WTF, are we living in the matrix?

WTF, are we living in the matrix?

Attached: creepy press.jpg (1600x1600, 304.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's just timeline incongruence.
Happens to a few people each time reality shifts.

The media would never lie!

fake stories pre-written as part of a drill you're welcome!

Basically the only static fact is that he is dead, but the cause varies by timeline.
It's more rare with living people.

The timelines are colliding with each other. What we are seeing is a paradox.

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Welcome to the Game.

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I know him, that's Samuel Hyde's kid

It’s a deep state mk ultra kid. He has no idea what’s actually going on.

I first spotted them in sandy hook kids. They use the same actors over and over.


yeah this really gave me 1984 vibes.

Well havent seen even roxy raye do

how do we know this compilation wasn't just manufactured by someone trying to make it look like the media used the same photo?

i would like links to each site showing the individual stories and pics, otherwise it's too easy to ctrl+v the same pic over the original pic for each story/headline...

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I don ged id

This is what it's like when worlds collide.


Is that OP?

Thats cuz thats exactly what they did

same kid
dead over and over
many such cases

I cry every time he dies.


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Who is anyone user?

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Jesus Christ what the hell is wrong with his elbow?

lmao just stupid media not having pic of the kid they talk about, so they take a license free stock photo probably

you can search the link by youself, they are all true, I did it myself.
there was even one "debunker" who said it was a mistake and then he posted a photo of the child who should have died of corona which was just another photo of the child from 2017.

This made things creepier

probably this, but it is creepy nonetheless.

yeah she's special

no, we are livivng in a world of lazy "journalism" and retarded people who cant understand that including a random stock photo of an appealing looking person of the approximate age and gender will drive more traffic than the actual image of whatever pallid hare-lipped bowl-cut genetic abomination is actually the subject of the "story"
lazy "journalists" are lazy. end of story.

What’s a Blue whale challenge?

>lmao just a coincidence goyim
>they're just incompetent it's not their faults

I'm sure that's all it is, perfectly acceptable, move along.

where is the link?

Absolutely honked

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All of those but the last one are about the same story, not surprising that the media fucked up the names when they do far worse on a daily basis. Covid one is shopped.

The choking incident one is definitely the real one, look at the brother holding the photo, they look very similar

This. Just checked it myself.

OP confirmed falseflagging kike fuck.

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They used Ky firerange footage for Syria war clip. Trump called them out on it. He was right about fake news

>Happens to a few people each time reality shifts.
Book Related


is anyone else in the corona timeline?

I don’t know why but I lost. Fucking kek suka blyat

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>be American
>use brain
Congrats, you belong to the rarest life form on earth

Good posts

Fake news definitely exists, but there are also faggots manufacturing "fake news" to push that agenda. There's enough lies and misinformation that exist in genuine form, so throwing shit like OP's collage into the mix isn't helpful. If anything it's a deliberate attempt to legitimize the idea of "fake news" by propping up the argument that fake news *IS* just a meme/falseflag. Ergo, if this is just manufactured/not genuinely fake (yes I know, genuinely fake) then ALL OF IT must be the same. Therefore CNN never lies and kikes always tell the truth.

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The real kicker is that for the first time in our lives we can actually alter reality to whatever we want if we focus our mind and heart

Is it more of this kind of shit?

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post the link

to the site

where you capped that

Attached: FJ-QT25.jpg (1080x1080, 996.06K)

>obv alien has no idea how to drink coke


ok leaf but you are definitely ruining the fun

Was a big thing in Russia. Basically Social media groups who lured mentally unstable teenagers or should I say just teenagers.
After that they begin to message the newcomer at the same time (4:20am) and write their first task. It might be something simple as: “take a pin, poke a finger and write your name in blood. Take a pic and message back”.
After this light foreplay they gradually give more self harming tasks and eventually they tell you to kys. These kind of groups were run by young adult males who were charged and found guilty. Horrible things happened to them in prison.

Glowing too much, tone it down.

someone or something keeps fucking with the timelines


some debunker said this was all fake, but maybe a Russian is more trustable.

But the weak autistic youngsters need to die

The photo is Conor Wilmot who died in 2017 of that stupid challenge. The rest are apparently real stories but they ran Wilmot’s photo for some sloppy reason. Somebody even ran a different wrong photo of the corona victim. Pretty sure that a kid with a Muslim name died from Corona but very odd that they used the wrong photo. Multiple times

And in different sources. I am sure the muslim kid dying from corona is true as well.

This reminds me of
likely the same thing happening here. Media being faggots

Paid shills by Bill Gates

Yea, the fake news matrix

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I am not defending the kikes, but do not confuse incompetence/laziness with a deliberate falsehood. The story/info seems accurate, but they ran the wrong photo for sure. The problem is that most of these outlets use 2nd/3rd party sources for stuff like photos. They have the story and need a licensed pic to use, so their 3rd party company sends it out to them as "photo of victim for X story". Chances are the sites that ran that photo all use the same 3rd party photo supplier, so they're all incorrect at the same time.

Again, all of this could just be a deliberate attempt to confuse people and get them to either give up their distrust through attrition, or muddy the waters so badly that *no one* is clean.

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Is the face real or AI generated. I'm on a fuckin phone and cant test.