Thinking about moving to Oregon

Any thoughts on this place, I’m HuWhite and thinking about moving to Oregon. Is it a White mans paradise or nah?

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You're gonna end up a faggot hipster

I went to Portland in 1989 and I can tell you it was full of black people. Can't tell you how it's now.

I’ve spent some time there recently. It’s actually a pretty hilarious place. It’s VERY white. But all the white people are VERY liberal and have black lives matters signs out front, despite there being NO black peoples actually around lol.

I’ve never understood that, it’s always brainwashed liberal White people that support black causes. But if they actually had to deal with blacks on a daily basis I feel that they have no other option but change their mind. When there are too many blacks in one area things quickly deteriorate and not even the most brainwashed liberal can ignore it.

Oregon sucks. Did you know that the libs are so much into control that you aren't allowed to pump your own gas? You must wait for an attendant to do it. I guess you must need special training or something to use an Oregon gas pump.

New Jersey is the same way, can’t even pump your own gas. Kind of weird

I lived in Corvallis, it's pretty white but as another user said, hyper liberal. The Willamette Valley towns have been controlled by fat lesbians since the 1970s. There are also muslims and niggers sporadically, and they are semi-celebrated. East of the Cascades, and west of the coast range is a different story.

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>tfw you've only lived in Oregon and NJ ever

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>Thinking about moving to Oregon
Don't. Thank you.

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>Moving to Oregon

Fucking why

they were shipped there to build a railroad in ww2 and when the war ended no one bothered to ship them back. Been nigging it up ever since

Lmao that's like a decade before I was born wtf how old are u?

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Libs are fully aware without even realizing it. The code word is "good schools". Even in the most hipster white liberal enclaves, parents will fight tooth and nail to send their kid to a good school and keep school boundaries out of black neighborhoods

When Norm McDonald came here a little while back, that was his opening joke.
>I noticed on the taxi ride in from the airport all of the BLM signs in people's yards, all the signs on stores saying "we serve everyone"
>but didn't see any black people
>yeah, really hard to not be racist when theres not fucking black people around!

got a mostly positive reaction from the crowd but I still laugh my ass of at it when ever I see one of those fucking signs in people's yards off of Burnside or Alberta

the valley towns may be politically pozzed but they really are highly liveable... as long as you're not in a homeless hub like Salem or Eugene.

Great biking and parks and scenery and downtowns and bars

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eastern Oregon is a lot cooler though

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Lol based Norm.
Those signs are such a joke. I can only imagine how self-righteous and smug the owner must look when they plant it in their yard.
Despite the memes, Portland is still a nice city in many ways because it is so white, yet nobody here can put this simple 2 and 2 together.

all of the NPCs in Arroyo were white

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51... Yeah, I'm kind of a boomer.


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I live in Oregon. It was once a cool place and still is beautiful, but the people here are pretty shit. The chicks are all busted single moms with tats and everyone in any of the main cities is a brainwashed lefty fuckwit. It's also been flooded with California fucks that are destroying the economy and making it impossible to buy a house or even pay rent.

Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are better

It was 20 years ago now it is a fucking liberal Cuckastain.


If you have to tho, don't move to Portland. I grew up here and it's become commie shithole #1


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I wish I could find work in my field in a town like that. I grew up in a similar small town, and while it's not perfect, there's a lot of good qualities.

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Jew Yorkers are coming in now, buying houses with 100% cash sight unseen in St Johns of all fucking places.

I think I can actually deal with that tbqh

It’s beautiful and the best part of the country by a wide margin but we’re also full, so don’t move here.

This. Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and the Dakotas are better off. But Oregon is beautiful.

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it's like liberal twatter IRL. you'll lose your sanity within a year

Because it's full of fucking tweakers lmfao the fuck you think its for??

These states fucking suck though. Landlocked states are unlivable.

LOL, you should see the crime in the Bronx, Brooklyn, even Manhattan... and then you'll know why they don't care and know it can't be that bad.

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St John’s owns now

Unless it’s a very rural part I would say no. I have lived hear all my life it’s beautiful and I never envisioned wanting to leave but but we are probably leaving soon. People here have a stuck up elitist attitude even fucking bums think they are smarter and better than everybody and all my tax money goes to them and black and Mexican single mothers. I’m positive soon this state will become Hispanic speaking. All the white people have left menial jobs chased out by badly behaving minorities so you cannot even get a hamburger without knowing Mexican soon. Such a shame this is such a beautiful state.

My brother played single a baseball in Oregon

well, enjoy Oregon marxist dykes, they start getting on your nerves after you meet 1,000 of them.

good farmer's markets in Oregon though

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holy fuck Eugene is a shithole.
Had to travel from Idaho for work and it was like the damn zombie apocalypse except it was homeless
sketchy fucking mentally ill homeless too

I've been in some shit cities before but that place may have taken the cake

This. It really is a shame how fucking celebrated spics are and how many niggers and mudslimes are imported into such a beautiful state. My hope is that the state splits in two with the Valley separate from everything else, but that's impossible.

Oh well...

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The reason they do this is because good schools - aka white schools, get better funding from being in areas with higher property taxes.

I’ve never met a single person like this but I’m also an engineer and not a bartender.

Why do you feel the need to live near an ocean? Just curious, I've seen people say this before.

it's insane what is going on in every town along the I-5 from Bellingham to Everett to Seattle to Tacoma to Olympia to Longview to Vancouver to Portland to Salem to Albany to Eugene to Redding to Sacramento to Stockton to Los Angeles to San Diego

lol, avoid I-5 towns, and college towns I guess

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Aside from being beautiful, proximity to water makes you economically relevant. Montana, Utah, and the Dakotas are mostly pointless states because they lack major ocean shipping access.

Spent a couple years in Portland for work. One day it started raining. Eight months later it stopped. I have no idea how people live there for their entire lives.
Literally all of this. I would love to see Portland get overrun by Detroit just to watch all those opinions either change or get doubled down on.

It is fully of whiny leftist faggots and subarus.

Try Portland, Corvallis, Eugene...

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im looking for a move I live in boston where are places where there are few nigs and some good work? I dont mind lower wages I just want a community

50/50. Either it is or it isn't.

an even bigger part of it is the train system
They hop the trains from city to city.
The same reason Idaho is still amazing.
You need a fucking car or a plane to get here
Good luck crossing the wasteland that is Eastern Oregon on foot

Sounds like paradise to me given that I live in Chicongo.

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East Tennessee

try the mountain states. some parts of the PNW are nice but not if you're trying to start a business or something, highly leftist. getting rid of zoning laws and encouraging the homeless is the new progressive thing

good food there though

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It's fine as long as you live far enough inland.


Shitty lefty authoritarian shithole like California, tho not AS bad as California. Still wouldn't move there tho. The best states are the southern ones, like Texas.

If you're from California stay there, faggot.

Ignorance is bliss. They never spend time around niggers and shitskins so they don't hate them.

From what I heard the state itself is pretty decent but Portland ruins it

yeah not enough negros on the west coast desu

>I'm thinking about moving because I don't like where I live and I want to just have paradise handed to me on a silver platter by being a rootless cosmpolitan