This is why Gringos are mad rn

This is why Gringos are mad rn

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and india is officially a super power, right?


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Go back then, nick.


oh sorry let me translate to messican


hahaha yeah keep us updated.

What are they going to export to get there? More drugs and acid baths? Pendejo

>world fifth or seventh
>fifth or seventh
mexican economist everyone

I'm not though, having neighbors who can pull their weight is a good thing.

S U P E R P O W E R B Y 2 0 5 0

Haha. In 2050. No.

You are not Mexican. You are a faggy liberal Chicano.

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Can't it be the sixth, by the way?


Exporting what? Drugs and Avocados?
Or exporting their people, like Africa?


okay then quickly go back there or you will miss it

Go home then Juan

BWAHAHAH! At this rate Mexica won't exists by 2030

sure they could
all they gotta do is clean up the cartels and bring back all their expatriates
will they?

we will purge you as well white cold devils

th or 7th
Well which is it ?

Nobody takes beaners seriously, not even themselves. You ever met a mexicano who believed in himself? You ever met a spic that thought they could do more than roof work? Me neither.

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Cool. Maybe they'll finally keep their trash in.

Maybe if we just say fuck it and annex Mexico.

That'd be great if you all went back and made Mexico less of a shithole, that'd solve both our problems with one swift stroke. I'll even bring some tourism bucks down there when you're finished.

>Narco state

Yeah, and India is a super power

Never heard of the gilded age huh?

I don't see why we don't move manufacturing to Mexico instead of China after this ordeal. Cheap labor, easy supply transport, lots of land and labor for factories. It might be more expensive than China but it's better than being held by the balls by another superpower.

Good on them.

Both are cute

Isnt like 20% of their economy money sent back from illegals in burgerland?



because you dont control what private companies do

Is their economy going to be based on remittances?

they feed you these pipe dreams to keep you in line
same as a pimp and his whore

>in 2050 we'll have a sugar skull based economy.

China wasnt a superpower until westerners were retarded enough to move 90% of manifacturing there.

I could *potentially* have Shakira lick my arsehole while Taylor Swift sucked me off by 2050. Doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.


Nahh you won't do shit. You'll fit right in with the rest of the shitskins and freeze to death as soon as winter rolls around and the power is gone

That bitch is 50 and nasty.

They're economy is only ever going to get that big because American kike Politicians are exporting American jobs and money to them. Just like how the West exported all our jobs and money to China and turned what was a shithole ten years ago into a global superpower.

Every time you look at China, Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia etc remember what they took from you. when you see a skyscraper, a bullet train, supercars, factories, remember, that was yours. It was your children's. Kike Politicians took it from you and gave it to them.

If we ever get rid of kikes and hang globalists, the White man needs to march into China and all the other leaches and take what is rightfully ours.

gringos are mad because they are gringos

>jumps right from fifth to seventh
A true Mexican intellectual.

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Wow, this!
And they can all choose to become either sex tourism vacation spots where their women are required to dress in slutty parodies of their ancient national dress, or craters.


Why would we be mad about something that keeps you inside your own borders?

Nah, fuck that shit. We kill all non-whites and take everything. Their land and the wealth they stole.


Fuck race-mixing coomers like you. Have some self respect not to stick your dick in non-white subhuman pussy you disgusting degenerate.

>This is why Gringos are mad rn

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officially a pooper power.

“To stop a runny nose, keep the borders closed”

Only a chance because their diaspora keeps sending gringo bucks home. More likely, their corrupt, retarded system will continue to keep them poor as fuck.

ive met mexicans who own construction companies and drive lamborghinis you faggot, the man selling tamales from his mini van probably makes more than you do too . gringo. Whites are so smart until it requires overcoming adversity then you bitch up and cry more than niggers

We reconquered you without you doing shit about it. For every one white child born in the USA , 4 chicanos will be born. Eat shit cumskin,

Only if whites managed it

They do the cheap low end manufacturing and ship it to the US. Mexico will be the main winner of any decoupling with China. So yeah they were projected for massive economic growth before the corona pandemic hit.

This will be due to the further integration of Mexico into the US supply chains for the most part. Other factors include young demography, and cheap natural gas due to the building of piplines bringing US energy into Mexico.

Yet even the CHIs still want to marry white while going full cartel on the other CHIs desu

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yo no enojado, yo quiero trabajo con mi hermanos Mexicanos. ¡Viva la Mexico!