Possibly happening.....this was a $750,000 supercar that this guy decided to rampage with

Possibly happening.....this was a $750,000 supercar that this guy decided to rampage with.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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I'm watching Fox now and there is nothing about this.

Mega based GTA in real life


The car magazines recognize the owner in the photos

Attached: 3F1DE51D-C40A-4D77-8118-8F073817C58D.jpg (1125x2117, 911.29K)

He is very well known


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Standard chink driver. Nothing to see here.

Chinks were a mistake

>dumb nigger
read the fucking text on the fox news image YOU posted in YOUR own post, it clearly says "stolen"

Lol nope. This is just the press covering for some rich pedo that just got taken down.

>Driving While Oriental

Car was STOLEN. Hope the criminal goes to jail!

children in africa could have eaten that porsche !

Fellow 1%ers I'm calling on us all to take the first step and be an example; we need to ban assault supercars NOW.

why are lefties so jealous and toxic about anyone that has even a bit more than them?

>rich pedo chroomer rage

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I like that color... is it stock? Or some chinky custom thing

Guys stop putting down other cultures just because they're different than ours. You can't blame them for making sure their victims are dead when they get in an auto-accident. It's ingrained in their behavior from a young age to protect themselves from their liability laws.

>2 billion is a "bit more"

who let the skitzos loose?

Definitely Bruce Wayne

people like him must die, inherited everything not earned and low IQ

typical Asian driver, can't figure out how to park.

jealous loser.

He will take the first flight out of the USA and avoid paying anybody for damages.

Nah, this guy merely digested the bat. Bruce was born into it, moulded by it

yeah, just cause he's in custody doesn't mean NYPD will hold him.
when you've got money like that the laws don't apply the same

I bet he gets in very little trouble. Should be killed though.

Lefties can't accept their own failures so instead they choose to believe that no one is any better, they are just lucky. True in a small number of cases. Mostly false.

Die mad about it, POORFAG

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>in sports car
>in Manhattan
ugly headline tbphfam

>Manhattan sports car driver goes on rampage
flows... so much more off the tongue. no taste, no quality.

I agree, but only because rich people who spend their wealth on cars are obviously just npcs.

I don't know about stock for that kind of car, but factory, yes. Most likely.

Painting high end sports is something only rap mogul niggers do.

Bail reform in NYC. They let most people go with a summons to appear now.

the azns are trying to distract us

>trust fund babby

its called a wrap foolio

It’s a custom job, as well as the disgusting gaudy body kit, from a “tuning” company. Dumb chink had no taste. The Carrera GT is gorgeous stock, that original car was silver

It's a Gemballa, they'll repaint your car any color you want.



fuck you, /o/ and Yas Forums are friends.

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>Possibly happening.....this was a $750,000 supercar that this guy decided to rampage with.

Let me set this sports car foolishness straight:

>buys a high performance vehicle for use in a low performance environment
>can't use half the vehicles capabilities without endangering the public and breaking laws
>unless he takes it to the track every day why does he have it?
>like buying a toaster that can toast 4 pieces of bread at a time but only ever being able to toast two pieces at a time
>literally pays 6 figures to use less than half of what they bought.

This on the other hand is the only correct thing to do

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it's only purpose was too make other smooth brains jealous and impress roasties who also wouldn't comprehend what you just said.

He was probably just a Jewyorker on his way to Florida bread lines and was speeding to get there before everyone else.

Honorary Aussie

Oy vay... the Chinks are losing their shit
Why didn't Cuomo stop this?


They aren't forced to hand over passports/planes/helicopters/boats?

I used to post a GF’s Ferrari, if anyone remembers that silver one? I’m also the chap who posts from inside a Bentley Bentayga. I also keep £3 in change in my pocket at all times so I can jangle it as I walk past the homeless. Makes me feel like a big shot.

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>stock porsches in silver look good
absolute boomer tier opinion

Haha, no.
If you haven't yet dreamed of ripping through a big city like New York in a million dollar car, while the streets are all empty, you should get your test checked. I would do it at night tho.

>owns CLK-GTR
Incredibly based

Also, crashed Carrera GT is notorious for btfo-ing unskilled driver
It's not your standard zoomer-youtuber-lambo or gtr with jillions of safety doodads driving the car for you

Paul Walker died in one when the driver lost control at 120mph
Jay Leno had a spinout at almost 200mph back in 2008-9 and said the car requires an extremely skilled driver

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>Literally GTA

Kek. Reality continues to break down around us.

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there's a difference between crashing due to unskilled driver and crashing then fleeing the scene of an accident
Ching Chong here did the latter

>so much fuck you money he can play irl GTA
Not bad, chink. Not bad.

It's his money, he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it. Not your problem.

chink detected, money can't buy style



looks like some mash of an ultima gtr porsche konesseg w/e else why cant people come up with original shit anymore

It looks like a concept Hot Wheels from the 90's

Hi, Yas Forums. I'm Benny Chen and this is my car, it was carjacked from my assistant in Battery Park City earlier today. I did not hit anyone and leave the scene, I was in my apartment all day.
I coofed all over the car, so the nigger that stole it is now infected and will die.


>mfw 25 years old with a modified 70s classic collector car
>drive that shit every day
>boomer cunts and soccer moms fucking hate me and think im speeding simply because its a loud car

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