who will pick the crops Yas Forums?
Who will pick the crops Yas Forums?
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Americans. There are plenty.
Oh no! It's almost like they'll have to pay proper wages to attract native workers which will increase employment!
Enjoy your expensive food, retards.
Fuck, didn't think about that
Guess we'll just starve
How about all those temporarily embarrassed millionaires on unemployment?
the anchor babies & dreamers
>Canadian lecturing about food prices
>What are subsidies
Canada crying about crops, what do you even grow there.
If paying 5-10% more for food is the price we have to pay to have white countries, then I am absolutely fine with that.
You are the retard. If poor Americans were bussed to farms, given shelter, and provided food JUST LIKR THESE FARMERS DO FOR BEANERS then we’d be fine on all fronts.
Fuck off commie
I'll do it for $82/hour.
Nigger your water is dirty due to p2 opus dei and mafia keep you like a dog and make you feel bad for it, kill opus dei members. Rapists of the deep state.
Anything to get the brown man out DESU.
Just staff with laid-off blue collar workers, or even use WWOOF for free labor if needed.
The 10M Americans out of work, or the additional millions of young Americans who have not yet had a job.
Within 5 years we will have developed a machine to pick and sort our fucking beans. .50 more for a can of peas is a small price to pay imo. If you're able bodied and under the age of 65, get the fuck off welfare and get to pickin' motherfuckers!
I thought automation was supposed to handle this. right? isnt that why we needed UBI?
dumb fuck its free jobs were exporting out of our countrys, its not more expensive this is littealy the biggest lie that has been shoved down your throats do you not have any morality for your slave labor or even care about the environmental consequences third world country's are constantly shitting out because we tell them to produce litteraly everything and pay them below a liveable wage
nigga, please. you know how small the percentage of immigrants, illegal or not, are crop and field workers? Put all the green deal socialists to work in the fields. Give them a taste of what their lives would be like under General Secretary Bernie
Lol, there’s a reason they hired spic labor in the first place. Let’s just admit they really do the jobs we don’t want, AKA the shit ones
Definitely not Yas Forums bots they are the coronavirus high risk group of mostly obese middle age men. The skew rise of African American the result of drug addict zones.
make people on welfare pick the crops
Good luck getting your blacks to go back into the fields
without a slave class, who will pick our crops?
More like .50 less. Paying a beaner for a whole year costs less than a machine that does x100 the work
wow, is that the only concern of boomer jews in all this?! fucking die already.
>Relying on underpaid foreigners to come and grovel in your crop fields is a good thing!
>Think about the economy!
meant *more. FUCK
>When slavery ends, who will pick the cotton?
Minimum wage farmhands. Better than working at Mcdonalds, plus you actually learn a useful skill
This article in a country where like 15 million people just applied for unemployment
>we want immigrants to take the jobs Americans won't take because of low wages
>we want a minimum living wage for all workers
Make up your minds, leftards.
is this nigger picking french fries?
Neets who want to live.
That's a common misconception. They are paid under the table, but it is not cheap.
>taking your money and giving it to some corporation
>it's products are now 10 cents cheaper
>but now you have 100 dollars less to spend on what you want freely
Ok Lee.
>oy vey taxation for farm subsidies is a shoah on the upper class
Hey, a literal retard. We dont see them very often.
Who’s picking the crops in Japan?
>without 20 million illegal Hispanics there's no way to pick crops
What the fuck did we do before 1970? What the fuck does the UK do? What does Canada do? Jesus
Stop thinking in terms of national wages; we are all global citizens, so we should think in terms of global wages.
Working class whites, as it should be. Force employers to pay reasonable wages and provide livable benefits or go out of business. This is, in literally every way, a good thing. If a job needs to be done, it should be the task of the government to adequately equip employers and people to fill the jobs.
The economy is broken if it relies on mass migration. It cannot be fixed. It must be destroyed and replaced with something else.
More importantly: who’s going to execute the traitors who hired them?
We can't because we don't have global labor laws.
Fucking this, m8. Lefties had no problem going to Cuba in the 60’s to pick coffee beans.
No one! We'll all die because white people literally can't harvest plants
I would love to Be farm hand. Did it before would do it again in a heart beat.
Thanks Robobeaner!
If you base your economic system around the influx of cheap labour you are basing an economic system on a finite and valuable resource, you’re essentially making your economy a ticking time bomb
>More successful people must be rid of their wealth to feed me!
Literally nigger tier thinking
MFW you've never heard of farming subsidies
black people
human trafficking, slavery, and worker exploitation
always great arguments for open borders
and after demanding open borders
unironically demands raising minimum wage
Nobody, they have to import food
you saying companies will have to hire legal workers and pay them a decent wage? the horror
A metric fuckton of wheat, oats, canola etc.
Who the hell was doing it before all the Guatemalans?
Only eat foods that can be mechanically harvested.
shoot all spics, enslave (and castrate) all niggers and put them to work, when the niggers backs give out chuck em in the nigger hole and use machines
>ethical concerns for American-born residents
If the "ethical concern" is that they're anchor babies, kick 'em out.
Don’t you have billions of unemployed now? Well here are the jobs.
Niggers. There's a reason why the US kept them. Now they can be rechained and put back to work.
The Economist is owned by Rothschild.
this man is full on retarded
Nice proxy, glownigger
So you support creating a slave class of brown people?
which our foodcrops are mostly comprised of
Most people have no idea about payroll taxes, workman’s comp, and unemployment insurance.
>there’s a reason they hired spic labor
yes they have no legal protection. they want to beat steal from and rape these people. its human trafficking
Trying to find farm labor job rn.
Why not? Get tan and yoked at the same time.
>Enjoy your expensive food, retards.
Or just let Mexicans shit on you lettuce to make you sick while CEO's rich
These people
Call back when the fabled ancap utopia appears to free us all from the guberment and taxation.
Why do you believe Americans cant manufacture their own food? We never needed immigrants to do that shit.
almost every developed country has direct or indirect subsidies provided to certain sectors
even the most prominent "free market" advocate nation, the US, provides massive amounts of subsidies to their industries
>The federal government spends more than $20 billion a year on subsidies for farm businesses. About 39 percent of the nation's 2.1 million farms receive subsidies
And it's not just agriculture, part of their huge military budget funds research.
No, the farmers don't even bother to advertise job openings which is why they hardly employ any actual citizens. They have an underground network connecting to the stream of unending illegals. Farmers have lost their privilege to be trusted and they deserve to have an ICE agent living on their property until they manage to smarten up.
Niggers, as it has always been and always will be!
Why not use machines?
including niggers from Bulgaria and Romania
Let’s just admit that liberals support modern day slave labor as long as it benefits the economy
Kinda weird how slavery went from being out in the open to very discrete and no one talks about it or calls them slaves.
niggers and (hopefully) kikes
the 10 million unemployed US citizens maybe?
>Enjoy your expensive food
implying that farms dont just increase their profits when they save on labor.
Silicon Valley has it's roots in public funding, and their relationship with the government continues, even to this day.
American food is cheap as fuck. It should go up.
Don't we have a whole massive population of recently unemployed Americans? I mean, is unfilled labor roles really something we need to worry about?
Perhaps one of the 100 million that are here already?
>without a slave class, who will pick our crops?
Literally an argument made from rich democrats after slavery was abolished.
Wages will rise until they're high enough for the local populace to do it.
That reason is so they can ignore labor laws pay below minimum wage.
Same reason it companies are filled with indians and chinese people.
Make drumpf and his kids pick them up.
Yeah, I remember years ago the number of Californians on welfare was exactly equal to the number of illegal immigrants in California. And I'm thinking, well, you do the math...
We import Slavs and Romanians to do it because the boomers will only pay minimum an hour for absolute fucking shit work
high school teens like they used to do.
machines, like always.
fucking idiot, all of our agro world has been mechanized.
its a lie that illegals or immigrants pick anything.
UBI is fine as long as we crack down on the brown man so hard that they stay in their respective cesspools for fear of being shot.
Leaf seething because he's not able to border hop for cheaper groceries. Get fucked.
US citizens payed a living wage or machine. Whatever, better than filthy illegals
isn't it racist to imply that shitskins are cotton pickers? as in their real reason for being in the white mans lands? learn to chode
Were flooded with pakis and chinks who do our cheap labour
And just like that, the left becomes pro slavery
Me. Gonna start my own little corona garden.
And I have a tortilla press so mexicaniggers tongue my anus.
What fucking ethical concerns? Is there something unethical about hiring Americans? Journalists are subhuman.
Step 1: get rid of beaners
Step 2: wages go up to hire American workers
Step 3: food prices go up
Step 4: robots replace American workers
It’s like you don’t want cars, because horse breeders will be out of work.
Oh no you can't get away with a 3rd world wage on the locals. Very anti semitic
People like you are the reason this country sucks.
fucking everyone once they start to get hungry
The millions of highschool and college students who just lost their summer jobs?
imagine looking at the world like pic related, money money money, no wonder the jews are so focused on open borders, they look at the world through the filter of profit, ironic then that they push for communism for everyone else.
lol brainlet spotted
I volunteer Trump as tribute. Let’s shackle and chain him up and force him to pick strawberries.
nigger picks the cotton or nigger gets the whip
>global wages
I refer you to your earlier statement of
>enjoy your expensive food
People will adapt, as we always have. It may even make us better people, learning to grow our own vegetables and being more frugal with our store purchases.
Our black slaves, once we catch them.
Ranch hand is the light, we got a few that live on our land in a bunkhouse, it's like a medium sized guest house, they don't pay bills, get paid in cash, and eat with the family.
Farm/ranch life is actually pretty great,
it can be hard to get into one, but once you're in you're family.
Now we have fiber out in the sticks now so you can game and stream and pirate in your offtime.
Nothing but land, hand we had for a couple years grew a whole crop of bud just right off our land, on top of wages and profit share he had several pounds of dro just knocking about, which I ended up buying as much of it as I could.
Work all day, hands dip out little after dark, we all eat together most nights, and that leaves us 4-5ish hours of doing whatever.
It's not an extravagant life, but we don't want for anything, and the stowaway nature of the job means yeah we've seen some felons and a few straight up warrants-out types, but if my Dad hires em, that's the only thing that matters.
I would suggest ranch handing to farm handing, but I have more experience with it, being the family sold our farm when i was little and all-inned on livestock.
You don't have to be yoked or even experienced, most motherfuckers we get are soft handed and brand new, some stay, some fuck off after they save up enough for whatever.
Beats the fuck out of city life, even if you run the risk of drunkenly losing an eye riding timberwolves in the muddy back pastures.
what percent of prices do you think comes from seasonal labour?
Most farms are large corporate enterprises too. The days of the old family farm being the norm is long gone.
>Oh no, we have to pay a fair wage
Fuck off
White people have been picking their own food for thousands of years until recently. We can pick it again if it means setting rid of niggers, chinks, and spics, and the bullshit whining they bring with them
Who harvests our wheat?
Actually the opposite
Good news everyone!
I've created a device that picks crops and cans them in the field.
I call it the Mech-Z-can
I don't know, the mexicans that are already here maybe?