What was life like before 9/11 and Corona Virus?
What was life like before 9/11 and Corona Virus?
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It was a small club back then online
Everyone "on the web" kinda knew each other better even if you didn't know their real name
You automatically had a lot in common because tech was new and for techies
I kinda miss it really
Really fucking good.
I miss the 90's.
It was sweet as fuck
No police state. Parenting was less neurotic. 'Minorities' were just that. A closed garden of memories to the zoomer.
You studied that thumbnail very well before committing to it
Why can't I go back!
We angered the gods in a past life
Things felt good. You could actually ride a bike to the local park a block away at 9 years old by yourself without having cops stop you.
Gas was under $1.20 everywhere.
People actually remembered things without using a phone
Board games were still a thing
What a time to be alive
Before 9/11 people were more culturally unified. LGBT+ didn't exist as that acronym and people would frown upon the T aspect especially. Cross dressing was reserved for sitcoms. There were no e thots or social media influencers. Erkel ruled Friday nights. People believed in love and babies. SJW proto types were outcasts to be ignored.
It was just as bad, but you just didn't know it.
nostalgia fags lack introspection
ITT: teenagers larping about being grown men
Forgot to mention, laughing at gays was socially acceptable. All the kids who played football also played smear the queer in the front yard.
Summed up:
Perfection. A much different place. I feel bad for those who have had to grow up with electronic devices glued to their hands
I remember being 7 and not getting molested at the airport and being able to visit the flight deck and talk to pilots of a 747 transatlantic flight
Rock Lords - like Transformers except they change into inanimate geological formations (from the guys that brought you Go-Bots)
I believe you mean the cockpit.
we had these things ordinary citizens were willing to die fore called rights
Pretty good. Not as good as the 80s though. American culture peaked in 1989.
Wait. Who would possibly want these? Gayer then Funko garbage.
>Fuckin Nintendo's---had to blow in the cartridges, reset 3x
>fast n the furious street cars
>pay phones and calling cards
>windows 98
>MTV played music videos
>cable TV
>weed was illegal
>everybody was told to go to college, even if they didnt know what for. Any degree was better than no degree
>fucking homeless didnt infest every city like today
The internet was a much more free place.
Solitary and mindsweeper were like that, you never knew what was going to happen next
Faggots used to get banned. Now they just post on Yas Forums.
Thanks Republicans!
It was great. I had to a of online friends and we all used aliases and would waffle about sharing our pics or meeting in person. So there was no real distinction between people based on appearance or identity politics. We were all equal online.
So different than what today is like.
It was pretty nice.
I wish I could relive 1999 forever, though.
And yeah "rock Lords" started taking on a whole new meaning in 80-90s with the invention of crack cocaine
It was normal.
Society was normal. Shit like the massive difference nowadays between "extroverts" and "introverts" didn't exist, it was far narrower. People were not as quick to judge. Extremist views on both spectrums of the political wing system were seen as strange - none of this bullshit social media nonstop "woke" vs "trad" shite going on to make everyone's personal, social, and private lives a living hell.
If you wanted to know something, you would go to the library, which was often well stocked, and Blockbuster had everything you'd ever want. You had it so good back then if you got a VHS & a game, shit was like, amazing. Now there's so much choice that it doesn't even feel special to watch a movie at home anymore.
Music was great. You had to go to stores to get music and you would develop a rapport with the shop owner or the till assistant.
I suppose as well the most obvious change - people were not afraid to BE themselves, to BE earnest. Nowadays it's just play pretend with layers of irony and it's no comparison to what was before. It sucks. Social media didn't exist either, so everyone was on the same page if you know what I mean.
TV shows were killer and tech was coming out at a rapid pace. New music was pushing boundaries and had its own identity. Subcultures and counterculture were alive, smart, and razor sharp. Life was on track to look good.
Until it wasn't
>it was peaceful times
best Kim even offered trump a christmas gift.
Terrorism, Cold War, gasoline shortages, pollution, campus riots, filthy hippies.
Fun times.
I have 1 g3, 2 g4 and 2 g5s, those computers were great. Powerpc arc was beautiful
There wasn’t this huge base of people into tranny porn
Only oldfags remember before coronavirus.
Give us a break, it was the 80-90s we didn't have a lot of options but at least we were happy with our shitty toys
I remember being happy the wall was coming down but I'd put it back up if it kept you off my internet.
K3K it was like 3 months ago bruh
a lot more free, the only thing better now is legal weed
Women actually stayed attractive well into their late 20's and were easy, but not too easy.
>Gas was under $1.20 everywhere.
Gas is $1.20 right now, ha.
You said corona virus like it happened a hundred years ago, the shit only started 3-4 months ago
Macs still sucked. Internet was better, but slower. People were still shitty, but less annoying somehow.
Here let me play you the song of my people
The peak of civilization. It's all downhill now.
Ohhhhhhhhhh my god those fucking planes, wow!
I know this on by heart my nigga. I heard it every time I booted up Ultima online
People listened to ska.
It was the final era you could live free. Truly free.
It's gone and will never return. We are in the end times. Get ready for excitement.
I know right, google forgotten toys of the 80-90s and see how much we've gotten, our toys might have sucked but we we're still happy asf to have them. Kids today ..
This. /thread. There will never be a better time in human history.
I think looking back, I can honestly say I envy those who died that day. They never had to see the filth this nation took on with Obama and the faggots and liberals destroying our culture.
1991-2008 was the peak of human society. Communism was falling, the threat of nuclear war was gone. Only the burgers were invading some irrelevant countries here and there, but nothing to worry about.things were looking bright. Best tv shows, best movies, best games.. no fucking smart phones, people actually socilized, went for unannounced visits, came up with things to do randomly without having to look at what other people were doing on social media. We actually remembered all our frens landline phonenumbers, these phones only exsist in wagecuck offices now. Time was precious and people were precise. No sjws on the tv, no fucking influencers, no bloggers, no tic tocs, no tumblerinas, no tinder, no fucking facebook and best of all: no women on the internet. It all changed around 08/09 when facebook really started taking of, boomers and women finally cought on to the wonders of the internet, hence it all turned to shit within a few years.
Shit in one place I lived [middle of nowhere] we didn't have broadband til 2010, I shit you not I was still using dialup in 2010
Was it just because we were kids/young?
>mfw 60-70 more years of this shitfest
Noice. We got broadband kinda early, compared to most people we lived near.
A lot of them couldn't get it due to also being in the middle of nowhere, but we lived just close enough to the highway to luck out.
Phones ruined the internet.
Everyone seemed to have a better attitude.
Based as fuck my Norwegian friend.
totally this, great post!
This for me as well. Slow internet barely settled into place until 2009. But it was so comfy. Everyone knew each other, there were bingo nights at the local community center. Kids played in the hills with no fear from families worried about them going missing. When outsiders moved in they were promptly treated with suspicion until they proved otherwise over time. Families had cookouts and invited anyone just passing through. Now in my hometown the stores and community center are decrepit, and everyone lives in a sort of isolated fear as crime has risen due to drugs and unsolved murders. I miss pre 2008.
Normies and snowflakes ruined the Internet
The 90's was peak civilization. When the smartphone was introduced and the internet became accesible to normie npc's, it all went downhill tho.
Happier and largely care free, full of optimism. Things were good.
lel this was me til a few weeks ago. Thanks Coronavirus!
Youre a dumb nigger jew.
You had chatrooms, video games, porn, and forums. Thats about it.
And i was anonymous on all of them.
It wasnt a club. Gay faggot
Even on dialup really wasn't that bad/slow as long as no one tried to use the phone you were good. then every asshole in the world got on the internet and overloaded the servers and dialup couldn't cope so they created broadband and even more assholes showed up, the internet should have been an earned privaledge not an open invite
Blame AOL
I didn't talk to alot of chicks on AIM tho....
lmao you have got to be like 20 right, he didn't say there wasn't anonymity
Did talk*
Remember customizing the AIM boxes hahaha. That got me into tracing IPs.
Reminder that desiring the past is stupid. The past is what lead to the present, the conditions of the past are what shaped the present. To desire the past is simply to desire to present to happen over again. All hope must be placed in the future