David icke bbb-b-b-but muh 5g thread


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>first 15 minutes : based, science-backed demonstration that corona is a hoax
>then muh 5G, muh vaccines, etc usual conspiratard. I stopped halfway

Actually the whole thing was pretty based

The best is near the end where he says that the Illuminati niggers are the ones in the box and scared of him and other humans.

here's a real link because OP is always a faggot

>it doesn't exists
>it's caused by 5G
pick one

He says the symptoms, which is all that's being tested for, are being caused by 5G.

I watched the whole thing. You know you’re on target when the entire fucking news cycle changes to “debunk” you and big tech implements a new raft of censorship measures

He went full 5G, never go full 5G.

This desu. Kinda lost me when he digressed into talking about a CIA Nigger kept alive by a magic ketchup packet but the rest seemed to connect a few dots.

EMF and aluminum oxide in vaccines plus maybe chemtrails are poisoning us. there are hundreds if not thousands of papers you can go read that perfectly illustrate this. Oxidation of the cells and free radicals, it causes cancer, autoimmune issues, inflammation of the brain etc.

basically what this guy saidhe's based and you are a french fag
fuck kikes fags and niggers

>nano-particles to turn humans into computer processors
>CIA agents with Iron Man tier orange liquid "patches" in the chest
dude, what?

to me this guy is the archetypal disinfo agent muddying the waters by mixing bits of truth with bits of crap and even discrediting truth by associating it with himself.
"censoring" him was an obvious way to promote him, right at the moment when the hoax is starting to fall apart.

Gotta put everyone else in a smaller box

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>nano-particles to turn humans into computer processors
pic related

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Lets not forget how Youtube announced an AI will censor everything so that human moderators can self isolate. I believe we're in a huge gay-op right now, I'm just not sure what the agenda is. Wipe out the middle class? Climate change? Eat the bugs? Live in a favela? Mandatory UBI? Only time will tell.

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5G uses millimeter wave weaponized frequencies and they are trying to roll it out and any side effects are blamed on the Virus.

The test are setup to give a Positive for the from the cellular radiation poisoning.

The 60Ghz disrupts oxygen electron orbitals and breaks the oxygen to hemoglobin bond.

So many angles and agendas, where to even start. It’s honestly mind blowing

>people now begging for less freedom and more government
>restrictions on movement
>government enforced loneliness
>all business conducted on pozzed big tech platforms
>small business apocalypse aka “vertical integration”
>massive welfare state expansion
>global vaccination programme
>cashless society
>bio-ethics aka DEATH PANELS

What did I miss???

Do yourself a favor and don't use headphones when listening to this geriatric fuck. Sounds like he is trying to swallow a load of cum every 10 seconds. Annoying as fuck.

>I'm just not sure what the agenda is. Wipe out the middle class? Climate change? Eat the bugs? Live in a favela? Mandatory UBI?
probably only the first one for now.
hopefully I can live and die peacefully before the rest.

>I say “muh” repeatedly before any sarcastic statement mocking the people the TV taught me to hate.
> They’re the stupid ones not me. The people on the TV even said so.
You’re pathetically retarded. If you had any self awareness you’d be embarrassed by your stupidity. Now run along bitch and do your media masters bidding.

This. I can remember Icke when he went on the Terry Wogan show decades ago, he’s controlled opposition.

Could you build some sort of Farraday Cage to protect yourself from this? Or hide in a bunker underground maybe?

Mass trauma and fear driven population, willing to listen to the elites for solutions

You can use Grounding to earth yourself to the protective field of the earth itself.

When you are grounded you are protected.

We usually walk around with shoes on insulated surfaces but if you walk in grass bare foot you get a different feeling. Its the grounding of the Earth.

It’s funny but the old hippies liked to walk around barefoot. Maybe they were onto something

You don't like to read either do you?

You are the organized opposition faggots

>sign up to watch
How about go ram your fist in your asshole you kike

here, fren

UK's Alex Jones. Slightly more subversive because higher IQ. What a coincidence that he'd rather denounce imaginary alien bloodlines for decades rather than the fucking kikes.

>no u
nice argument

Only 1/5 people on this board have the capacity to even grasp the simple science of this.

lol I think the JOooos line is getting old, don’t you?



Idk faggot, is it? INTO THE FUCKING OVEN

Naming the jew would get him v& desu. On a balance I would say him purplepilling the normies is better than nothing. The bloke sells out theatres with his brand of tinfoil shit.

Well only some of us are "real" the rest act like NPC's

being kicked out of every country every 50 years since 3000 years never really gets old


5g causes pneumonia and antibodies for virus. Today I learned.

You can say the same thing about albanians and nobody accuses them of being masterminds.

agreed, that hippie last part was good.

The fact they are scared enough to get the boys and ban all the 5G conspiracy stuff and going ape at the people who set fire to the masts it must be something important.


even if 5G had nothing to do with anything it would still be extremely good to burn it all down.

Is there a map of where 5G transmitters are installed? Perhaps we could find a link between the masts and virus hotspots.

come here and see what psyop and hoax corona is

Call me a schizo, but since i've been using a hard leather jacket and covering my head and neck with tough cloth the "symptoms of corona" have gotten weaker

Can a hazmat suit protect you against your alveoloes/bronques/lungs becoming "ionized"?

>You can say the same thing about albanians and nobody accuses them of being masterminds.

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Hey not sure who will read this but funny story, I started getting symptoms on Friday when I was in my room surrounded by appliances... today I find out that 5g went online in my area when? Last Friday. Not even joking. North Chicago verizon

Epic dude desu. I'm not sure if he has the whole data on the latest apparent "offensive" to the cabal and everything, but the guy has solid traceable arguments. Has been saying this shit for 30 years, decoded 9/11, would listen to him again.

Thank you for this

You can see if there is coverage in you area on mobile sites and if there is then it would be the same masts as the 4g ones.

It’s not in my area just now but if it does it’s easy to find the masts.

he's most likely fully redpilled and circumventing the whole question for "spiritual" reasons.
this takes us to more philosophical questions… warrior or priest? violence or "trust the plan" ?

tom hanks quoted the film he did with her when he announced he tested positive for covid-19

This may seems bullshit but look up orgonite for EMF.

+++++ ATTENTION ++++++

- 90% TRUTH (it's a hoax etc destroy liberties... vaccine etc)

By discrediting the truth you destroy it.


There's not - Iran has no 5G and has 15k+ deaths at this point.
SK has 5G and has contained it for now.

yeah 5g is dangerous because it can destroy your ability to hold oxygen in your blood. it doesn't cause corona virus lol. shield your bedroom with anti-EMF paint.

this. and he's very good at it.
but then you wake up and know you won't share a david icke video to your friends because you'd look retarded.

Discredit by association.

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>i didnt watch it
>now let me tell you about it...
flooding france with nogs will raise the average iq significantly

More like he delivers the 10% extra truth nobody else does because they are afraid to look like retards and rather lie 10% to look sane.

I went back and watched the rest of it (the cleaner version, on bitchute it's horrible) because I'm bored and on lockdown.

That’s exactly what it felt like was happening. Oxidative stress.. and I felt shortness of breath, extremely depressed, and like I wasn’t getting enough oxygen (had my windows open with fresh air coming in at the time) had a dehumidifier, air purifier, old flat screen tv, a large light and a couple fans running in a small room... and yea just found out 5g went on at the same time. was actually seeing rando flashes of light when I would walk past the fridge. Punched my symptoms into webmd and it told me I likely have corona. since then I’ve shut things off and started feeling mostly better

I bought some elite shungite necklaces that day and have been grounding myself by touching the ground barefoot. Eating kelp and chlorella also seem to help