HIV doesn't real
>HIV doesn't real
>Corona isn't real, it's a weapon against the Catholics
Has this nigga finally lost his mind?

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Other urls found in this thread: duesberg&crid=OQH1KFNJQ9JF&sprefix=peter due,aps,253&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_9


He was always anti white and fucking retarded. I hope he catches it

show some respect to your Jesuit CIA elders, you stinky glowpole.


>t. Doctor E Michael Jones

I stopped listening to anything this ghoul says when he lost the debate to styx. He's off his rocker.

is he wrong?


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He contradicts himself all the time, just like Alex Jones.
He's basically an Alex Jones tier pied piper for a slightly different crowd: tells you some truth, but goes along with all mainstream narratives/psyops as though they are really happening as described.

But he's right, it isn't real, user. See

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dumb nigger drone shills will burn in hell

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he knows no one can do that, its literally impossible

Long ago. This guy was virtually unknown and then he suddenly has some retarded cult following. It's a psyop.

Every time E. MIchael Jones opens his mouth he exposes Christianity for the BS that it is. I hope he keeps doing it and Whites finally rid themselves of that jewish mental poison.

Nope. Fauci, Sachs & ........ Trumps and Brexit's Rothschild team are doing to America and Britain what they did to the Soviet economy.
It's time for you to sell to the jewish oligarchs.

Only there will be more killing this time.


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The dude literally goes around saying race isn't real. All that matters to him is sucking nigger toes like his Pope.

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he replaces race with traditions, its so youtube dont shut him down. he speaks in code alot.

Why are Catholics so cliquey - they're like Jews, everything is about them and their little fucking in-group. They seem to ignore that for 1000 years, Europe was terrorised by Catholics and kept ignorant and illiterate, and their minds owned by the priest class. Everyone here, free thinkers, would have been tortured to death as heretics.

Catholics all my life have been complaining about the corruption of the catholic/christian hierarchs but they can never face the simplest possibility - - - it was ALWAYS corrupt. It was always a political mechanism of the Ruling families.
Until they face that they can't extract what they like about its 'Moral Law'.

You can talk about race without getting shut down by YouTube.

>The greatest champion against Jewish sex mind control tactics
>Got kicked out of academia for being against abortion in a catholic school
>SPent entire career dropping red pills about jews before it was cool
>literally one internet comment where he said that a nigger could be polish
all of /pol is against him and calls him a race traitor. /Pol is a bunch of lazy asses that can't do jack shit.

Christianity is a mind virus for Jewish slaves. Incurable most of the time.

E Jones praises the murder of thousands of his ancestors because hey, they refused to worship his favorite Rabbi and his foreingn god. Absurd.

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no you cant, they shadow banned me for it, every post i make gets deleted within seconds, its even in there terms of use that you cant say anything racist

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If you were outside the elite families you were only allowed to learn to read if you rensigned yourself to celebacy and sterility. This continued in the universities. This really pops catholic apologists bubble.

(((Eugenics for me - Dysgenics for thee)))

Tin foil suits, what the fuk do we star wearing to combat this satan spawn ?

found the catholic larper, go fuck some catboys and worship your gay pope

>forgets about worshiping trees
>forgets about wikkermen
>forgets about viking economy literally existing because of rape and pillage
come on man

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Correct. Constantine was a cunt and Charlemagne was worse. The Catholic Church was a tool to enslave Europe. Now it wants to enslave the world.

He looks friends mom mixed will bill nye
And is probably gay

What a load of absolute bollocks that quote is.

There's a reason the US even has a military, you know. Look it up, fucknut.

>using a proxy
>not knowing that the middle east has been largely christian
>touting globalism
glow harder faggot

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>le worship trees meme
We europeans like trees. Our homelands are full of them. Unlike the alien, arid deserts where the Bible takes place.

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>you god gets wrecked by some guy with an axe
clearly not something to worship for the constituted mind retard

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He's not gay. He's a noted public intellectual with many children. You are a retarded window licker.

You do realize that it's not the specific tree that matters right? Just as a specific Yeshua on a specific cross in a specific church isn't your actual God. What am I saying, of course you don't realize that. Christians don't even understand their own religion, let alone the religion of anyone else.

And you 'god' is the God of the Jews. You worship a kike, then claim anyone who doens't MUST be a jkike themselves.

Absolute insanity lmao.

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Well said

>jesus wasn't a specific person
>trying to put your idolism on my religion
your tree has been confirmed to be a god, one of many true, but a god nonetheless. my god is not in such failing material, so i ask you whos is greater?

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damn is this the new Ron Paul, curry nigger edition? I'm down. Hope this guy makes it to senate.

>If you were outside the elite families you were only allowed to learn to read if you rensigned yourself to celebacy and sterility. This continued in the universities.

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>And you 'god' is the God of the Jews
>you know that group of people that killed him and denounced him as god
>thats right, the same people that said he was in hell
wew lad shill better faggot

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>not knowing the difference between jewish as a race and a religion
thank you meme flag, very nice post

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What the fuck are you talking about?
No one was worshipping the tree as a god. It was basically revered as a natural embodiment of the gods’ connection to earth, the pagan equivalent of a church.

You really don’t know anything about paganism

I guess those Jews who hate yahweh and proclaim atheism as the one true oth must not be Jews then.

Oh wait...

>disregarding context
learn to read, no one is saying brother nathanael is not jewish ethnicity, but he is no longer practicing talmudism

>ehind the great oak dedicated to Donar, the Irmisul (also felled by Christian missionaries in the 8th century) and the Uppsala, stands a mythic prototype of an immense world tree Yggrasil.
it is a god, learn what you talk about

What is the Jewish race? Is there any academic consensus on this?

What is the Jewish religion? Which Jewish religion? What is Judaism? Is there a conversion to Judaism? If there's a conversion, how do you quit it?

You're as retarded as your Catholicuck "intellectual".

That’s exactly what Jones is saying
He doesn’t give a shit about race or bloodline. This is the fundamental difference between a Christian and a Natsoc. Natsoc hate jews because they are a racially foreign parasite with a degenerative materialist mindset where as Christians hate jews because they’re not Christians

Christians would fully accept “baptized jews” because to them race is secondary to religion. This is why your cult is so thoroughly despised by all free thinking right wingers

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>God made a woman and a man put a tree in the middle and say "don't touch it" but send a snake and the snake say "eat it" and they do and they're fucked for life because of that and now you need the church for not going to hell
If you're going to oversimplify everything two can play this game.

sand suckers love sucking sand.

I’m assuming you’re trolling at this point. Get bumps honestly, friend

>Pours some water on myself
Ok I am no longer Jewish Goyim.


>Is there any academic consensus on this?
sorry, im no parrot, i dont need someone else to think for me
>What is the Jewish religion?
>What is Judaism?
it seems you already know, why pretend
>Is there a conversion to Judaism?
wew lad why are you pretending to not know the obvious?
>how do you quit it?
people leave it all the time, why do you think asking obvious questions is something "deep" your only pretending to be an intellectual otherwise you would have already looked for the answers to those questions, not ask some guy on pol, get fucked shill

>it is a god, learn what you talk about

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This. Catholicism rotted his brain. Embarrassed I bought his books.

you see, the difference is we dont worship the tree, just they guy who made it, i never over simplified anything, your just pretending to be retarded

So, Jews have always been Talmudic since the days of Moses I guess. There has never been sects or anything.

Just like the retard Chatolicuck on topic, you fail understand the complexity on the question. I guess the magical Church will the answers in due time.

Do also count in the ban for porn which is funny. He talks about subversion in the government yet wants to give those same subversives power over porn habits.

>believing the Gay-related immune deficiency (GRID) that originated in San Francisco during the 80s is caused by a super mega virus that dwells deep in the Congolese jungle and not by the sodomites degenerate life style of buttfucking and doing drugs.

eeewww lad.

Bonus links: duesberg&crid=OQH1KFNJQ9JF&sprefix=peter due,aps,253&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_9

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What’s his book about?

jews have been talmudic sense the death of christ, this is elementary knowledge, if you spend all day mixing words to think what you want, eventually you will loose yourself and your fancy word play, its called schizophrenia

You fail to even understand the cosmology of said pagans and quickly drive conclusions based on the presuppositions of your own religious system and *surprise* it sounds ridiculous. Just like the typical Catholicuck.

Go get a blood transplant from someone with HIV or AIDS. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Are you retarded? Styx lost that debate and sperged out.

>tree is the son of all life its self the GOD tree
now what part of this did i misunderstand?

That's what is weird. HIV is due to sodomy and gay porn. Especially bug chasers. Guy is a fucking relic.

Funny that being a faggot LITERALLY taints your blood. The gods are at work in the realm of man

t. historically illiterate fuckwit.

Only a sperg would believe that. Styx is right about porn. Banning and punishing men for what women do is retarded anyways.

>Has this nigga finally lost his mind?
He already did when he claimed niggers could be european.

>dunks head in water

Christians are retarded.

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I guess Ebiontes, Johannine Christians, Gnostics, kabbalists, none of that ever existed. I guess every single Jewish person holds a single doctrine that says what you must believe and not each Rabbi teaches what he wants.

You know fuck zero about Judaism, and yet has an opinion on how to "convert" them.

What is God is their system? How does it work? What is the cosmic implication of this? Now tell me everything.

He’s wrote a lot of books. I have 2
Jewish revolutionary history
And libido dominandi

Neither did particularly well in the debate. Styx just focused on the pragmatic issue but kept over extending acting like porn isn’t bad.

I appreciate his scholarly Jew naming but the moment he said "your problem is you identify as white" to Mike and Striker, he lost me forever.

Did he include Christianity into that Jewish history?