Did the Holocaust happen?

Alright fuckers, after years and years of me seeing you as retards you have finally got me questioning the legitimacy of the Holocaust. I'm starting to understand the doubt and I'm not sure what I believe anymore. Please show me all of your best evidence that the Holocaust is exaggerated or a hoax.

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6 million didn't die-- a lot died but not six million, that's about it.



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How many replies until the French kike shows up?

six million did die, but they were eastern Europeans mostly.

Red Cross said 200,000

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Six million is nothing.
Why do people even care.
The Jews deserved it.

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Germany was fighting a world war for 6 years on 3 different fronts. 4 fronts if you consider the air war to be its own front.
France. Russia. North Africa. The air war.
Germany had massive numbers of political prisoners and prisoners of war from those 6 years.

As the war dragged on, what does a warring nation do? Divert resources to the military or to the prison system?
Prisoners whether jew or gypsy died due to starvation and disease in barren, abandoned camps because there was a war going on.

1940's Germany did not have the industrial capacity to arrest, jail, execute, and dispose of 6 million jewish prisoners and an additional 5 million Gypsies, slavs, POW's etc

It didn't happen because 6 million unemployed germans were put back to work, so what happened was 6 million jobless numbers were shoahed. Jews twisted this fact.

babbys first redpill.

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Why are people always trying to belittle the efforts of my country?

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Crematoriums are weeks behind due to the onslaught of deaths due to coronavirus.

Yet the Nazi's were somehow able to create a sustainable system to creamate hundreds to thousands of Jews each day during WWII? Yet we've never seen piles and piles of ashes ever photographed.

Pretty good.
I should be prepping for BC, desu.


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Oh yeah, I got this too, if you're interested.

You're welcome

Where is the user with the pasta.

Occams razor.

Muh six million, muh masturbation machines, muh lampshades, are details of the holohoax that are the most important to (((them))). I

ts not enough to simply say "lots of jews died by nazis"

Even with Germanic efficienty, it is simply not feasible.
I'm sorry Hans, the legend of your people is just that - a legend.

Hell, Hitler probably didn't even exist.
Have you ever met someone who was alive in the 1940's?
They're all senile!
Can't trust a damn thing they say!

They probably made up World War two as an excuse to send all the Jews to Israel.

And this whole Israel thing?
I've never actually met a verifiable Israeli, just people who claim to be.

How do we even know Israel exists?

How do I know I exist?
Maybe I don't?

This post brought to you by Pilpul - the magnetic suppository.

I reported this thread to the ADL.

Ask China. Their busy giving Nazi germany a run for the money

>yes hello rabbi? i'd like to report an antisemitism.

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6,000,000 jews
5,000,000 "others"
this is why 5 out of 11 holocaust survivor stories spammed over the last halfcentury are about gentiles

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What is that supposed to mean? Just a curious and proud frenchman

Yes, that is exactly how it went. Prepare your keister for a stern kvetching!


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Holocaust didn't happen.

What are a few other redpills I need to swallow? I've mostly ignored Yas Forums and politics in general, I think I have some catching up to do. Could you please make a quick list?

6m was the total jewish population in Europe
"6m souls were in danger"
so no, 6m is an exagerated now "SACRED" number

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All that holocaust stuff has already been debunked.

A lot more than 6 million died. 6 million Jews died. 11 million total. Still a small amount compared to the total killed in ww2: 75-80 million.


Here is a good documentary how the holocaust was fake

You are all starting to convince me. Thank you all for this. What other red pills do I need to swallow? I have already figured out that
>The American government is evil
>The American government has used every "tragedy" as an opportunity to seize more power (ie 9/11, Great Depression, Corona)
>The Civil War had little to do with slavery
>The government is run by corporations
>Mainstream media is evil
>Circumcision is insane
>Obesity is one of humanity's greatest threats at the moment
>Women and minorities are treated better than white men
>Humans are savage and selfish in nature although they deny it
>Most people are sheep
What else have I missed?

Jews now admit Simon the Weasel pulled the "and 5 million goyim" figure from his ass.

Great replacement and immigration
Aborigines are low IQ savages

i agree with everything thing unironically


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Unfathomably based. Tiddies are for babies, ass is for men.

I'll read up on that, thank you.

Elites push multiculturalism in order to destroy any threat to their power and to produce a population of dumb obedient consumer cattle

define the word holocaust without looking up the definition

multicult is, and always will be a divide and conquer meme.
i forgot which famous roman said something along those lines

If Hitler actually did kill 6 million, he would not only save Europe, but the world.

Yup, all the germans melted to death in dresden. much more accurate for the word holocaust which means burnt offering.

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which is why we should be nonstop spamming 11,000,000 all over twitter and facebook --- especially on articles about how Italy's modern crematorias just cannot keep up with the body count



>he can't answer a simple question
you're a worthless slave of jews

Who cares? It was long time ago, and had nothing to do with America.

A better question is why does the United States have to give billions to israel and fight their wars because some teenager in Europe hid in a an attic nearly a century ago.

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The fuck are you talking about? I just said me. That is an answer. Kys leaf.

boy, you sure are retarded
this question you stupid nigger:

>had nothing to do with America.
I see that you never learned history.
Because of you burgers getting pulled into WW1 and helping the allies win the Balfour declaration was signed which said palestine would become a new jewish state.
WW2 you came in again to finish the job.
ironically you and the bongs made holocaust victims out of every city you firebombed

yes,, the American Army Air Corps did terror bombing and murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians..... but how does that translate into being Israel's bitch until the end of time?

As for World War One,, the American contribution just wasn't all that important to the outcome.

The Balfour declaration was a British thing and you cannot blame us for that either.

American is guilty of a hell of a lot things,, but that ain't one of them.

Uhh don’t believe everything you read on the internet or on pol

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Jesus Christ, you really are a fool.

>no holocaust
>the allies were the real monsters

And they say people aren't radicalized on Yas Forums. Thanks moot.

>The government is run by corporations
Meh. muh corporations, corporate capitalism is not real capitalism, real capitalism has never been tried -> global davos/bilderberg/council of foreign relations -> OMG IT'S THE FUCKING JEWS


Educate yourself. If you can't watch this video, you only have ignorance to blame for your failure to learn.

>the allies were the real monsters

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>real capitalism has never been tried
Real capitalism happens every day. It is the natural order of things.

I ate 6 gorillion babies

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Nobody's hands were unbloodied in the war, but I think it's shameless to deny there were German death camps, but in the same proclaim there were Allied death camps.

Ok boomer

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