If you were made dictator of your country, what would you do?

If you were made dictator of your country, what would you do?
>executive order, all firearms legislation passed after 1990 is immediately repealed, any attempt to pass further legislation or undermine the ownership or regulation of firearms will result in public hanging if the involved individuals
>all Democrats politicans are publicy hanged, Republicans are either hanged or given life in prison on a case by case basis.
>soros, everyone near him, the pizza cabal and masons are given the brazen bull
>NGOs are banned and being involved with one is life in prison, this includes cucks such as the NRA
>China and isreal are glassed
>Anti-trust is enforced with an iron first, disney, google and the telecom companies are broken up, by force if nessecary, mosanto and google executives are publicly hanged
>FBI and CIA leadership is publicly hanged, new Intelligence agencies are formed to replace them

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I'd vote for you.

> all trannys immediately executed
> all doctors performing trans operations immediately executed
> gays, abortion doctors, marxists immediately executed
> any blacks that are found guilty of a felony repatriared to Senegal immediately, along with all relations (cant be splitting up families!)
> islam banned in the us, muslims given 6 months to leave the country before being executed
> loaning money for interest banned
> federal reserve banned
> gold backed currency instituted
> no fault divorce banned
> womens right to vote repealed
> civics test required to vote

>Pizza pedos get The brazen bull

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>(can't be splitting up families!)
I would for you and anti LGBT user and anti nigger user for president and vice president 2024

>nuke Russia and China
>invade them
>help Israel establish world government
>kill all sexual deviants because it’s against Judaism

all op's executed

I wouldn't have trannies killed, but i would have them institutionalized in the same way you would sevear drug addicts

Forgot about drug addicts. They die in phase 2.

>repeal all birth control
>repatriate all niggers, chinks, poos, nonwhites
>miscegenators are publicly shunned by law, those who refuse are hanged
>reform food stamps so they go to white people
>injuns given their own state in northern ass crack of yukon t. good luck, bitches
>shunning of fags instituted
>punishable by stoning
>pedophiles are to be nailed to crosses
>double soldiers' pay
>give them 25 acres at the end of 25 years service
>take over greenland and iceland
>import icelandics to improve our already fully white stock
>eventually grow navy and army to adequate size to conquer britain and purify that shithole too

Sounds like you guys really hate freedom.

ITT: mouthbreathers.

>Reinstate the death penalty
>Shut down the BBC and try everyone at a managerial level and up for high treason; the punishment for which shall be death
>Arrest all members of The Fabian Society, change them also with high treason, execute them, and permanently blacklist their families from government work
>Close down all Mosques, arrange for Muslims to resettle the vast depopulated areas of The Middle-East
>Those who refuse will be deported forcibly to Belgium, without the permission of the Belgian or European authorities
>End all diplomatic contact with the CCP, expell all their diplomats, and begin a campaign of privateering against all Chinese global shipping
>Don't like it?
>Have a Trident warhead up the arse
>Make transgender surgery illiegal, and class it as systemic medial malpractice of the most heinous sort
>disappear any global banking head that sets foot on British soul
>Declare Israel a rogue state
>Declare Turkey a rogue state
>Hang violent criminals publicly, and shame their families
>Stipends to white families for having more children
>welfare only for natives - as determined by race, culture and place of birth, at least two out of three is required, and you MUST be white to even be considered.
>Liberalise gun laws
>Expand the countryside by demolishing slums and deporting ethnic undesirables

I could go on all day.

Because what we have right now is freedom.

I mean, it's understandable, most cucks can't handle freedom. They always need a bigger, stronger man to tell them what to do.

I would try to create fundamentalist direct democracy utopia based on what Gaddafi outlines in green book. Also create work camps where all the politicians of PO, PiS, and other jew owned parties would be reducated throught hard work.

>exterminate everyone except the army and my family
>import whites
>import 14yo virgin qt to be my queen
>mandatory fitness required
>mandatory 4 kids per family
.mandatory mass twice a week
>kill jannies, trannies, niggers, faggots, op :)

>what would you do?
Expel jews.
Everything else should pretty much sort itself out after that.

there is a cuckoldery that happens

but you don't understand what we are psychologically. we are the bvll. the lemmings are the cucks. and destiny is our bitch

> right to bear and manufacture arms
> right to self defense
> right to personal property, but ownership of land is impossible, all land is under state stewardship
> no right to privacy
> surveillance of everyone by everyone legal and encouraged
> if you didn't manage to keep it a secret, it's your own damn problem and the state won't help you
> some categories of information are explicitly in public domain and whoever attempts to limit access does not enjoy any sort of legal protection or rights, to include right to life or property
> intellectual property laws abolished
> law of Talion, death for death, indentured servitude for theft, physical harm for physical harm etc
> rape is not a crime in itself, assault, kidnapping and such are crimes
> freedom of speech and assembly
> direct democracy, one man one vote, military service guarantees citizenship, citizenship by birthright inexistent, would-be citizens must have two independent sponsors and prove their worth to society before a randomly selected jury of their future peers
> children who fail their trial by jury allowed to reapply after a reasonable period of continued maturation
> dependents, such as any non-citizens (children included) are chattel
> tourism is allowed inasmuch as the tourist is prepared to become chattel as per the above

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>mandatory mass 5 times a day
allahu akbar

Cringe af lol

Mandate everyone must own a firearm.
Add gun safety classes to elementary/middle/high schools that are graded and move up in difficulty.
Disband the Federal Reserve, bar derivative investments.
Disband the FBI, roll the authority back to the U.S. Marshals.
Aggressively prosecute public education/academic institutions that politicize knowledge.
Lots of other stuff.

Reinstate the second paragraph of our original constitution

all niggers jews jannies trannys and chinks are immediately executed.

Since all of the world's problems will be solved, I can go retire on an island somewhere as they build statues celebrating me.

lots of drugs and fanny for me lol, thats it

Id export all the jews from my country after forcibly taking all their unjustly gained wealth.

Any that refuse to leave will be put in a comfy camp until I can find an alternative.

>Only islam banned
>Judaism not
Yep, sounds like an American Dictator to me alright

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I like it but how are you going to enforce all of that? they have more power than you

>Born into a debt economy to slave for Greenberg
>Shot by gibsniggers on the way to and from work
>Same two parties, Blueberg versus Redberg every election.

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ur retarded

I'd give you 2 weeks before you get shot.
too radical and careless.
aka, You're an idiot.

wich is?

You are big gay because you didn't pick firearms law post 1985 ('86 MG registry), or even better, 1931 ('32 NFA).

>legalize weed
>legalize psilocybin
>restrict possession, manufacturing, and use of these and make violations of these statutes involve jail time or massive fines

>keep LSD illegal except for research purposes
>keep cocaine illegal
>keep meth illegal
>make manufacturing or trafficking of illicit stimulants mandatory prison time
>make use of drugs a stint in a mental health facility instead of prison
>restrict access to prescription stimulants except in extreme cases
>make coffee a prescription for ADHD before stimulants

>separate the "Food" part of the "Food and drug administration" and make them part of the Department of Agriculture
>make the FBI part of the executive branch of the government
>merge secret service/FBI
>allow the FBI to investigate anyone involved involved in the federal governments transaction history without a warrant
>make all those records available to Freedom of Information Act requests from regular citizens

>reinstate COINTELPRO to disenfranchise and discredit all religious and social institutions that work against the best interests of the american people on a federal level

>allow veterans on death row that have an honorable discharge to choose firing squad as there method of execution on a federal level if they are convicted of the death penalty on the state or federal level

>legalize machine guns that are manufactured by the individual
>transfer of these guns to others is a felony

>add more funding to public housing, but also more surveillance and on duty police

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>is made dictator
>legalizes guns
This must be your first day

The Evangelical-Lutheran religion is the state's public religion. The inhabitants who practice it are obliged to raise their children in the same. Jesuits and monastic orders may not be tolerated. Jews are excluded from access to the Kingdom

lmao calm down incel

close all borders and then kill all citizens.

We didn't until we started getting overrun by jews and browns. Help us get it back there and you can have your ridiculous lolbert existence once the country is white again.

>legalizes guns
I wouldn't just legalize them, I would mandate them.
A dictator can never be greater than the sum of the population he rules.
Too many throughout history did not understand this fact.

Deport everyone who isn't ethnic canadian. Dismantle zog currency system and have the gov print its own money.
Kill all elite pedos and cabals. End crappy democratic first past the post system, establish a hybrid system with my family line as monarchs and elected advisors/ministers.
China, Israel, africa are ended, encourage settlement on the now empty lands.

Is that cum or hummus on your mouth? Either way, wipe it off before addressing an American.

>Jews are excluded from access to the Kingdom

>all Negros Hispanics, Asians, Arabs will be safely deported back to their homeland
>ban mainstream pornography and push heavy stigma/propaganda against it
>ban all forms of smoking
>reform the education system to teach important subjects instead of monkey month and the 45 gorazillion
>ban divorce
>ban dating apps
>womens rights to vote appealed
>gold backed currency
>make trannys get help instead of killing themselves (therapy and love not dilation and mutilation)
>execute child predators,pedophiles etc
>completely overhaul all modern construction and make big cities look like a Neo classical art paradise
>enact several social policies (free public healthcare, free schooling, paid vacation, and worker rights just to name a few
>tax the shit out of sugar and make state mandated, weight, health check ups
>purge most shitty foods from grocery stores
>instead of a big bad american world police army we will become an isolationist nationalistic army that guards the borders instead of killing innocent brown children
>ban netflix and all other streaming sites
>ban gay marriage
>ban marijuana
>focus on cleaning,making america look pretty
>enact cultural enrichment and increase tourism by making ground breaking monuments
>civics/iq test to vote

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>executive order, all firearms legislation passed after 1990 is immediately repealed

So you are leaving the NFA, 1968 gun control act and Reagan's machine gun ban in place? Nigger

>fervently support zionism and pay for all the jews to resettle in israel
>oops how did those nukes get in iran
This is all I want desu
I'm not asking for much

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> swedish made illegal to be mandatory in ANY school
> fuck out of EU
> Toughen up the military
> Weed legal but banned from public places with same kind of fining system as speeding (make more money=bigger fine)
> Politicians lose all privacy rights and be required to list all their posessions and be financially tracked 24/7
> Fuck € markka back
> Obeisity tax (bigger fat% more tax)
> Day of the rope
> Somali pirates gtfo
> Åland's privaligies stripped
> Illegal for Finnish non-holiday homes to be owned by outsiders
> All house prices halfed
> Fuck the homeless
> Death penalty to pedofiles, coalburners and corrupt politicians (innocent until proven quilty).

>Nationalise all natural resources in the country
>Buy natural resources from abroad to stockpile
>Give incentives to manufacturers to begin manufacturing in my country using stockpiled resources
>No more "too big to fail" bailouts. If you cannot run the company in the current situation then the company should fail. Replacing this by removing monopoly laws
>So many things de-regulated there's not enough room to list them all. The list is as long as it is wide.
>Change criminal justice system so only violent criminals serve time. The time served is not an arbitrary time, instead it takes as long as needed to rehabilitate the violent criminal. Could be months, years, decades, permanently
>Make Britain a republic. The Queen can keep what she has, but she gets nothing more.
>Set in stone, absolutely unchangeable, rules related to individual rights, including freedom of speech
>Far stricter rules on immigration, making it far easier to expel people who should not be here
>One culture, one language, one people policy. Anyone can join us, but you must join us. It is mandatory.

Kill politicians
Kill everynyay who says any kind of "but" in their defense
Remove rapefugees
Remove gypsies
Open 24/7 pizza ovens for the juices
Fix trains
Every train station will be named after Auschwitz, muh 6 millions soon to be true
Every amusement park named after holo camps
Invade Poland just too keep them occupied
More stuff to be added after I will eat some pasta

institute radical anarcho-monarchism and immediately abdicate
the rest will take care of itself

find redditors and have RWDS execute them and their families.

>raise top income tax bracket from 35 to 70%
> 5% wealth tax on $100M+ in assets
> taxes on capital gains and dividends equal to income tax rates
> corporate tax rate to 35% and eliminate subsidies
> tax international profits no matter where they sit and tax proportional to where the corp made sales ($100M in profit and 10% of sales made in the US? your tax liability is on $10M of profit so 35% of that number)
> eliminate step-up rule for passing estates to heirs
> tax capital gains in a year-by-year accrual basis rather than taxed at point of sale
> school funding cannot be unequal (every 10,000 in population gets the same amount of dollars for education)
> immediately break up any corporation that is 40% or higher of market share
> Medicare-for-all - just push the button that solves healthcare already
> reduce defense spending to whatever double the second highest country is by law (this case China so we go down to $500B in spending)
>annual publicly published audits of Pentagon and Federal Reserve
>outlaw private prisons, for profit charter schools
>repeal any anti 2nd amendment legislation and mandatory body cams for police (if cop violates he faces jailtime)
>triple SEC funding
>mandatory employee ownership by minimum 33% for all companies over 100 employees
> free public college and trade schools
> automatic infrastructure spending per year tied to GDP
> abolish computer voting machines. Video all counting of paper ballots and post online publically. Conduct thorough exit polling with public publishing of results
> abolish the Senate
> return war powers to congress
> dismantle military bases around the world besides in Kurdistan (and still thinking about other potential places)
> remove foreign aid entirely
> invest heavily in green tech
> start taxing foreign capital gains in our stock market (currently at 0%)
> Estate tax to 50%
> Change measurement of CPI back to its original specifications (cost-of-goods remains constant for example)
a few ideas

Tell everyone to stop being assholes to their fellow countrymen. Thats literally all id advocate for, just always provide a helping hand to your neighbor. Wonder why no president has ever said crap like that.

>Nuke ontario and quebec
>reform the canadian government to be a replica of pre ww1 america with copy of constitution

please do

Everyone here seems to think "dictator" means "infallible god emperor with mind control powers."
The second you order your country's military to do something stupid like start WWIII or murder two thirds of your own citizens, you'll just get assassinated and replaced.

Can't be bothered to go through all
>house prices halved -> house size halved as well, as no newbuilds anymore
>fuck the homeless -> op loses virginity
>goes after somali pirates -> his own country left defenseless and gets easily overtaken
>death penalty for pedos & coalburners and tax dependant on bmi -> op gets taxed to death then executed, but at least he lost his virginity to a somali homeless prostitute.
How do you think innocent until proven guilty would work, if it doesn't fully work now?

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Send all our jews to America
Bring back white Australia policy
Cut all the abos off centerlink benefets

some more
>ranked choice voting by law
>increase border security
>FISA court proceedings public
>any meddling in foreign countries is to be prosecuted and judged by a jury of peers with mandatory life sentencing for guilty verdicts
> fines for corporations must have minimums (the gains from illegal activity + interest + 10%) if the gains are greater than $10M mandatory life jail time for all involved

>nationalize resources
>no more too big to fail
Wut. I mean, if you nationalize everything, it's all too big to fail, and/or you get venezuela.
>lock people up until rehabilitated
>op locked up for life for being a massive faggot.

>set in stone rules
What, you mean like moses did with 10 commandments? You stole some of my time, so you already broke one of those.

>strict immigration, one language, culture, etc...
How you gonna deal with cryptos then?
Also, what measure will you be using to kick people out?

>get rid of any type of gun ban
>legalize the purchase of guns everywhere including in large cities like nyc
>get rid of lgbt laws
>no more favoring the women in divorce court
>men will no longer get raped by child support and alimony
>no more special privileges for women
>no more special privileges for minorities
>no more government assistance for degenerates and niggers
>ban Islam, ban Judaism and ban any fanatical religion that doesn't align with our American lifestyle.
>immediate bulldozing of islamic and jewish places of worship
>fully ban any hormones and other artificial substances added into our foods
>ban the practice of tipping
>fully legalize prostitution
>fully legalize all currently illegal narcotics
>no more having to check in with a jewish doctor to get a prescription, you can now buy whatever medicine your heart desires from a pharmacy
>ban circumcisions
>raise the national speed limit
>no more hyper inflating the prices of land and houses
>houses that were worth 1 million are now valued at 10,000 which is what they should of been from the start
>apartments and shitty studios in the city arent worth over $2k + anymore theyre worth a couple $100 at best
>reset economy