Why are blacks, known for their violence, so terrible at war?

Why are blacks, known for their violence, so terrible at war?

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War requires degrees of discipline and restraint, as much as violence.

There is a big difference between warrior and soldier.

Nig nogs lack the intelligence to keep up with new technology and methods of action.

Why are they so good at being insufferably annoying?

They can only fight against unarmed civilians

The war of the future is population war.

Because they can't into intelligence and basic strategy. Even with all the support the nogs got from the USSR, China, Cuba, etc., the only real reason Rhodesia lost was because the world had abandoned it.

Rhodesians never die

No race is more violent and hateful than the white man.

Because warfare is a little bit more complicated than just chimping out.

>what is irrational violence versus rational violence

niggers don't necessarily have a rational understanding of their actions and surroundings. see the mirror test, niggers aren't conscious until around the age of 8. after that, they don't develop much either and because of this they never develop a reasonable regulation of their acts, this includes violent acts

Rat shill

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the simple mind deals with absolutes and strikes out without planning ahead. you got angry at someone so you directly lash out at them, this is how anger is dealt with. Problem/solution
they lack forethought and the ability to see the possible future consequences of their actions. This leads to them not reacting well to changes in the fight. they think to go in and be as violent as possible, not that the enemy may actually counter their violence in response. You can see this in the way they shoot guns in all those attack videos. The greatest thought of their enemy having a counter attack is them squatting down thinking that will give them cover. they almost comprehend the need to gain cover for the counter attack but they just aren't quite there on how to do it. so they just lift the gun above their heads, believing that the enemy will fire at the gun in their hands and not the guy below it pulling the trigger.

It’s the difference between a warrior culture (where individual bravery and skill are honored) and a soldier culture (where hierarchy and discipline are valued.) it’s why the Romans were able to subdue so many fierce barbarians.

Tactics are needed as well. Niggers, despite excelling in sports, are probably the worst race if it ever came to warfare. Low IQ, poor tactics and poor understanding of the technology available are massive factors. Only 13% of Africa has access to internet, never mind the food problems they have.

Guess who won that war?

I forget who said this but someone mentioned how when they captured enemy soldiers, they asked why did they have their AK sights set to the highest number and they thought that meant it would be at high power.

Technology, organization, strategy m, courage. These are all important and all missing.
Intelligence is key.

Would you rather be a big Gaul bull, or a roman manlet chirping behind a shield wall?

Because they approach war like a street fight, everyone piles in

Nah we are just smart enough to do it properly

>being essentially abandoned by any and all allies while surrounded via landlock by countries that have unlimited resources to big commie countries to wipe you off the map

it was a lose-lose no matter what.

War requires logistics which niggers cant fathom. They think its ook ook eek eek ME SWARM ME SMASH.

This wasn't a legit battle, it was a terrorist attack.

Big talk for an internally quartered "Rhodasian"


How is this cope? Niggers throughout history have performed the poorest out of all races. Often you outnumbered the enemies yet still managed to lose.

... and god help anyone who faces them in battle.

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I wish, the world would be a paradise then.

Casualties don't define wether or not you won or lost a war, the outcome does. In that case blacks won Rhodesia and an argument can even be made that blacls won the american civil war.

I'd rather be the guy that survives

random chaotic violence is scary and dangerous to random civilians but war requires coordinated and focused violence

You fail to take into account the massive outward pressure on Rhodesia.
As for the civil war, careful you don't fall off your chair with that reach.

>In that case blacks won Rhodesia
>people voluntary gave it up
>present day niggers are asking for whites to return
What did niggers mean by this?
>blacks won the American civil war
Oh no no no no. Please be bait.

blacks are naturally cowardly and will attack only smaller targets, females, or when they out number their target. 1-on-1 --- a good kick to the shins and the nigger will turn tail and run

We could've had it all.

Read art of war. Anything that requires strategy niggers will be bad at.

Why do you need to make a thread about that?

Rome got BTFO by germanics though

Imagine believing being violent makes you successful at war

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>you fail too....
Like I said, COPE

Because africans are retarded.
Some of the war is violence, the rest is strategy, which requires critical thinking

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Because they're fucking retarded. Thats it.

By Romanized germanics. After centuries

Rome was BTFO'd by low IQ immigration. The Rome that was beat by Germans wasn't really Roman anymore.

Ahh you're an ape I see, carry on nothing to see here.

The same way western civilisation is getting BTFO by blacks and mudslimes today. Societal and cultural degeneracy, mass immigration etc etc.

There is no empire that hasn't lost battles or wars. Rome was first majorly sacked around 390 BC. The next time, 410 AD. That alone does not determine if your nation will have continuity.

If you lose a war, that does not necessarily mean you are defeated. But if the belief in your ideals dies, then you are done. That is why modern warfare involves a great deal of propaganda and demotivational tactics.

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Lack of organization, foresight, strategy.

I dream that this COULD to be true.
Sadly however it isn't. Non-whites still exist yet, however whites will go extinct unless they take themselves together and understand that the mission of species is to kill similar species. Non-whites have no regrets about killing us. Most whites will just watch how our people are being killed each day without doing anything.

Tribal germanics crushed Roman imperial legions so hard in teutoberg forest that they never even tried to cross the Elbe again. This was during the absolute peak of the Roman military under Augustus. Not a single Roman ever once set foot in the Germanic tribal heartland of Denmark/Baltic region.


I dunno

"The alliance was led by Arminius, a Germanic officer of Varus's auxilia. Arminius had acquired Roman citizenship and had received a Roman military education, which enabled him to deceive the Roman commander methodically and anticipate the Roman army's tactical responses"

So a Roman guy used Roman tactics to beat Romans

Arminius was a Roman citizen and an officer in the auxiliary.

Arminius was a Roman citizen, I believe.

>Some of the war is violence, the rest is strategy, which requires critical thinking
yep, saw an ex navy seal say maybe 10% of his time as a seal was actual combat missions, everything else was either training or planning and that before the average mission they would spend 2-3 days planning and making back up plans and all that


They are good at killing victims

Theres an even bigger difference between a warrior and a low iq thug who kills a man for his sneakers.

Do you honestly believe that? That every non white in the west hates you

They are violent because they lack intelligence and envy. Not because they understand how their enemy threatens there future. They have no future without their enemy.

Violence is only half the battle. The other half is using knowledge.