Do you think there are paid shills on Yas Forums?

Do you think there are paid shills on Yas Forums?
I don't know, it just seems like because this place was so influential in the 2016 election that certain forces might have a vested interest in spreading certain opinions here or to conduct psyops.
I'm all for this board having total free speech but I can't help but be suspicious when I see a thread parroting CNN talking points that sounds like it was written by someone who has never posted on Yas Forums before.
What do you think?

Attached: MonkaSSS.jpg (1200x675, 73.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>Op looks in the mirror


Attached: 1577094436976.gif (384x384, 1.77M)

I wish I was paid to get replies

Here is a thread yesterday that almost certainly had a paid shill in it.
The shill question was cCv7F0Go

>Do you think there are paid shills on Yas Forums?

Attached: kky.jpg (1280x6720, 1.67M)

JIDF, RIDF, XYZ-state department funded propaganda machines and honeypots are absolutely here, have been here, and will continue to grow in presence despite reactionaries to 2016 continuing to dip in inactivity and likely taking a big dive after 2024.

bend over and I'll pay you faggot

Attached: kk.png (1903x4910, 1.77M)