Another 5G Mast bites the dust

Another 5G Mast bites the dust...

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we need updates, a map, and a friendly competition on what country is the most based.

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Goddamn bongs are dumb


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bongs proving their worth right now, gib updates

tedpilled af.

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Why the fuck is this being pushed so much?

streisand effect taking hold.

This is pretty great ngl, it shows the power of schizo posting. Loving it.

I LOVE SCIENCE freaks say
>no you cant take that medicine it hasnt been proven to be effective
I LOVE SCIENCE freaks also say
>no you shouldnt worry about 5g because it hasnt been proven to be safe you should just trust us!
literal animals

Based and tedpilled

I bet chinks discovered fire since everything they make catches it.

i hope this is a recurring trend........

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post her cute feminine penis

based muslims again?

We are working hard to ensure this

Thats a man

>tfw they arm every single 5G tower with 24 surveillance cameras, automatic turrets and flamethrowers

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keep it up bongs this is inspirational

Youre going to get these towers of cancer goy quit resisting

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5g banned in Israel. That's all you need to know about it.

>I want a chinese cancer tower in my nearest playground
>chinese flag

kys chang

Absolutely basado
I'm for it not because I agree with qschizos but because we gave control over the 5g network in the uk to the chinks

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Based. Even if they have nothing to do with corona I don't want chinkoid tech anywhere in my country

Whatever device you are using to post on Yas Forums right now, was made in china for keks sake

now lets start taking out redlight cameras

>I don't want chinkoid tech anywhere in my countr
5g is a weapon invented in Israel in 2011. Yet they don't have it in their own country. You see the problem? And they are putting this shit in our kids schools right now worldwide while were on lockdown. Know who made it know your enemy. Also, the jews invented communism and founded CCP China, they run them also.


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I know and I hate it. I'm sick of western money going towards that godforsaken country. Bring back the days of home-grown manufacturing and the times when China was just that odd country with the kung-fu moves that people only knew from movies

based and tedpilled

You sure that's true? I looked it up seems like they were aainst it for a bit but they planning on putting em later?

Anyone considered that they're just lighting themselves on fire? If what people say is true the mass of cables and metal would be like a tinderbox for mm radiation, like steel wool and a 9volt battery.

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>chink flag
>outraged that Supreme Anglo Chads are destroying chinese microwave torture towers
Checks out. Go eat some dogs or something.

How are they lighting these things up? seriously, inb4 thermite & jet fuel

Please you dumb faggots go take down the satellite arrays and power relay stations if you’re going to go pure anarchy
Go ahead and check out what kind of frequencies those shit out if you’re so god damn worried about fucking electromagnetic radiation of all things
Soooooo original guys good job I almost feel like it’s the 70’s again

I'm talking about 5g in isreal
I'm not very informed so genuinely askingl

>The 60Ghz disrupts oxygen electron orbitals and breaks the oxygen to hemoglobin bond.

"The radio coverage strongly depends on frequency and is essentially determined by the water vapor and molecular oxygen-induced atmospheric absorptions. For instance, shifting the frequency from 70/80 to 60 GHz decreases the operating range from 3 km to 400 m [1]. This decrease is related to the 16 dB/km peak of oxygen-induced absorption around 60 GHz"


>COVID-19 is the inability of your blood to transport oxygen. This is caused by the 60Ghz Millimeter-Waves emitted through the 5G cellular network infrastructure because these waves at that specific frequency get absorbed by oxygen molecules. This specifically prohibits your hemoglobin from binding with oxygen molecules.This leads to insufficient oxygen supply of the body. The human body responds with flu and viral like symptoms such as shortness of breath, dry cough and others. The lack of oxygen supply further culminates in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Arrhythmia, and Acute Cardiac Injury and/or Acute Kidney Injury and finally multiple organ failure.

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What's the best way to sabotage cell towers? Molotovs? Asking for a friend

Where at? Why won't the American faggots start doing this?


no towers in isreal 5g underground fiber optic cables

Seriously tafjah /blacked/ when

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get loads of petrol
drink it
run to the tower and spit it out

the only way trust me bro

Maybe God is stepping in

I have noticed a very clear pattern over the past few days.
(((msm))) is pushing these stories and are tacking-on the retarded notion that this is to do with Corona Virus.
>conspiracy theory that 5G causes Coronavirus, blah blah blah...
>conspiracy theorists who think Corona Virus Is caused by 5G have started to destroy towers!!!
Even though people have been rightfully talking about 5G for a couple of years now, and the complaints have never even been addressed. Yet suddenly it's being pushed alongside this Coronavirus stuff.
Quite clearly to delegitimize any real concerns about 5G.
Dirty fucking kikes.

Eating rat poison makes you immune to 5g and (((corona))). Spread the word.

youtube have also literally banned any dissenting opinions against 5g. also banned david icke. there is something badly wrong with jewtube and jewgle. not that we didnt already know it. but this is yet another example of them completely wiping stuff from the internet that they dont like

I would think it's something more sticky than that.

Pair of pliers VS electrical grid who would win?

Brian Rose gives zero Fucks tho

Has nothing to do with Corona but I approve anyway, keep it up

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100% this.

If you make your enemies point for them and do so poorly you've poisoned the well of truth.

4G is 0.4 Hgz higher than 3G
5G is 48 times higher than 4G


There's no place to put your dick. There's only 1 hole back there and it's the wrong one.

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It's the perfect hole

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probably a bit tinfoily, but i have a feeling that all the artificial EM waves we are sending out really fucks with nature, and afaik all "scientists" just straight up denies that anything bad can ever happen from EM waves

I don't understand, who is destroying the towers? Haven't been paying attention.

Post in-store prices

No user, that hole is meant for shitting, it's a scientific fact.

While 5G isn’t dangerous, it’s still an overrated consoomer product. Good to see a few knocked down, but probably shouldn’t blow them up, risk setting the neighborhood on fire, just cut them down.

Funniest shit I’ve seen in months

>Quite clearly to delegitimize any real concerns about 5G.

Post spoons

The waves go through the skin and affect your insides first.
The sun's waves also does that but it's at most 20ghz while 5G goes up to 96ghz.

That's almost 5 times the sunlight inside your body and it cant' be stopped by your skin.
That's why birds and small animals are dropping dead.

>white men

Chinks from the ccp seen the fire and tried to put bodies in the fire while still alive. Also tried to cook their dogs.

It doesn't say what you're suggesting, at all. It says it attenuates in the atmosphere.

Still waiting the cheat sheet on how to detect and deactivate them.