mention its whoa slow down there with the anti semistim. baka