Wisconsin Bernie bros

Wisconsin Bernie bros...

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Americans voting against their own interests, not wanting to catch up to things that other 1st world countries have had for decades will always be funny to me.

>noooo you voted for the wrong flavor of capitalist!

imagine having 75% of your countries services and building socialized and then still being brainwashed and think you, the richest country on earth, can't have socialized healthcare even though every country can do it without most problems. Americans are funny creatures

Name one thing Bernie has done for you or promised to do for you that's not "here's some free shit"

>Americans voting against higher taxes

How dare they!

this is the guy who posts the canadian grocery threads he is a jew

>heres some free shit
so you have absolutely no clue what that would imply and how that would improve your country
spoiler alert, most of your shit is socialized and "free"

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Social and cultural interests > Economic interests

I live in a country with socialized medicine and education and my effective tax rate is 1.5% higher than your average in america. Thats it. It's actually lower than in some of your states. Same with Australia. Keep defending copays and crazy premiums you fucking bootlicker lol

biden would've easily won in 2016 lmao

Why are you hiding your flag then?

>Bernie 70%
>Sanders 30%

because retards like you and the rest of Yas Forums base the quality of the post on the flag and dont look at what the actual post is saying. Same reason I dont use a fag flag or democrat flag

wow, we'll just let the government be fleeced by hospitals instead of a private insurance company, and tax the shit out of us. That will sure fix our healthcare system.

I voted for Bernie today. Zero chance he wins though.

>wow, we'll just let the government be fleeced by hospitals
doesn't happen in other 1st world countries to the large extent that your private insurance companies fleece you, so i dont understand what you're trying to argue
>and tax the shit out of us.
see above, tax rates in countries like australia, brazil and more barely have any higher tax rates (in some cases lower) and the money is massively made up by not having to pay for insane copays, deductibles and loans.

>voting against their own interest
you don't vote for your own interests; you vote for the good of your family,
community, and nation. only niggers vote for themselves

This board isn’t for you losers. Either NatSoc or Pede. They’re enough. No more Neo Liberals, Ironing brothers, or Lolberts. You fuckers are killing this board more so then the pede influx did 4 - 5 years ago.

You just can't answer a simple question, can you?

>public benches are socialism
kill yourself

Getting rid of almost all of those things would be great for this country.

>socialism is funneling taxes to private enterprise
bernouts are fucking stupid. nationalize healthcare and abolish insurance companies or stfu.


hillary would have killed his other son had he run

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no, taxes paid for them

bernouts think the government doing anything = socialism, they're on the same level of political discourse as fox news watching MAGApedes

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>He didn't vote Bernie so that we could watch Milwaukee burn

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exactly you fucking idiot, do you know what socialized means???? You pay your taxes and the government provides you with the services, would you rather pay your taxes and still have to pay these fucking copays and premiums as well??? What fucking mindset is this

and you think using a memeflag will make us take you more seriously? Man, that fresh newfag smell

>hurr durr anyone that doesn't vote for a complete invasion of illiterate shitskin welfare leeches is voting against their own interest!

Lmao, Jack!

do you know what socialized services imply??? Do you know what it means in regard to government spending??? None of your shitty commie memes

The bright side is all those Biden voters will be dead soon

so then dont respond to my fucking posts dumbass nigger

Good job

At least you know he can’t win

medicare still pays private hospitals you fucking dem"soc" RETARD lol
medicare for all can suck my dick. NATIONALIZE.

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>medicare still pays private hospitals you fucking dem"soc" RETARD lol
and people still get treatment for free, weird how that works huh????

my copays are lower than what it would cost me in taxes to pay for communist healthcare
fund your own penis removal surgery

>stealing the product of my labor and giving it to a private company so they can profit from it
not socialism you fucking moron.

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>stealing the product of my labor and giving it to a private company so they can profit from it
what the fuck does this even mean??? You think doctors are held by gunpoint in these countries and forced to give their labor for free??? Lmfao, the delusion, they get paid bank in these countries. Keep reaching while 70 thousand americans every year die from not being able to afford life saving medication and surgeries. Next mention wait times please.

Well I can't really argue against you now since you've taken the "ive got mine you can go fuck yourself" argument. Its a sad one to have, youd be paying basically no higher taxes under any studied m4a plan, (only high earners would) but nope, youd rather have 100 million americans be uninsured, 5 million apply for bankruptcy, and 70k die because of your healthcare

i was talking about taxes, dumbass. they're stealing your labor and letting someone else make profit from it.

anyone who doesn't have theirs should get theirs OR FUCK OFF
those who can neither get theirs or fuck off already get it for free in the US so fuck off
good luck on the vaginoplasty though

>they're stealing your labor and letting someone else make profit from it.
this is true for like all of your services though??? police, fire fighters, roads, fucking red lights are taking your taxes and make a profit off of it. So why should everything but healthcare allow it???

Stop being a pussy weirdo.

Please donate everything you have to Bernie. He needs a 4th house!

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>3 houses meme
1 house is his, 1 house (actually an apartment) is so he can live in DC since you know, hes a senator and needs to live in a place he works 300 days of the year, and the other (its a small cabin) was inherited to him when a family member died. You retards are so predictable and easily fed by propaganda and you love it

these arent legitimate elections
the outcome does not matter

>youd be paying basically no higher taxes
why do you lie, xir?

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>this is true for like all of your services though?
not privatized
>fire fighters
rarely privatized
>traffic signals
not privatized
mostly privatized

That's why Bernie's medicare for all is thievery and not socialism. Demsocs are capitalist grifters.

this image is literally, as you would call it, fake news
would you like me to cite countries with m4a and free education with tax rates similar to your country???

and you think what he is doing will be privatized??? explain why his plan works in every other country its in then???

>1k more in taxes
>100k less in healthcare expenses

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it wouldn't even be 1k more in taxes for most earners is the funny part, but americans would rather their fellow americans not be able to afford treatment (no, its not just minorities who cant afford healthcare, 100 million americans cant) its hilarious and sad

hes canadian hes always posting grocery prices

i don't give a fuck about your country or about your groceries, you are thinking of a different user


>and you think what he is doing will be privatized?
Yes. He's shilling for an expansion of Medicare, which gives money to PRIVATE HOSPITALS.
Is any of this getting through your thick skull?