>"Most of the transmissions happening now are in the household at the family level. Transmission has been taken off the street and pushed back in to the family units. Now we need to go and look in family's and see who may be sick and remove them and isolate them"


Could videos like this be popping up in America soon?

Old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

I doubt that'll go down seamlessly over there.

These people are psycho and could use a little rope.
You know Tedros is a commie?

I hope this happens, put the "muh guns" boomers to the test

don't even want to watch

is tuck acting high and mighty about this now? after hyping this nothingburger for months?

in many countries the govt pays for your hotel for a couple weeks to isolate you. sounds comfy to me.

>Could videos like this be popping up in America soon?
If you faggots dont start shooting these fucks Im sure it will

Prepare to see a whole lot of ventilated health inspectors.

> Most of the transmissions happening now are in the household at the family level.
That's a good thing you double nigger. It means that general population transmission is dying out and it's infecting the last pockets of people it can get to, family members. Yes they will all be infected, but after that has happened it's burnt itself out.
That said if there are any frail and vulnerable people in the family separation may be warranted.

I hate this CCP cock licking irish cunt. Look at how punchable his fucking ugly red shitdrip face is

No they want to execute them!

Moldy Labia

You guys ready to take project zyphr a little more seriously yet?


All modern hunting rifle calibers rip through Kevlar Lima a hot knife thru butter


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So someone who has absolutely no authority, thinks he’s coming into my house. Cute. I don’t think he’ll end of breathing very long if he tries.

purge during passover? based

Hopefully the qtards get purged

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the family members they’re wanting to “remove” will be almost entirely made up of children.

>Let's go door to door to forcibly take people from their homes
>Why the gunfire, we are here to protect you!

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b-b-b-but q told me to trust the plan!
maybe we should have listened to goldberg after all.

12 gauge magnum slug, 3" shells. Won't penetrate any vest, but they'll probably wish it did.

>You are a slave goyim
>You will always be a slave goyim
>Kneel before ZOG Goyim
>Kiss our boot dirty slave before we kill you goyim,

And you will do absolutely nothing about it the kikes are right.

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oh no not the united nations

Problem, even with knockdown and trauma damage his partner can come up and cap you, and he can still often fire back.

Dont aim for the vest beyond the initial knockdown/stagger effect from the slug.
Pelvis is where it's at!

Coming to find me huh? Where oh where could I be?

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Humanity has been domesticated. Yah we're a fucking threat to the kikes but we'll do literally beyond the being a fucking shitlord online.

100 years ago we literally roped faggots for less than what the average kike gets away with nowadays How far has humanity fallen that we can't even defend ourselves.

It's a Saiga so followup isn't really an issue. No delay like with a pump. Also using metal shells, not plastic which can distort in a magazine. It's a pretty cool mod in Minecraft.

Boogaloo when?

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You do nothing goyim


lol enjoy getting shot at.

What - both of them will come?

Uh no.
The mask thing was the final straw.
You will not be removing me from my home or even during my limited plague walks.


Just don't keep hammering the plate unless you are using the recoil to perform a zipper drill towards the head.

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>how to remove remains of WHO fags from your lawn

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Under who's authority?

The government should have shut down international travel, this is a gross overreaction and he's stated as much.

try it and they'll be meeting slugs and buckshot

Wait until the people with authority concur with them.

pffft, local cops won't touch that, who's on that task force, the UN commandos?

Those digits do not lie

A month ago this faggot wasnt sure if it was a pandemic or not

typical target is anyone with a brain, you are not needed

Holy shit, they're really going to do it. We are going to have gulags of centrist and conservative dissidents imprisoned for their wrongthink. Jesu Christi. Never thought I'd see it happen in my lifetime.

This fucking pandemic was created and allowed to happen so that the globalist elites can make their last stand against homo sapiens who think too much, the only people who are a threat to their hegemony. And they're going to be cowardly enough to do by lying all the way.

Remember, do not hammer on the plate, you will never penetrate.

Pelvis, limbs and head. Slugs can stagger or knockdown a plate user allowing a small window for aimed shots.

disband the WHO

jokes on them haha

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I think those people like living. The UN just anhero'd in real time. That video was the shot heard round the world.

Are they about to save all the kids by moving them to their harvesting facilities?

why do you hide your flag?

Wouldn't a sabot round cut clear through the plate?

huwhite christians

they gotta make dey unholy bread

>I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the family members they’re wanting to “remove” will be almost entirely made up of children

Well yeah their supply dried up.

>government overstepping its boundries.

And that's a good thing!

And there'll be a tragic incident
> no you can't see the body of your child, it's too horrific, so for your own good we already cremated them

why? chinese officials assured the WHO there was no evidence of human to human transmission

Checked. Based rope therapy

Fuck the WHO and every other World Organization for that matter

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I'm not aware of any slug or sabot that can penetrate a plate as the surface area is too large. It will however, cause debilitating and critical damage due to the pressure wave and velocity.

Are you retarded? It's estimated to last 1.5 years before it "burns itself out".
The entire concept behind self isolation, isn't so you "don't get sick", it's to not flood the healthcare system. Socialist or capitalist system, neither were designed to take on this many patients at once for THIS long. Sudden mass event? Sure. World wide pandemic? No. It's made to stagger out the sicknesses so everyone can actually receive healthcare when needed.

>don't want to watch
Stay ignorant then faggot. But why bother to even comment?
It's funny how shit bags like you have such strong opinions and yet refuse to even consider the topic being discussed.
Why are you even here BTW? Plebbit would probably be much more to your liking desu.

When? In two weeks? KEK

why are normies so dumb and our governments so compromised?

>taking any advice from WHO, an illegal and corrupt entity paid mostly by Americans
How about we abolish every UN organisation?

Never knew the term for letting recoil take you into a headshot was called a "zipper drill"
Good to know, thanks user.
>pelvis shots
Huh never thought about it but dick shots would be mad effective because of all the bloodflow and artery center

Elaborate more on limb shots other than no plate and disabling


>literally breaking into peoples homes and snatching people up
I doubt the American people will let that go over well.

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>glowniggers discussing ways to kill other glowniggers

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Don’t expect this to happen without bloodshed

Give it a fucking try
My M9 and Maverick 88 dont take kindly to faggots like you

If anyone's still got it when we go back to normal it'll just start to spread all over again.

>fox news
thank god corona will kill a million americans

You didn't see the latest models? AHAHAHHAHAHAH

Won't go through level IV steel-backed rifle plates. Those'll stop 30-06, let alone 308 or 6.5mm

Share resources while we can. Redpilling, education and unity are our greatest weapons.

5G is being rolled out as we're under lockdown, exactly as planned. 5G is genocide.

So what's the link between 5g and coronahoax? - Part 1 of 5 -
Check out 5g's weapon capabilites @ 20m mark.

10 minute wake-up call -

Wtf? So why are media telling us that we can catch viruses?

Join the dots -

Briitsh street furniture weaponised with 5g/DEW capabilities -

Symbolic -

Count the birds in this springtime 5g area

They're rolling out 5g globally, they need to divide and conquer while they get rid of undesirables, too.

Woman saw her homeless friend being removed by police ten minutes before this housing agency went around the housing block issuing letters stating he was dead. They didn't take into account that someone cared for him. That letter had to be prepared, approved, printed and the delivery system organised, long before he was removed.

Is 5g live in your area now? UK.

Resources available here along with a wealth of information -

ITJN hearing -

**TL:DW - try just the first ten minutes of the 3rd part of this video series - **

This is genocide, my friends.

>but muh supermarkets
truth is it just minimizes the exposure to absolutely necessary levels (until drone shopping arrives), imagine comparing a few minutes of shopping to sitting around with dozens of people in a bullpen for hours a day.
tucker sounds convincing but he's an absolute retard unfortunately.


It'll stop the round but the poor sap in the armor isn't going to just jog it off. Broken ribs and likely internal damage to organs from the force.

Depends on the round and the plate. Antimaterial roubds are good for penetrating plate.
A lead slug isn't going to pen plate, but as the other guy said, the force behind a slug is going to go somewhere, if it can't break through the plate.
You'll knock someone down, stagger them and/or knock the air out of their lungs.
In fact, in some ways, plate stopping a round could technically disable a target more immediately than a round which penetrated and went right through.

Think how a modern car will crumple and collapse in an accident. This is done to spread the force of the hit across a wider area, away from the driver, rather than the car not bending and the driver being the only thing to keep moving.
Similarly, a round penetrates and keeps going, so relatively little actual force was expressed on the target since the bullet kept going.
Now, say the plate stops that same round dead in its tracks, ALL of the force behind that round is now transferred directly into the target.
The energy has to go somewhere. If it's not staying with the bullet after passing through a target, it's going into the plate and the person hit is going to feel it.
Sure, they probably won't die like they might have with penetration, but it's hard to say if they'd be standing back up and continue fighting either.







Course it would. Burgers don't do shit, all the "muh guns" shit is larp. They're some if the biggest bootlickers on the planet, they'll lap it right up.

Time to go granny-o!

I doubt our Hungarian brothers and sisters would put up with the shit either

Yeah but the rhetoric isn't, hence the point of this thread laddy.

Fuck off with that kike shit

You gave up your guns after one false flag

Cool, sure, anything you say amerishart. You've done nothing for 50 years as all your rights are stripped, and suddenly now you intend to shoot cops? Not to mention that most "muh guns" types are all the some fuckwad with "blue line" stickers on everything lmao, they'll be only too happy to see their heros. Right now you fuckers get served red flags in a bunch of states & nobody does shit, just give it a rest. Your fake & gay larp is never gonna happen.

Friendly reminder that Anon5 called this shit.

tell him to go back into his clown car, the gall of this corrupt piece of shit organization, WHO can go fuck itself

A month ago this shitbag was a shitbag.

What would you rather me say? The kikes at the WHO are talking about taking peoples fucking kids. Their wording, their rhetoric, is hysterical and Orwellian. The WHO needs to be defunded and the UN dismantled.