My high school counselor called me a loser

I remember when my high school counselor practically called me a loser for talking about quitting school and becoming a plumber's apprentice. At age 34, I had paid off my mortgage and life has been easy since. I'm also already vetted into the union pension. just counting down the years now.

With everyone losing their jobs, my sprinkler pipe fitter union is HIRING plumbers.

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Nice blog, I hope you survive the corona pandemic only to die of testicular cancer-AIDS a month later.
Sageru in all fields.

Already had Coronavirus. They just made me stay home for 2 weeks. It was nothing. I felt normal after day 3.

Electrician here. I just want a few weeks off, but no I'm apparently "essential" now. I should have went to college so I could just be worthless scum and collect trump bucks.

I'm sorry that you actually feel proud to be such a fucking cuck.


haters gonna hate. op is based

You probably are.

I'm a NEET who gets:

$1,400 a month in Disability.
$1,200 in Trumpbux
$600 a week for three months from Corona Chan Unemployment Benefits because I was making $125 a week fostering special needs dogs from a local animal rescue.
$300 a month in food stamps.
100% free health insurance from Medicaid and Medicare.

There's never been a better time to be a NEET with an Accounting degree.

Attached: NEETbux.jpg (871x653, 88.43K)

Lol and what your barista job is saving the world? Fuck off faggot

Is OA the Order of Nine Angles inside CIA, NSA and other departments full of lazy and mentally ill people?
I've seen this in some fake ass hippie psyop and that (((Netflix))) series.

It's tough work. Most are not residential jobs but heavy industrial ones. When you get older they want you on oil rigs and line work, really dangerous stuff and likely may be automated.

Great for you for working and paying down your house and getting set.

Might be time to go for that engineering degree.

It's not hard at all. We have modern tools that do the hardest part of the job for you. The tools are getting lighter, easier to use and the batteries are lasting much longer.

Who is this aryan goddess?

Kys parasite

White House Correspondent for the OAN

>I remember when my high school counselor practically called me a loser for talking about quitting school and becoming a plumber's apprentice. At age 34, I had paid off my mortgage and life has been easy since. I'm also already vetted into the union pension. just counting down the years now.
His job is to push people into college. That counts as success for him, and you not doing that looks bad. School is a prison, and neither he nor the other teachers are there to help the kids. Just imagine if you had started learning plumbing at 16.

Attached: download (2).jpg (1280x720, 68.64K)

She's half white, half Korean

A happa

Sprinklefitter not a plumber

Stay mad wagie

Engineering is not great. Wages are on the decline because America imports ludicrous numbers of engineers yearly and its getting worse.

Hs counselors are barely above the level of white slavers. They’ve sold more children into a lifetime of debt and servitude than Oliver Cromwell. All this despite the fact that they have no real skills or value outside of their criminal trade.

God I wish that was me

Oh wow, you actually made a completely normal living. Do you want a cookie?

Polite reminder that the chad from your high school is now a venture capitalist making your entire annual income in half a month.

Even the social loser nerd is now a senior engineer at Google making half a million in stock options alone.

And you're cleaning the pipes in their homes. So still a loser.

There is one sector in engineering that you can't import...

Nobody wants to be you. Except pasta nigger because all his friends died.

Die in a fire parasite

Yeah i never could find any local jobs with a mechanical engineering degree.
I'd be screwed without online poker

Nice cope.

Based racked up NEET

Couldn't find any mechanical engineering jobs? Where is "local?" They are needed everywhere, if nothing else at least for modelling.

Base accelerationist NEET being the jew to own the jews.

Well dropping out of high school and becoming an apprentice is extremely stupid seeing as you can just enter the residential or industrial field post graduation after you turned 18..but good for you.

fucking this

What's to cope about it? It's a fact. You're a fucking plumber. Your earnings are capped to a certain limit. You have little to no social capital. No one is proudly introducing you to their friends and parents - "My bf the plumber".

T. FAANG engineer

Good goy paid off his mortgage
Good goy stayed away from politics
Good goy knows he's lucky to have a job at all and doesn't aspire to anything more

Some guy still getting his undergrad said "how does it feel to be a failure"? When I mentioned that I am a tradesman. I said "buddy, I have more money in my wallet than you have in your bank account". I'm sure his meme degree will pay off in the long run

At least they didn't kill themself

HS guidance counselors are shit and are nigger tier in the education system, they are worthless.

You're exactly who should be going to trade school. Instead of majoring in some useless thing like sociology just for the point of going to college, you went and used your hands because your brain was subpar. No faggy complaints about student loans looking for gibs, you are a great example.

Fat fags on here, develop a work ethic, realize you aren't going to excel at anything else, use your hands and maybe become this dopey success story.

>high school counselor practically called me a loser
that's their job, they did that to all of us

I’m a union electrician and I guarantee I’ve gotten more cunny and live in a bigger home than you or your father ever will. Will provide pics.

Chanel Rion. She has also two sisters named Prada and Gucci.

and you wonder why people vote to cut free benefits

>I'm sorry that you actually feel proud to be such a fucking cuck.
Sorry, user, but this type of reply doesn't really stick, not in this case. Even anarchists enjoy a working toilet.

That is by design. The powers running the world don't want the plebes to get sound advice.

Nice. I did one year of liberal arts, realized it is retarded, did some soul-searching while working a shit job. Now I am going STEM and I don't regret anything.

lol and you retards think shes "BASTED!!!!!"

KYS Kike

LOL thinks people are proud of his job
The whore only cares that you let her spend your money

Don't hate the player, hate the game!

>fostering special needs dogs

>doesn't aspire to anything more
Being satisfied is a terrible fate
>Jew logic

Yes, but to be fair, our parents aren't much better (e.g., "Go to college!", "Vote!).

Lmao I literally made half a million for three years in a row because dumb goys can't stop pumping up FAANG stocks. Whatever bumfuck shithole you live in, I can buy the biggest mansion in it.

And when girls introduce me to their friends, they don't hesitate. They proudly say that user works at Google and they all practically assume I'm the smartest man in the room (I'm far, far from it)

user, not knocking you. Good that you made a good life. But smart people shouldn't choose trades. It ties them to a lifetime of labor and limited social mobility

bait or not, kill yourself

Or maybe I’ll just rob you and your feeble self? Kid how many anti depressants lol are you on?

been a spark for 20 years now. just do the testing side of it now. easy as piss

>all those pills

I didn't go to school and work at a factory. Got a cushy job because I got in early and do a good job. Make $30 an hour in a red state. My wife can cook and heal when I tank. We have 60 chickens

I'm not impressive but I'm really happy.

Go have kids and you'll be complete

I’ll provide a pic of my house, where’s yours lol?

Show me an engineer that can hide 30K in income from the IRS
>Self employment FTW

I hope you choke on those pipes faggot

Are your disabilities preventing physical work or are they mainly mental?