Do you think there are paid shills on Yas Forums?
I don't know, it just seems like because this place was so influential in the 2016 election that certain forces might have a vested interest in spreading certain opinions here or to conduct psyops.
I'm all for this board having total free speech but I can't help but be suspicious when I see a thread parroting CNN talking points that sounds like it was written by someone who has never posted on Yas Forums before.
What do you think?
Do you think there are paid shills on Yas Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Op looks in the mirror
I wish I was paid to get replies
Here is a thread yesterday that almost certainly had a paid shill in it.
The shill question was cCv7F0Go
>Do you think there are paid shills on Yas Forums?
JIDF, RIDF, XYZ-state department funded propaganda machines and honeypots are absolutely here, have been here, and will continue to grow in presence despite reactionaries to 2016 continuing to dip in inactivity and likely taking a big dive after 2024.
bend over and I'll pay you faggot
Why are Israelposters always shitposting madlads?
Definitely. It’s the perfect place for shilling since it is all anonymous and can’t be backtraced so people can face consequences.
Good example of the trannies 016 brought us. Deranged.
But who would pay somebody to write stuff like that?
Seems kinda pointless to me, don't you think it could just be somebody with autism?
No. You're being paranoid.
They do it for free.
Well, pats on the back and a cult of personality circlejerk but none the less, free.
(((who))) ?
JIDF, tranny reddit, ...
Sounds like something a shill would say.
Have you ever heard of Correct the Record?
It is not inconceivable that somebody would be paid money from an organization to spread certain narratives online.
If they're doing it for free wouldn't that just make them left wingers sharing their opinion online?
Unless they are being told by an organization to do so
Please. You are vastly overestimated the importance of this trash heap. It's nothing but morons shitposting all day long.
Jews with the bantz. You do this on purpose.
What sort of faggot writes "eekers?"
most of them are unpaid, unemployed leftist losers from reddit who organize on discord to basically shit all over the place
Check out the dates. All that time and they're not making up anything new or original, just parroting the same things over and over. Guarantee you at some point in those threads there are massive textwalls full of shit vaguely related to the designated schizo topic of the month that get dumped before shill/tranny activity in the thread lessens.
I’ve only been here since Corona took off. Maybe early March. My mains are Yas Forums and Yas Forums..when I browse the catalog here all I see is troll threads. Lots of disinfo. Half the posts in interesting threads are trolls as well. So in other words, you have to sift through loads of shit to find the good stuff.
This place is responsible for a wide-scale redpilling of millions of, mostly young, people.
Not only that, but this place also has near freedom of speech akin to the First Amendment of the US constitution.
This place is a weapon.
You haven't been in a 5g thread and seen how they try to shift focus away from China as a historically thieving and abusive trade partner in the modern era, have you?
>This place is a weapon.
>Do you think there are paid shills on Yas Forums?
Are the rest of you doing this for free?
Its only a weapon when the autism can come together in just the right moment. There hasnt been a good romp like that in a bit.
Noise to signal ratio are what they're here to worsen alongside your natural fun shitposters. Out of curiosity, can you get a general idea of when someone is shilling vs shipping? To me, fun and originality helps indicate motive.
You also throw them some gatekeeping and they abandon thread if they can't knowyourmeme what you're referencing.
Thanks user.
When I see threads with titles like this one has (boards.Yas
It's hard to believe that a normal left winger with differing opinions wrote that.
That reads like something my boomer father (god bless him) would write because all his news comes from CNN/MSNBC.
Chinese govt
>trade millions of yen for shekels at bad xfer rate
>spend it to spam pol about how cool it is to have a chink girl and how we shouldn't bayonet them all
>flu breaks out and everyone wants to bayonet China anyhow
can't make this shit up if you tried
You should have to pay to post here. The quality of posts and threads would skyrocket.
You forgot flag JIDF
>You also throw them some gatekeeping and they abandon thread if they can't knowyourmeme what you're referencing.
Your intuition is correct, I have paid close attention to groups trying to influence this board and can say for certain:
>There is at least 1 Israeli "bot farm" run by some "leet hacker" wannabe who specializes in AI forum posting bots
>these bots will respond to your posts with believable responses, but are slightly strange or have clues that they were not written by a human
>A large quantity of poor quality threads are posted constantly on Yas Forums ("driveby threads", 1 post by this ID)
>If you search the image hash of the poor quality thread OPs, you can find archived examples of shilling over and over again
>A significant number of people would like any political discussion that names "Social Enforcer" companies to be shut down, so they operate in private
Which is why you should never, EVER explain oldfag memes. They're already being used to root out bad actors here to make this place both less fun and effective.
Better to be thought an idiot than speak and remove all doubt.
We get a lot of shills on Yas Forums so I like to think I can spot them here, but there is so much of it it’s hard to tell if they are just slanted or disinfo. Or schizo lol
Those are paid China shills, I wonder sometimes if the people doing it are just taking advantage of the chance to use American social media
Look for OPs that flipflop and have ESL tier spelling errors they never correct despite flipping IDs to give their argument the illusion of the favorable side of mob mentality. Mock them enough in one way and they'll be so bothered by it they incorporate your terminology and insults into their lazy responses. Imitation is a form of flattery.
The only, and I mean only, time I saw something suspicious was when the following exchange happened on a thread about Leo Frank. I was posting info as to why I thought Frank was guilty and a memeflag kept saying that the website I was citing was not a valid source because it was created by Kevin Alfred Strom.
I asked him for proof that it was created by Strom and the memeflag instead changed his flag and started to claim that I was defending an "evil Jewish pedo." I pointed out that I could see that his ID remained the same and he fled the thread.
Must they be paid when they've implemented a social scoring system that effects your opportunities in society and the jobs you can hold? A chink shilling their government may as well be a foreign exchange student from China racking up credits.
2016 was the worst thing ti happen to this board. The glowniggers and their obvious paid shill thread plus The influx of choir boys, boomers and normie reddit invasion. Its time to make a new board or chan.
>literal retard asks question everyone already knows the answer to
Like that time a bunch of retards doxxed themselves by going to an alternative set up by radical lefties that spammed the board with links to it?
It’s called astroturfing and it is absolutely a thing. I first became aware of it on the IMDb boards during the release of the female ghostbusters.
Leo Frank is a special topic for kikes, they are really obsessed with covering up what happened and how much his death played into the creation of the ADL as an organization. As with all things, you have to assume there is Jewry afoot and plan accordingly
They do it for free, actually.
I forgot I had the image saved as a souvenir
>pro bono leftists who hate you
>miga cultists who worship le meme emperor
>people who just want yous with bait
This is who you are posting with
I sure would be eager to ask the government to recognize my shitposting in defense of the motherland if it made my car payment go down. Those damn crafty chinks, I wish I got paid to post here as an official USA defender
Or it could be that opinions change as years go on? I've been here since /new/ when Ron Paul was popular.
I will say it was a lot harder to argue with people here 4 years ago.
Like your post?
absolutely. half or more of what is posted is propaganda, demoralization, and psy-ops.
any small remaining value of even looking here is already mostly outweighed by the downside.
Imagine your every comment on foreign bodies and your own government giving you an objective score added to an objective tally designed expressly to determine your opportunities in life under that governing body. I would start shilling for my country too because I already lile shit talking leaves, chinks and niggers already. You're telling me I can get wasted and post stupid shit that aligns with the idpol trends of the now then be recognized positively for it? Sign me on.
China shills here.
Saudi Arabia shills here.
Israel shills here.
Corporations shill here.
NGOs and foundations shill here
Political organizations and campaigns shill here
Think tanks shill here.
The purpose is disrupt and derail discussion, and prevent digging into issues. Also read up on forum cointelpro techniques.
Some. Just enough that the rest of the board immediately thinks it's shilling because someone else legitimately disagrees.
Well I don't believe that Yas Forums is the best place to spread propaganda.
More like your talking points are given to you because you're stupid enough to follow the ideals of some random billionaire who give no fucks about you
Related. I remember there being a very good pastebin that was posted on a cointelpro themed general going over their tactics and methods to spot/shut them down.
You should consider that perhaps every part of our society and even within our very own minds there is something working against us. Something keeping us down. Yes Yas Forums is full of demoralization posts.
As the end-user and civilian, just like China's system, all I personally get to see are benefits especially if I'm for the concept of nationalism. Breakdown of communication, propagation of junk information and obfuscating of truth with all this trash propaganda isn't in a bug's brain nor the average burger's.
This place was comprised during the Anonymous years. It was Anonymous that they feared. Now they've successfully demonized and sacked this places spirit.
>it just seems like because this place was so influential in the 2016 election that certain forces might have a vested interest in spreading certain opinions here or to conduct psyops.
You fell for the "omg guise we memed a president into the whitehouse" meme. Old boomers came out to vote and put Trump in the white house, not a bunch of basement dwelling neets who didn't leave their house. You suffer from delusions of grandeur, nothing of importance takes place here.
Fpbp the absolute mad lad
This reads like a paranoid schizophrenic took a sociology/psychology class
I tend to think a lot more normal people browse this bored than you’d think. Kind of like voting for trump, it’s taboo to mention in public. This is a place where bad actors can plant agendas disguised as truth and get it planted in peoples minds such when whatever ‘legit’ source reports it, there is sort of a subconscious corroboration.
>Old boomers came out to vote and put Trump in the white house, not a bunch of basement dwelling neets who didn't leave their house.
false dichotomy
of course there is dummy. also bots post a huge amount of the posts here. only those with intuition intact will get anything besides psyops from this place or the internet at large.
>It was Anonymous that they feared
They fear us coming together, rather. Think about it.
This is the only (You) you're getting from me.
This is a poster who does it for (You)'s. Always put sage in options and name THEN reply with the (You).
ok? Ya sounds like some retard who jacks off to political podcast
I hope you fucking die kike
>who would pay somebody to write stuff like that?
JIDF would and does. Lurk more