Daily reminder that you can't be redpilled and believe in a religion
Daily reminder that you can't be redpilled and believe in a religion
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Based trips. Chr*stoids BTFO.
spotted the christkike
Imagine being so retarded you think the universe somehow formed by itself
Only a small percentage of individuals can see family values without religion. For the masses, they need a man in the sky who see everything they do.
Fucking wast of trips
>brainlet never heard about the big bang theory
not following a religion doesn't mean you become an atheist.
gtfo off the abrahamic plantation fag
The people in your pic are religious, though. They are commies, and communism works like a religion.
Even if it didn't form by itself it doesn't imply the existence of the biblical god.
Imagine being so retarded you think that there wasn't a creator behind the big bang and that it all just magically happened from nothing one day.
Semitic plantation nigger
No no no you have to believe in Yeshua and Yahweh or nothing at all goyim there's no other options
Who created the creator? Or was he somehow magically always there? Christcuck
just like jews have been promoting in holliwood since the beginign? yeah right
Well, if you start throwing "it had to be created" around, then you have to somehow prove that the deity you believe in did it, and not the other few thousand gods and skydaddies.
I mean, even if your butthurt ass throws muh gawd at everything, some pagan shitter can do the same and neither of you will make more sense than the other.
Daily reminder that OP is a fag and drinks piss straight from the cock
>imagine thinking morality comes from thin air
>imagine thinking math just exist
>imagine thinking there is no order in the universe
>imagine thinking religion just spontaneously came into existence
Every human being believes in a higher power, even atheist.
universe forming by itself:
>how retarded
a god (even more complex than universe) forming by itself:
>perfectly reasonable
>Morality exists, therefore God
>Math exists, therefore God
>There seems to be order in the universe, therefore God
>Religion exists, therefore God exists
buh buh buh gawd is beyond time itself!11!!
Perfectly reasonable, right? Now let's throw in Greek mythology.
Who exists more? Who exists less?
I'm taking bets.
Imagine beliving in a kike stuck in a cross is red pilled. Kys scum of the earth
k you choir boy.
imagine being so closed off you can't think without your kiked pre-installed abrahamic OS.
I don't.
*unless that religion is satanism
Everything has an origin. This simple fact makes atheism completely illogical. Deep down, you are all aware of this - hence the butthurt.
That's not nearly as hard as you think, considering religions are metaphysical arguments. Atheism assumes every precondition for thought operates as we expect them to and so has no internal consistency nor comprehensive scope. Paganism and general pantheism has a hodgepodge of assumptions and like atheism fail to have internal consistency (hinduism being a notable exception) or comprehensive scopes. Gnosticism or Neoplatonism use faculties of the logos to derive the origin of the logos through collapsing differentiation, something they assume gives insight into metaphysical structures but have no basis for.
The only metaphysical structure which has internal consistency and a totally comprehensive scope is the Christian metaphysic, specifically the Orthodox Christian metaphysic as the others abandon transcendental argumentation like this due to their deviation from original theology.
It's far easier to prove that the Logos God/Christian God is the real God
Yes we can OP.
>about jews
I don't think Romans are jews...
I don't think Palestinians are jews...
I don't think Greeks are jews...
I don't think Egyptians are jews...
I am magician.
It works.
Chekm8 athist
But seriously. Read the Kybalion and maybe your world will not be build upon kneejerk reactions.
>Everything has an origin
>Except Yahweh
.yes you are a bad goy indeed repent
Yes you can.
>no male authority
>weak goverment
Your country turned into shit because you abandoned Christianity and God. The only reason your country has yet to crumble or revert back to Christianity is because of other countries that believe in God for you.
Believing is easier than thinking, hence why there are more believers than thinkers.
Everything has an origin =/= skydaddy created it.
Deep down you know that at the end of the road there's only darkness and nothingness, and the fact that everything you've done and built goes poof in an instant scares you.
That's why poor guys like you believe, because otherwise people would commit mass suicide, lmao.
Go away, D&C shill.
There are plenty of respectable religious people whom I'd gladly die protecting, whether they would do the same for me or not.
Traditionalism and community are treasures to be guarded.
- t. strident atheist.
>Everything has an origin
Where did god come from?
>you can't be redpilled and believe in a religion
Sounds Jewish if you ask me.
OP is a faggot who will suffer in eternal hellfire.
You worship a kike christfag.
The pope kisses the feet of refugees
>But....but its still redpilled!
This is the classic Christcuck argument in 2020, "SECULARISM BAD, THEREFORE YOU MUST WORSHIP THE JEWISH GOD YAHWEH, GOYIM!"
Then what keeps you alive? Are you dead?
imagine falling for the oldest Jew trick in the book
Kikes have always used the skins of those they wish to take power from, as (((fellow whites)))
>durmrmm it has a few books so it has to be the true religion right hurmrmrm
Besides the fact that you're trying to argue that one being beyond human comprehension and any logic exists and another doesn't just because humans created some headcanon that you're wanking off to... I guess hinduism is the one true religion, since pajeets have a bigger headcanon that's much older and all that shit.
Sorry mate, your argument is shite.
Hitler was a Christian don't believe me just Google Nazi belt buckles.
I can. Watch me.
NO fucking Xtian G-d shall dictate to us what the FUCK we can do. We FUCK who we want and have ALL the experimental sex we want FUCK UR OPPRESSIVE & RACIST X-TIAN G-D!!!
OP is bluepilled because the left is rabidly antireligion. you can't consider yourself on the right and not at least be an agnostic theist.
I guess oxygen keeps me alive.
Existence in itself is worth living for. I'll watch and laugh the moment the world goes to another war and all that religion stuff will go down the shitter.
Daily reminder that everyone has a religion even if you don't believe in gods. Your religion is most likely secular Judaism also known as humanism.
You're still believing a kike deity, no matter how you twist it, lol.
D&C shill thread
come back when you have a coherent logical argument
>implyng worshiping who you hate the most is redpilled
You atheist fucks always talk shit about God, but you never give people a way out, a way to a better life. Atleast christianity offers people a community, comfort, marriage and a healthy mind compared to your satanic mindset.