trust us with your lives.
No chance of UK lockdown being lifted after three weeks, government admits
trust us with your lives.
No chance of UK lockdown being lifted after three weeks, government admits
>what is slashing
lmao and to think that there are britbongs who defend that absolute shithole of a failed state
Is this why George Washington wanted war?
Just arrest people with blades aka niggers and muzzies but the evil leftist scum would never do that.
U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!
Did you know... there are three kind of knives?
Those who are sharp.
Those who slain the infidels.
...and those who scare the bongs
Those are the three.And him? He was a squared head
Do they not have files in bongistan?
Sharp increase....heh
Heh "sharp rise"
Wouldn't it be easier to deport the rapefugees?
Still looks pretty stabby. They should make knives with flat tip.
>not buying German knives
Not good enough. They should be forced to store their kitchen knives at a police station.
I guess diversity is pointless after all.
Can still behead someone with a pointless knife. Bongs still in danger from Jihadists. Maybe you should just forcibly remove them all.
shut up NORF
Imagine living in UK as a kid and you take a branch from a tree but it turns out it was the King's Tree and you didn't have a permit, which makes it a high crime and then at the pointy end of the stick there exists angles less than 35 degrees which means its now assault with a deadly weapon
Yo still alive?
if you remove nonwhites you will have practically no knife crime and if you have only male police officers you will much better dealing with the situation but noo. bongland is just the new sicily
Why not just make plastic knives? We give pic related to kids because they are too stupid to understand the risk, how are bongs and muzzies any different?
I need a bong to spell it out. Say I were an Anglo Saxon, what are the chances I would be checked for a knife with a tip- and how likely would I be charged with a crime for defending myself with a pointed knife in Britain? I'm not asking if there's an unspoken double standard or anything...... Just trying to learn how the world works.
Hey, you dropped this picture.
hahahahaha cUcK is a full blown police state. we leafs still have some freedumz.
Those knives actually look aesthetically pleasing. I might buy a set.
That’s kinda just how most kitchen knives look anyways.
How will bongs kill zombies if there are no guns or knives?
the human race and its consequences have been a disaster for sentient life.
Hmmm, I guess Asian crime is on the rise again.
Do the British somehow think that it's difficult to make something pointy?
Holy fuck, UK nancys and their cucked society. Frighteningly funny.
Every object is blunt, every cranium is filled with meat pie, and everything requires a fucking loicense kek!
Yes, obviously. They would need a specialty loicense for anything pointy.
I’m assuming toothpicks are illegal.
Chopsticks, forks, etc.
Do they also use blunt needles at hospitals or do they simply bite into a vein with their snaggletooth, fuck knows!
how this prevent/lower the rising number of acid attack?
How in the fuck is steak served at a restaurant there? Is it pre-cut into small pieces before it’s brought out and served? Kek!!!
What about pizza?
Does it have something to do with lack of teeth or are you faggots genuinely afraid of pointy or sharp objects?
For fucks sake people! You Brits are the ultimate cucks and should never, ever insult or talk shit about your neighbors. Even the French have balls that you only dream of. What a bunch of nancy faggot ass tosser cunts you are
American women love british men with our big british cocks fucking the shit out of your best and brightest on every vacation to yankland! All American ''men'' are cucks to BBC. Its not surprising the average brit is taller, less obese and has a higher iq than their American counterpart. You can cope all you like but your women love our accents and rugged gentlemanly alpha male status. We've fucked so many of your women LOL. The average American ''male'' has a 5 inch penis get your measuring tape out that shit is TINY the average british man is 7inches+
It doesn’t, kek, but acid has no sharp edges so it’s acceptable in Englandstan
Wow, you really answered my question didn’t you Nigel?
Regardless, what you posted is utter nonsense especially while claiming a higher iq and bigger cocks (how many cocks have you sucked that makes you an authority on cock size?)
UK edition knives
There is a 5% chance me as a brit is a muslim. There is an over 50% chance you as an American is non-white. Seethe more that us brits fuck ALL your women while American cuck bois watch on. Have you ever even had a girlfriend? American incel
can't you just hack people with them or just grind the square tip to a point? probably be easier to do what prisons do and make a shank out of tooth brushes, I wonder if the UK will start banning tooth brushes if that were to happen.
Great comeback once again Nigel! Very intelligent.
Fucking classic you snaggletoothed inbred piece of dogshit
a country where even spoons are not sold to people freely and have to have stickers warning o their use as weapon and who they can be sold to
>cries in fish and chips
Files are hate-tools
God how stupid lol. They gonna make wet stones illegal too? Anyone can just sharpen the knife and put that pointed tip back on their.
Simple stats pal. We all know how gay you American ''men'' especially you niggers are how many white American little bitches have you raped in prison tyrone? Come to Britain where the actual men are and try it big man you'll be leaving in a body bag. Fucking cuck take this BBC
>whether or not you are a good boy depends on what system of ethics I choose to apply
They don’t use toothbrushes. Have you ever seen British people’s teeth? Fuck, it’s like they’re vying for the next Leatherface inbred role in horror film
>I wonder if the UK will start banning tooth brushes if that were to happen.
Nah, nobody has toothbrushes there.
Good lord! The train from fantasyland not only derailed but tumbled into a 1000 foot deep canyon. Must be the Guinness talking.
Healthiest teeth in the world mate. Also least inbred. That's why we've fucked so many of your women while you're a fat virgin mong. Jealous American cuck boi
Brits invented tooth brushes you mong
kek i forgot the horrific mess the brits call a mouth
I knew you were a faggot ass nigger. And what makes it even worse is that you’re a butthurt British faggot ass nigger that isn’t allowed sharp objects (just like children)
Typical. Cry more you nigger faggot
How far will it go?
Every stick is a potential weapon, so is every stone lying on the ground.
>Brits invented toothbrushes
Oh yeah? So then why not use them? Or do you prefer local cops’ or your fathers pubic hair instead? Fucking nancy tosser faggots
Just because you “invented” it doesn’t mean you ever made any. Let me guess you had the factory all tooled up but then the queenly weenie needed a new tea set so you had to make that instead.
I'm white not surprising since I live in a majority white country. What threw you off, the talk of BBC? Don't get excited im not in your cuckolded gang it stands for BIG BRITISH COCK. White americans have no balls and your niggers rape you in prison, get over it.
All will need to be loicensed mate
That's a handsome smile
Never been to prison, because I don’t have to steal like you poor Brit poofs do.
You already admitted to being a nigger, can’t take that back Nigel you fucking spastic 70iq toothless nigger
Say what you like, your own women prefer ME over YOU incel. I've been to America plenty of time I fucked at least 40 bitches and made them scream for my BBC, how many girls have you fucked? Your mother doesn't count Cletus. Yes we all know how degenerate you redneck pieces of shit are.
All the queens men needed their knobs polished so the british sheeple were called in to do so.
We all know you're a virgin btw. We can tell by the fact you're a white American ''male'' all your women are with people of other superior cultures.
Bullshit nigger Nigel, you’ve never been here because you can’t afford to fly to the USA, you can’t even afford groceries and 2liters of fuel for your 1.2liter econobox shit of a car you tossers drive there. Cry more you fucking nigger
Hilarious! Well put sir!
Show us photos of your shithole 37sqm flat you poor stupid nigger faggot
And have to pay a regular knife withdrawal tax.
I'm telling the truth I've been to America and fucked sooo many of your women loool. American men aren't getting no pussy. If there is two things us brits are good at its fighting and satisfying American pussy.