Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Refugees fuck off Edition

>Refugees kindly tell the German police to get the hell out of their asylum center

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Attached: refugees greek border.jpg (2048x1363, 846.06K)

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und dann siehst du rentner flaschen aus dem mülleimer holen

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gibt wieder toilettenpapier

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alter ist das normal für berlin?

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Burn that shithole the fuck down already.

Your tax dollars at work:
>muh israel oh nooooooo you cant do that germany

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No thats a new one. I also like how the police doesnt do shit.


what are they supposed to do? shut it down? that would be intolerant and pretty nazi like

>Kraut/pol/ & AfD General
>Refugees fuck off Edition

redundant edition, but fuck it. sometimes the drum has to be beaten extra loud

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>that would be intolerant and pretty nazi like

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Uff, you are right, my mistake.
>Hooks up Sonderzug nach Mekka to minaret sound system

Die Schutzkleidung wurde vor Ort beschafft und lokal hergestellt - sie ist also nicht aus Deutschland geliefert worden.

Der konter spricht wieder Bände, als ob es nichts gekostet hätte.

kenn ich

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Are you guys ready to pay 95% income tax? It should be for the Coronavirus tax, like the climate change one that makes it go away.

kek und lieber europa zerstören als zuzugeben das multikulti gescheitert ist

the fire rises

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We are still paying for a non-existant fleet and a turkish war. We are used to it by now.

Haha, der Agressor war bestimmt ein Slave und der Security Mitarbeiter irgend ein Kanacke. Hab das schon mal hier gesehen :D

>95% income tax
how many trillions did your government already pump into system ?

Hahaha, im Kassenbereich Reizstoffe versprüht.
Sicherheitsdienstleister ganz besonnen reagiert anscheinend.

The FED is privately owned and not the guberment.


gaaanz dünnes eis

Wie meinen Sie?

du weißt was er meint

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Stehe auf'm Schlauch.

osteuros sind tiere. und pfefferpsray = tierabwehrspray
osteuropäer kriegt tierabwehrspray ab

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Lustig, lustig.

Literally though, what is your income tax already? Also like what are you going to do when you're older and things cost more, and income tax is higher, etc?

ja fast schon ein bisschen lustisch

>Lustig, lustig.
in keinster weise.

aber ganz nah am typischen sjw-denken in krautland

Around 50% in average, not mentioning that our currency devalues itself visibly.
Gathering plastic-bottles or killing oneself, so the kids are not burdened even more.
Why exactly do you rub salt in our wounds?
Ich kann der Gedankengymnastik oft nicht folgen, denke manchmal die wollen es allen heimzahlen, die in Mathe und Physik besser mitgekommen sind. Elender doppelsprech überall.
Fast bisschen nicht.

I am just curious to know if my German friend actually said his dad paid 65% income tax or not was real. Would you say the one's that want big government are social retards?

I don't know them personally, but it pretty much depends on their agenda and position in the current system, if they have that ideology out of smart reasons, or sheepish regurgitation of what they've been fed.

>sjws - die wollen es allen heimzahlen, die in Mathe und Physik besser mitgekommen sind

that one was funny :)


thats the mindset we have to deal with. delusional fuck-ups they are...

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Would you kindly fuck off?

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50% is half of your paychecks, btw, anything over that is more than half of your paycheck. 100% is full on slavery. Anything remotely close to that is also slavery. I would gander that 75% income tax is 100% slavery. You are at like 90% slavery. So you are like 90% slaves. What do you do with your 10% freedom? btw

>65% income tax
max income tax is 45%

My liberal coworker said he would gladly pay 75% income tax with Bernie, and then his wife told me when he wasn't around they are being tax audited for not even paying the like 14% income tax already LOL. I laughed so hard.

Oh okay, thanks Larz.

>liberal coworker said he would gladly pay 75%
is liberal = communist in the US?

Wenn die Wirkung der Propaganda aus der Schule nachlässt, kriegt man sie hier im Infotainment wieder hergestellt.
Nein, der Rhein bleibt deutsch.
That's a little simplistic, but basically true.
We try to do good things with the remaining currency. All the subversion did not entirely remove the humble dream from my brothers, having a house, a bbq, some kids, a good 'job' (look up the difference between 'job' and 'beruf' in german)
Depends on what he was talking about, if he is alimentating some slag and her brats he might as well have less. I think it is hard to guess what it was about, as he was maybe trying to translate some values, instead of reporting them in german style.

Yes, the Democrat party became completely overran with Communists in the 2016 election. Bernie was saying that a minimum 75% income tax for all Americans, etc, followed by "Bernie Bros" saying "I'd gladly pay that in taxes *flexes*" to show off infront of women, but the reality was they could barely afford the up to 25% they already have to pay, and count pennies already.

alimenting has nothing to do with your income tax
was war das für ein scheiß und muh überlebende gehen von schule zu schule cringe

Der Rhein wird zu 54% deutscher wenn du Leine ziehst.

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Ruhig Blut. Sind etwas gereizt, heute?
Yes, but in that kind of discussion (incometax, brutto/netto allgemein) it could be possible he added other expenses to that value, to inflate it, or to make it more compareable.

>was war das für ein scheiß
hammer oder?

>überlebende gehen von schule zu schule
der x-ten nachfolgegeneration noch den schuldkomplex einzuprügeln bezeichnet der hipster-verschnitt ernsthaft als `liebesdienst`.
wie gesagt der mindset ist neuronenkrebs

Also what is the difference between job and beruf in German?

>could barely afford the up to 25% they already have to pay, and count pennies already.
communist confirmed. lol. talks big while others have to pull the weight. fuckin hell i wish these fuckers would unite and found their own state. in a year or so they would starve. problem solved

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>wish they would fund their own state
Would take a lot of money, and hard work. That is why they go to paradises already made. Pic is 1930 California, btw, a literal paradise made on earth-now-turned-hell.

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Beruf - von Berufung.
Something you like to work on, working on an craft you want to master or project you feel the need to for.
Job - over here from the anglo-tradition of labour-diversification and exchangability of workes
A job is something you force yourself to, so you can get the $ to pay for food and shelter. And colourful stuff that make your misery more tolerable, if you have resigned in your current position.
But it's like with a lot in german, the language gets mutted more simplistic to accomodate the multicultural system - people do not care about words anymore.

Hey ho anons.

Hail America!

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hey ho pirate

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Oh okay so a hobby trade job and real brutal annoying work. I got ya.
Hi pirate :( How are you?

yeah sure as if someone hands you a paper and where it says
you write down what you think is your calling. wtf mate of course your write your current job there

Kannst es den Sjw ja nicht verübeln. In Osteuropa gibt es mehr weisse als hier. Und weisse sinf ja pöse.

Beautiful art.

Doing fine, thanks. You?

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Not 'hobby', thats an anglo-concept, too. In a non-clown-world you could make a living out of your calling, as it is something like teaching, caring, masonry etc.
Like I said, nobody cares for words anymore, as it is more convenient for labor-diversification and exchangable workers. Like 'Verzeihung' and 'Entschuldigung' are not distinguished anymore - people lose their grip on precise german language. Like it happened with english - the huge majority of english-speakers only has the subset of a mere pidgeon-english for commercial purposes.

That was cringe. Had to turn off after lampshades and soap.

>next topic, cookies
K. lol. Not great my boyfriend said he's getting a vasectomy soon and that he doesn't ever want kids but I can "stick around if I want". then I am getting a lecture from my mother that I need to be more fun aka go drinking, bowling, roller skating like it's the 70s "like she did", be totally care free and career driven and that's how you get guys to be 100% obsessed with you.
Yeah makes sense. I love teaching, but there became too many regulations and going to university just to teach is ridiculous.

i need it

? thats loot pirate. LOOT

Attached: i need it.jpg (600x585, 82.54K)

>Einkaufen wird zunehmend zum Bingospiel
Merkt ihr wie die Leute langsam auf den Kommunismis vorbereitet werden?

Lol is your BF a jew? They usually go for that vasectomy propaganda. Don't know a single white dude who would want to castrate himself.