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That's what you get for listening to q tards.
lol get fucked
He bought?
wtf it was up 1200 yesterday
>mfw i've been doing research and was about to get into the market to boomer-vest with ETFs and treasury bonds
There is no getting off this ride.
WHAT!!!!! YOU MEAN THE KIKE MARKET IS JUST SOME WEALTHY MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME!? thank god I didnt bet my whole re election on a money laundering kike scheme.
The dip was two weeks ago, my dude.
You don't lose anything till you sell your shares retard. Just hold and wait. Stock are a long term game.
This and
This you're still buying at a discount price of 50% compared to what it was worth before when this exploded you cant lose if youre in this long term just more to gain
It's okay, they'll just print more imaginary money that won't go to the actual people.
They're trying to get more government bucks in legislator to pad their profit sharing next year.
don't you fucking get it? The DOW was going to fucking ZERO!!! It went down to 18k in a week and a half. If trump didnt do his autistic screeching, and force the fed to print unlimited amounts of money, DOW would be at 10,000 right now. This market wants to crash. Like a dead body being held up with puppet strings. Problem is now we have no tools to fight the next recession. Interest rates are zero. Fed printed trillions. If anything else bad happens we are fucked.
It declined at the end of the day because traders were closing out their positions from the previous day's big increase. They didn't want to get caught in a potential bull trap later in the week. This has happened several times in the past few months; it's a predictable pattern.
what will cause the bull trap this week? Jobless claims?
Why are you all so estupid?
Lockdowns are permanent.
It's the new normal.
It has nothing to do with some cold virus
>market up
>market down
it's all so tiresome
why would they want to lock people down permanently? Thats bad for business.
Boomers were a mistake.
Dax gained almost 300 points today. Suck it, burgers. I'm making fucking bank right now, you wouldn't believe it.
>5 grand
you are a small time pussy bitch
Shut up 4head.
No shit. I wasn't about hating boomers until this virus. These people are fucking cancer. They are spitting in our faces telling us blatantly to get fucked so they can be wealthy in old age. They dont give a FUCK about future generations. I hope this plague fucking annihilates all of them
It doesn't have to be anything specific; the fear is that large single-day rises are especially vulnerable to 'correction' in a volatile trading environment. You can think of it as a matter of odds.
I lost $3000 on a WTI future today. Pretty salty. Just make a deal already faggots.
threads like this really prove how many people don't know a god damned thing about the stock market or what volatility is.
They won’t make a deal until June.
Please god.. If you've ever needed to do something the time is now! Wipe the scum off the earth!
>c/2019 in May
Oh OK thx god
It's so volatile right now that it's nothing more than slot machine meets playing chicken.
Volatility also has volatility and it looked like volatility was decreasing for a decent amount of sessions. Some people think they might get rewarded for taking a risk. Don’t presume people don’t know they are taking a risk.
>If anything else bad happens we are fucked.
this is certainly true
shit bro me too my portfolio is hurting baka
How do you know Thursday is a dud?
if you'd been doing any research at all and paying attention it should have been obvious this would happen. the market only goes up when the fed is buying stocks because the economy is essentially shut down. why should stock go up in this environment? how does the value of your business increase in an environment without economic activity on the ground?
The Fed buys fixed income instruments not equities.
My point was that they have no understanding whatsoever of the market. The market will never go to fucking zero. Because if it did it would be the biggest buy/get rich opportunity in the history of mankind. It couldn't go to zero because at some point on the way to zero people are going to be like: Wow, these are really undervalued and if I invest a little, ill make a lot even if it only recovers a little. Not to mention it would require the liquidity and assets of all companies to be nothing which would mean even tangible assets like the building or warehouse would have to have zero value.
doesnt matter. there is no physical reason on the ground to expect stocks to go up at this moment. this should be clear.
People are betting on when the economy will restart. The growth rate of new cases has slowed down a lot since Friday and people believe that we're close to the peak. There's a reason the stock market is a leading indicator of the economy and not a coincident one
you either have to be stupid or have balls of steel to trade any commodities
Stock prices are not merely about physical things on the ground. Stocks aren't even necessarily about the overall health of the firm.
Because your billions in corporate debt became millions in corporate debt. That why.
Guess we have to give the jews more money
>Buying the dip now
>when there's still people forced into lolnowork cus covid
You deserve this.
Market is being artificially inflated you rube.
This was literally caused by oil and Trump trying to big dick the rest of the world by waiting for them to cut while we keep producing and essentially playing chicken with energy industries.
It's not like the artificial inflation will ever stop.
Hold on, I thought they priced all this in like so many anons have been saying in past threads especially yesterday. If it is all priced in then why would the stocks turn on a dime from high positive down to negative?
>catch the falling knife user
That's an oversimplification of the past week.
I apologize for phone posting, but I work for a (((major us bank))). Whats causing the repeat crashes is high volume algo trading. Effectively the algos were developed during the stock market boom. Many are self evolution algos run on machine learning. Many of the creators dont fully understand what or why the algos are doing. We had a meeting, inperson, about this, so you know its important. I may be back to explain more in an hour or two. But dont "buy the dip" for at least the next few days. basically robots still think selling everything is most prudent right now. All circuit breakers aren't prepared for the rapidity and high volume.
exactly. May take up to a year or more to get back to hanging around where it was but there is still value. Do not sell at a loss whatever you do unless you absolutely have to. Hold what you have and average down if you can. Certain companies like big banks and telecom and utilities are safer right now.
So I still get my collapse I’m cool other way don’t matter to me
You have no idea what the Fed buys.
And they don’t have to tell you.
SWEET! Though I missed my chance to buy the dip!
Im gonna make it bros
So why not buy while they're selling off?
>You thought it wouldn't go down from here
What, are you fucking retarded? We aren't even near rock bottom. DOW hits 16k before we start going back up. Screenshot this.
People are not buying on expected dividend.
This is speculative buying.
That means gambling.
And it’s been that way for 10 years.
Its more than just a kike scheme its full of white boomers and chinks. Literally mutts, chinks and jews are to blame.
What happens if your brokerage account goes below zero?
Like if you bought on margin?'
My account went negative and now i can't trade
Fed won't buy equities because there's no way to taper it without crashing the market. With bonds they just wait for the portfolio to mature.
> plays around in the jew casino
> loses
You have to pay denbts. A good brokerage should have proper risk management processes in place that prevent a negative liquidation value in anything but the most extreme moments.
Were you planning on short selling or were you planning on holding for decades? If it's the latter you're fine and you still bought the dip. If it's the former, then that's unfortunate, but a risk you take when you day trade.
Set your money printer to brrr
>The dip
>This morning
Wtf are you talking about, the dip was last week
What business? The small businesses that are a thorn in the side of Walmart and Amazon (the businesses still open, mind you)?
You don't lose $ unless you sell.
>46k margin call
user, what's your exposure?
I'm up this week. Maybe your portfolio sucks?
What if you can't pay said debts, do they perma ban you?
>buying stocks
>not buying crypto
BTC 1 mil EOY because fiat will be worth less than toilet paper
>user says he bought this morning when stocks were up 3%
>They closed down
>stock market spergs out
>cool. Discount stock.
>buys $1000 more on oil companies
>still made $1500 today since I diversified my portfolio
If you know how to read a P&L report, this shit really isn't that hard.
Walmart is losing a fuckton of money right now. Some of them aren't allowed to sell any non-essential items. And people making fewer trips to the store mean fewer impulse buys.
Amazon's a different story.
SPY 200p
You literally are going to be bankrupt user. They know where you live.
That and sue you.
I don't know what you mean, I had a spread that was partially assigned friday
The short was assigned but the long expired worthless
I can't take screenshots but it was on spy
You can just wait until tomorrow when the value goes back up, can't you?
>he lets his spread become an outright position
liquidate it retard.
Excuse me sir, Yas Forums is that way.
I bought May puts for Macy's, Zillow, Ford, and SPY. If they go down to where I think they're going to go, I make a fuckton of money. We're not at the bottom baby. Investment grade bonds today hit the Death Cross. This is one of the greatest indicators of another depression.
it was, friday (4/3) was the expiry
the market keeps trying to recover but (((someone))) is sabotaging.
Have you been in this equity position since Friday? I'm confused about what the fuck you did. Give us contracts, times and prices on entry and exit.
good. the more petty bourgie Q boomers that go bankrupt the better.
>meanwhile, in not-America
Just wait two more weeks and everything will go back to normal. The Chinese made a flimsy virus. You'll see, it will just go away.
t. Janitor at JPM
It's oil continuing to shit the bed. This is the power of the energy sector. Energy credits have been deteriorating for 5 years now and this is going to probably lead to a wave of bankruptcies.
nah you go to jail.
they hunt you down and their are special task forces whose job is to find you.
so unless your willing to get out if the country and live in thailand or vietnam or something you are fucked.
News today in germany:
Warren Buffet take and BUYS!!
Dawm, I've should've screenshotted this.
are you a victim of r/wallstreetbets?
I think no matter what you bought in the last month holding it for another 2 will get you out of this mess, unless you bought Luckin coffee, rofl.
The market is not rational.
WALMART and amazon need goy consumers to buy their shit, so that means they need small business to keep their consumers employed. Dumb fucker.
Israeli military radio reports that 1,000,000 face masks were sent from the U.S. to Israel, to be used by the Israeli army during the Covid19 epidemic. NY healthcare workers? Nah. that's for the state to buy.
Americans are Good Goys and Girls, willing to sacrifice their lives for Israelis!
More specifically, it's sandniggers and Russia conspiring to cause our energy firms to go bankrupt because theirs are state owned and ours aren't.
Don't you get it Satan. I control the numbers now! The numbers are MINE
>If anything else bad happens we are fucked.
Like 1-2 years of quarantine measures while we wait for a vaccine?
What weak meme magic is this, you can't even get digits.
the Banks aren't ready to global crash just yet.
If they crash it now, they lose billions, BUT if they wait till 2024 at the earliest (2028 latest), then they'll lose nothing while we kill eachother over toilet paper and cigarretts
You have no idea how bad things really are.
Stop being a Q boomer Trump loving retard; Trumps a traitor, Q is Kushner / his team, and Trump loves Israel more then his country
>buy high
>sell low
i made 500 dollars the last three days and sold this morning because im not retarded OP. You knew the huge bump in the last 48 hours wouldnt last. No im waiting for it to get back to 18k so i can make another quick 500 dollars. You knew the good news wouldnt last. The next tow weeks are going to be a roller coaster.