Damn...when you put it like that

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Happeningfags btfo

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>it is ebbing in April


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He's still going...
A couple good zingers during the 2016 election season and clinging to Trump like a leech has propelled him this far

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why are these boomers so obsessed with this "just the flu" narrative? I thought it was a meme but to see these people actually, unironically saying this shit despite all of the evidence is just mind-blowing. How fucking dumb can they possibly be?

What's this boomers problem?

gdi just when I thought it stabilized it shoots up again.

This guy is a retard, but even more important:

Yep, just the seasonal flu.

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>barely 1,500

Those would be the results of infallible testing and not conflated numbers right?


it's not the flu, REEEEEEE

just because if you catch it you have flu like symptoms, and it only kills the same people in about the same numbers the flu does. The faulty model shows it spread so much faster than the flu, but causes no ill effects in 80% of cases. BUT IT'S NOT THE FLU REEEEE

Explain to me why the “numbers” should be scary considering you can’t even get a test unless you pass a telephone screen and have severe symptoms.......

the flu regularly kills 55,000 americans a year with bad years being closer to 80,000. flu season is from december to april. 4 months is 120 days. in a normal year that's 460 deaths per day during flu season, and 660 during a bad season
we're at 1,925 coronavirus deaths today and 1,255 yesterday
pic related is just a flufags

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only 33 deaths in Oregon, seems to be diversity related, if you aren't a fat diabetic nigger you got a 99.8% chance of survival.

Muh exponential growth

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God I hope this faggot gets Corana and dies

So basically we’re good
We just don’t know anything about this virus that’s what the big deal is ?

There will be more deaths now late that people have been languishing for weeks with this vuirus. Id focus more on new cases for an accurate picture of whats happening

havent heard that in a few days now. They must have given up on that

What's the line now? Something like "we are under reporting deaths"

you been saying the same shit for 3 weeks now. fuck off

The flu also follows a parabolic rise like the covid and would have many of the deaths backloaded - like covid?

Not only that, but the the flu completely saturates the country, whereas, corona is still mostly in pockets. Once it is as widespread as the flu, it'll be much more deadly, which is what we've been saying from the fucking start.

It's 1,500 deaths per day, soon it's going to be a 9/11 every day

>despite all of the evidence
You mean how 30% show no symptoms, 40% show mild, basic bitch flu symptoms, 25% will have bad cold, take a few days off symptoms, and the remaining 5% will show symptoms requiring hospitalization, with almost 95% of those being people who are already suffering from other chronic health problems. Damn that sure is mind blowing.

I really don't understand it, especially when you consider that they are the ones most at risk for this thing. If boomers really want everything to open back up then I'm all for it since it'll pretty much wipe all of them out.

What does it matter if it was 10,000 people dying every day? The most important thing is that we keep the stock market UP and the economy running. The deaths of a few hundred thousand old people who would probably die in a year or two anyway is a small price to pay for keeping the DOW up and companies running.

so we might break 20,000 when this is all over? It will be like this every year as the boomers begin to die off, modern medicine has keep them alive so long, that the seasonal flu will get most of them

aren't bad years caused by extended cold weather that lasts through may like we're experiencing now?
Also, to nigger up this shit thread and your shittier post, could you explain the massive sharp decline in pneumonia deaths this year compared to any other year in the last decade?

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We have to back to work
India, China is going back to work
America will be left behind

Do you want a happening or not? Either shut your fucking mouth or start hyping this shit up.

The U.S. needs a complete economic collapse and you guys are trying to ruin the happening. Just stop. We finally have one and you guys are trying to take it from us.

Worldometer sources are the mainstream media.

wow it's tiresome preaching to the pol NPC choir... Pol can only learn things from a state approved source.

not rly... you have to understand that these numbers are despite shutting everything down and everyone becoming a paranoid germophobe

>began in november here
Does this retard live in China?

>>barely 1,500
Dont forget that theyre not testing anymore in some jurisdictions, doctors can assume cause of death was covid19 based on symptoms and its official

That’s still less then the 7500 people die in America of stupid things

>soon it's going to be a 9/11 every day
Don't get the jews too excited

>Do you want a happening or not? Either shut your fucking mouth or start hyping this shit up.
I want the fucking truth you dumb piece of nigger shit

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Flu is at its worst usually in February. This man is a moron.

do a moving average and you would see it better

I'm starting to thinks this whole thing is just arrogant boomers who are scared to die now that they are getting to an age where they are vulnerable. And they wouldn't dare give up their precious office jobs, and don't want to wuarantine themselves while younger people work because they are the control freaks of every office and workplace and they know it would lead to a forced retirement or even worse - the company getting on just fine without them

It should be up to boomers to quarantine themselves for a month right now to avoid their own risk. Instead the selfish cunts want everyone else to stay home to "stop the spread"

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>normal flu deaths often get reported as death due to high blood pressure or other chronic health issues that are more accurate in defining why a person died
>anybody dies with corona virus and it automatically becomes a scare tactic statistic to keep the npc sheep shut inside wearing blankets on their heads and praying for the nwo to save them with autism vaccines, rfid chips, digital currencies, and more handouts.

Mitchell is a brainlet

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>why are these boomers so obsessed with this "just the flu" narrative?
Because flu seasons come and go each year.
They think that coronavirus infections will soon start dropping off once flu season ends.
They don't understand that nobody is immune to this new coronavirus. And it's only infected 0.12% of Americans so far. The spread has only just begun.

>1,925 coronavirus deaths today and 1,255 yesterday
>6 million

Says who? Did u see the bodies?

You mean this could have been here for years and know one knew until Dr Li found it ?

>If you compare the average deaths per day throughout the whole flu season to literally the two worst days of coronahoax, the coronahoax looks worse!
Holy shit, you're retarded, lol. Do you work at the CDC?

>it is ebbing in April
if only you knew how bad things really are

The really number are getting in now. The fucking shills, especially the WHO and Fauci, should kill themselves!

>The number of hospitalizations estimated so far this flu season is lower than end-of-season total hospitalization estimates for any season since CDC began making these estimates.


Just now huh? All the people in power, the governers, senators, mayors, bankers and assorted other billionaires are old and infirm.
They are terrified of death.

BIll is the final boss of the Boomer temple, but i have to agree with him here. Almost half the deaths are happening in NY anyway. Cuomo is going to look like the most retarded governor in the country when the dust settles.

Damn you got me lol I was like wtf till I saw it was 1,500. Based aussies

Nobody is immune to the common cold either shit head. That's why it comes back every season.

* The real numbers

The people I have seen the most on the roads and out and about are the boomers, you know the ones that refuse to believe that they are too incompetent to drive, but nearly cause 3 accidents on their way to the store.

At peak this year we had 14% positives for flu (A/B combined), 600 bed Midwestern hospital. Just for reference.

So they test everyone with this much intensity during a normal flu season? Fuck out of here with your non-factual statistics from muh research. Idiot. This is an agenda happening right before your eyes, and you choose to put the blinders on?

>And it's only infected 0.12% of Americans so far.
It is indeterminate how many Americans are actually infected.

So this is the new normal ?
It’s not seasonal.
It would take 100 years and no representation of people to zero America
Do the 1 % really need us lower people

If you can’t face the truth, wish it dead.

National, damn....

Get ready for a "2nd wave"

Yeah, yeah.
Two more weeks...two more weeks...etc.

Mass migration out of wuhan
That’s why the numbers are down

Exactly. I'm an essential worker and honestly over 80% of the people i see out and about every day are 60 or older. Go home you old fucks.

The flu except is all year round and will make the actual flu season worse.

Just wait two weeks bro

>Not only that, but the the flu completely saturates the country, whereas, corona is still mostly in pockets. Once it is as widespread as the flu, it'll be much more deadly, which is what we've been saying from the fucking start.


We have shut down our country and Covid is still doing 3x the amount of Flu deaths daily.

Had we not shut it down, we’d be losing 20k per day. Bill Mitchell has a genetically inferior IQ.

It's been a pretty warm March and early April on the northeast


In two weeks...in two weeks..etc

a longer flu season makes the numbers worse for just a flufags, so I went with the most conservative flu season length to make the numbers favor their belief as much as possible. 80,000 deaths over a 6 months flu season is 444 deaths a day, same as a regular flu year. maybe try using your brain you fucking mongoloid
1/3 of pneumonia cases are caused by infections like the flu. as far as I can tell if someone dies of pneumonia caused by the flu their cause of death will be listed as both the flu and pneumonia
in the beginning of a regular flu season there are multiple strains competing, with one eventually winning out and being the strain that infects most people. if you want to think about it that way, the coronavirus is like a super strong flu strain that beats the regular flu to the punch. fewer people are getting the flu and dying of pneumonia because they're getting the coronavirus and dying of it. I was under the impression that a lot of the serious (ie fatal) cases of the coronavirus lead to the development of pneumonia, so I'm not sure why those deaths wouldn't be reported as both covid-19 and pneumonia, or maybe I'm completely wrong on my earlier point about flu/pneumonia deaths

>And it's only infected 0.12% of Americans so far.
You know this because you've tested all 330 million of us? kek

Buy the dip

You have no idea what percentage it has infected.

It would be terrifying if one of the viruses that causes the common cold mutated to become lethal, wouldn't it?

Oh yes, I definitely remember how every year every country in the world shuts down for a few months. Otherwise the flu just would never end!
Who is this fucking Twitter troll I see all over?

if its jsut a flu he shoudl let himself get infected, isnt it for the nation? The economy is fucked if he gets infected and its just a flu he can prove it, why isnt he doing it... wait is he scared? Like all the rest of fags? Why bother with conspiracy theories? If its just a flu got get it yourself to prove

I'm not saying that at all. Its simple logic. At the beginning, far less people had the virus, so you wqouldnt expect to see them dropping dead by the thousands now would you?


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wrong numbers faggot!

Plus im not saying that at all. Im saying we should all go back to work and boomers should self isolate for a month this is getting ridiculous.

two more weeks its what you fags were saying that it will be "over" you dont even know how mutation works if something worse than spanish flu second wave happens its your fault for being retarded

looks like a crypto price chart.
CORV 1000 EOY!!!!!!

>muh shekels
Neck yourself jew

1,900 today so...

I'm not a jew its ridiculous for the entire economy to shutdown because boomie woomies are scared one day the bell might finally toll for them.

the thing about the 1% that you forget is that they are old and all of them have servants and that they love to travel.
Corona is a huge threat to them, bigger than any countries military, bigger than anything.

>following the trend for infections when deaths clearly don't follow said trend, while recoveries continue to increase over deaths

Look, it's retarded!

why is the 4 different in march 24? at the top

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>P-please save muh stocks, goy I've lost over 6 gorillion dollars


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>Boomers celebrating 4/20

If SARS2 isn't killing a large number of people, then why is NYC talking about possible mass graves in parks.

The things chink lovers tell themselves lmao

The common flu is already "lethal" for those with other chronic health issues. That's why you have common cold related deaths every flu season. It's not that different with this covid19. It's only slightly worse in that regard; not even close to being bad enough to warrant all this fear being created by the msm and global powers that be.

the flu doesn't fucking kill 100,000s of thousends in weeks faggot

Viral load is important. That's why social distancing and lock downs are important. Get a small viral load your body can fight it off. Get a large viral load and your problems have multiplied.

Idk you tell me SCHIZO

>Economy tanks to shit across America
>Just about every business goes down that aren't already worth nearly if not more than billions
>Completely bound to going to Wal-Marts and McDonalds because all other small businesses were scrubbed away
>"Haha! Eat shit, Capitalist!"
I will never understand why commies love McDonalds so much

I guess we should all just stay home forever under the martial law of communism then

>why is NYC talking about possible mass graves in parks.
they arent, nigger. GD are you people really this stupid?

About time a transfer of wealth happens
Crazy coofing Asians
I think there is more to this virus then there tell everyone
Italy’s test numbers dropped and deaths stayed the same.
They got tested and then got sick

The Happening here isn't the fake virus, it's the attempt by nwo factions to strengthen their grip on the goyim by causing PANic and the proposed (((vaccine))).

Except unlike the flu it won't go away. The risk of infection will persist year round and there will always be waves of infections and reinfections that peak higher and higher every time.

Also, can't let these hitlerdigits go unnoticed. Checked, very nice

msm fear tactics, ie lying

Got a source for those bold claims there champ?


There's a different between the "common cold" syndrome and influenza. You don't have common cold killing people, which is why we don't bother to immunize against any of the viruses. Flu can kill, but we have immunity to many flu viruses. Stop confusing the two. Coronaviruses cause colds, not flu.