Can you tell me, without posting long copypastas or external links, how 5G is harmful?
What is the mechanism for this?
Why isn't this relevant for 2/3/4G?
Lot's of 5G posting on this board
Other urls found in this thread:
Comes near hazardous radiation levels for human health, and the installation of the world-wide electric grid may have been the real cause of the Spanish flu since there is evidence that it wasn't contagious.
I take it that's a "no" to my first question then.
What exposure levels does a normal person get from 5G and not 4G?
What kind of radiation are you referring to?
Its a mix of ludditry, schitzophrenia, and a psyop to get the /x/ tards harping about something other than adrenochrome and pizza-pedos.
The frequency is higher, higher density and more directed energy. You can cook with it.
Africa has zero 5G and almost less than 90 cases A coincidence?
then why are microwaves just 2.45GHz?
You can cook with microwaves? Hardly shocking.
But that's not even remotely true.
See for yourself.
Okay, so, no other explanations?
>Why isn't this relevant for 2/3/4G?
They were very harmful too but healthcare retards and golems never paid attention to it.
98% of energy from 60 GHz radiation is absorbed by oxygen, which makes it difficult for some people to absorb oxygen, causing the shit like suddenly collapsing with no symptoms like you see in places with 5g, but everywhere else it's literally just a flu.
>Death Princess
All places saturated with 5g.
Here are some essential videos, recently taken down from the new "censorship-free" YouTube:
>Why you can only "catch" a virus from an injection:
>Vodaphone 5g whistleblower:
This one is also good but please ignore the retarded faggot who added "bacteria can't infect you" to the intro please. He got bacteria and viruses mixed up, but the actual video is decent:
>98% of energy from 60 GHz radiation is absorbed by oxygen
no external links, retard
The biggest reason that I can find why every one is saying that 5g is bad is because that chinese tech company hauwei, I think, is the one to originate the technology and them being chinese makes them property of the chinese gov't. I dont know why the world forgot about the struggle against communism. It seems that we may have lost that battle.
It's 60GHz radiation, which has not been publicly studied for safety nearly enough What we DO know for a fact is that OXYGEN ABSORBS 5G RADIATION. It doesn't take much to figure out why that might be harmful to our health from there.
I fucking summed it up in one sentence, then I provided links in case you want to dig more. Eat shit.
here you go OP
the long-held assumption that "non-ionizing cant hurt you unless it heats" has been thoroughly put to bed by the latest NTP study
CHRONIC EXPOSURE to signals from 5G masts will cause you to get very sick with cancer
I deployed 5G antennas and activated them over a year ago. They aren't dangerous and telecomms arent trying to kill their customers.
There ate multiple manufacturers of 5G equipment and they aren't trying to kill you. If you believe otherwise, dispose of your microwave oven.
look all "health hazards" aside the only thing this tech is good for is more surveillance and gay queer shit like self driving cars. i dont really want to live in a dystopian shithole nightmare, and were already too close to that
If oxygen absorbs 5g radiation how does it even transmit through air?
>60 GHz radiation is absorbed by oxygen
provide evidence
that's GSM, which is somewhere around 800MHz
Iran doesn't have 5g , was hit terribly by coronavirus
They don't care that it's harmful, because it's needed for this. This is the future if no one stops them.
the schizo campaign against 5G is to distract from the fact the towers are made by Huawei
now if you say "the chinks are spying on our cellphones" you sound like one of those "they're spying on my veins" retards
Because commies don't like tech, they want us to eat raw meat in a cave while we drink river water
Can you tell me in words, which you are good at OP
why mobile phone radiation it bad?
It severely limits its range, which is why they need towers every few blocks. See here for more info or literally just google it, I'm not making this shit up:
5G uses those frequencies as well as higher frequencies
800 MHz
2.4 GHz
20 GHz
60 GHz
why do they need an insane-bandwidth network with SHIT coverage just for chips or whatever when they already have high bandwidth networks with excellent coverage? ridiculous concept
That sounds batshit crazy, fren
British microwave expert dr. barry trower:
The biggest weakness of the 5G argument is the fact that they use the "curse ships" as a proof see look princess X had 5g but then they claim it takes months for the 5g to affect sick people, how did the boat fags get sick and die then?
Don't listen to any of these idiots.
Wireless network engineer here. The reason 2.4 GHz is used in microwaves is it's the frequency most readily absorbed by water. Hence why you can cook with it. You vibrate the water molecules, and the food gets hot.
The whole 5G thing is a psyop and distraction from the actual evils in the world.
says the man who flushes the toilet and bins his plastic wrap cheese
It isn't a secret, they aren't even hiding this detail at all:
It's why the range is so short. You can easily google it and find dozens of sources verifying this.
A fucking jew posted the counter
If it’s taken by oxygen
It won’t get very far in the air
FUCK SHILLS. The research is posted. Read the info you faggots.
As the wave passes through your body it carries heat and motion. The more powerful the wave, the more powerful the heat and motion. So with 5G, the wave is hundreds of times more powerful than normal wifi.
Now take your hand and rub the back of your other hand until it starts to hurt. Now imagine that happening to every molecule in your body nonstop, forever as long as you're exposed. How long would it take to rub your hand until it bleeds?
People putting devices to their heard which knowingly cause radiation might also sound crazy.
Literally the first link or a Google search, you lazy fuck.
shhh you'll scare it away!
so they make molecular oxygen vibrate more. and?
You are a liar.
I only radiate my head for my parents
take no other calls
The grip killed in less than 12 hours but somehow we aren't dead from watching food cook in microwaves and staring at screens for years. Muh EMFs much vibrations.
well it doesn't does it
What do you mean absorbed? Doesn't that mean the "oxygen" just heats up by gaining more energy?
I think the funniest part is none of this is new
They have figured and experimented with these frequencies since before 1900 you fucking monkeys
It does, I realize that, and I thought so too until I dug more. At least check out the first vid. If you don't trust me, maybe you'll trust another aussie. This guy is based as fuck and basically is 100% on point on the situation:
Its a red herring the media trying to make prominent in order to attack those crazy "conspiracy theorists". It does massively amplify ability to monitor the population. Now fuck off somewhere else.
says the commie who thinks the earth is flat, vaccines don't work, viruses are bioweapon and think a company wants to kill its customer because of a weird, non-sense theory of depopulation.
Fucking this.
The truth will get lost in the noise of "muh radiation" and "it causes the flu"
Just like every conspiracy theory that may have a grain of truth (world banks/media owned by kikes pushing for one world market) it gets convoluted by bullshit (reptilian illuminati, kikes are Satanists)
The truth usually runs along the greed/power side of the story, but will get sidetracked because it gets lumped in with genuine crackpot shit.
because the RF in a microwave is inside a faraday cage
Oxygen is a made up concept
nitrogen as well
and there math is off
360 / 24 = 15 x 3 = 45 x 8 = 360
360 / 21 = 17.1428571429 x 3 = 51.4285714287 x 7 = 360.000000001
360 / 18 = 20 x 3 = 60 x 6 = 360
360 / 15 = 24 x 3 = 72 x 5 = 360
360 / 12 = 30 x 3 = 90 x 4 = 360
360 / 9 = 40 x 3 = 120 x 3 = 360
360 / 6 = 60 x 3 = 180 x 2 = 360
360 / 3 120 x 3 = 360 x 1 = 360
We need to send /x/ offsite.
And it doesn't get very far, hence why they need so many fucking towers every few blocks.
Exactly. It's worse than 4g in a lot of ways, so why put it there? Now read the part of my info that talks about wireless charging. Perhaps those shittier shorter signals are better at charging.
>me don’t understand tech
>me afraid
That’s basically it.
This is why Yas Forums wanted really badly for covid19 to be a hoax. These fatties are scared shitless of stuff they can’t understand.
Fucks up the bond between two Oxygen particles that form the breathable Oxygen molecule O2.
*shoots you in head*
maybe you will be a tragedy but I doubt it.
And what that does and exactly how it works is explained in the third video I linked in detail. It basically makes your body unable to absorb oxygen properly, especially if you are already compromised in some way.
No they cant user. Bo one can explain without linking to a schizo video or diagram that makes no sense on how it works since its 100% a schizo paranoia.
See And
Good luck user. I've have 5 dead threads asking this same question and then got a bunch of bs answers that are easily refuted.
>less than 90 cases
>implying niggers have equipment to detect it in the first place
user i.......
A daily reminder we need a final solution to the conspiratard problem. People like this should all be exterminated.
That actually sounds pretty plausible, and it wouldn't be the first time someone has pushed crazy tinfoil hat conspiracy theories in order to discredit more credible ones.
The frequency band used includes the resonant frequencies of oxygen and water. Same technology used in microwave ovens and active denial weapons.
Aside from physical damage it will be used to power the internet of things which will enable an absolute surveilance state.
They need more transmitters per unit area because the shorter wavelength electromagnetic frequencies don't diffract as easily. That's why you can't see a beam of light around a corner because it's much higher frequency than normal cellular waves in use today, for example, which you don't need to be in view of the transmitter to even pick up.
And the 1918 electric grid our current grid, the other tons of frequency emitting machines?
I have you the short version, watch the videos of you really want or know the details, especially the third one here for the oxygen issue. You don't need to watch the whole thing, she explains it early.
so it produces ozone?
i'm not watching videos. OP specifically said without external links.
It's not. It's another schizo conspiracy that will die in a month.
You have cancer, I smell it
you used to but not often smoke cigars
that wasn't the cause
it was the red meat
so you could add 5G to a fleshlight and literally rub one out?
Notice how the memeflags shill for 5g.
Microwave oven frequcies cause rotational resonance in water. Active denial weapons and 5G cause vibrational resonance in water and oxygen.
Magical sky rays create supernatural invisible disease spreader.
What is not to understand?
>no links
>provide evidence
>no links tho
And you think I give a shit you lazy faggot? I have you the short version already, links are for people who aren't lazy faggots.
non-ionizing doesn't mean harmless
I don't blame you
they didn't tell you your job description
but when you see a mauled face of wars for a fake want of oil
then I guess you gotta get snappy
So, what legitimate theory are you trying to discredit with your inabe schizo babble?
why are you implying 5G turns the surrounding atmosphere into ozone?
No only much shorter wavelength, high energy sources of electromagnetic radiation cause O2 to break up and form ozone. For example UVC germicidal lamps (a much shorter wavelength than even visible light) will generate ozone as they break up the O2 around them. So do electrical arcs. Even if the 5G mast is doing that, it will be very close to the transmitter itself and at the distance of a user, it will make no difference whatsoever. Look up inverse square law.
It’s made up in the sense that oxygen can exist in many forms and be considered oxygen still
It’s more of a lack of proper language to describe
and they can spy on your brain, can't they?
>implying 5G turns the surrounding atmosphere into ozone
I never said that you stupid nigger, fuck off with your strawman.
The only really sppoky thing about 5g is that the beam can follow/track your phone (this is sold as a plus on the Vodafone FAQ here) but that just equates to more accurate chicom style tracking of potential dissidents.
Idgaf about frying brains, or causing flu's - it is just a technology that will give cunts in 'intelligence' easier methods to monitor people's movement. It is installed by chinks too, so you know it isn't the 'good guys' watching those movements.
I am against that, even though I do enjoy faster internet.
And if you betray my Order I will snap each and every one of you until you are shards to light my next fire
I surveilled your're mum having a pee in the ladies toilet if you catch my drift
Another meme flag, another pro 5g shill. What a cohencidence.
you implied it breaks the bond of molecular oxygen, which yields oxygen radicals, which yields ozone
>so it produces ozone?
how the fuck did you jump to that?
You said that it broke up the bonds of breathable O2. When that happens, ozone can form.
see here.
Can you strike a match in outer space?
>using asterisks un-ironically
kys u stupid sand nigger and return to reddit
Now you're just making shit up. Believe what you want, I did my part. Hopefully a few lurkers wake the fuck up to what is going on.
>5G is terrible
>microwaves are safe
>you implied it breaks the bond of molecular oxygen, which yields oxygen radicals, which yields ozone
Shut up American.
> For its incredible speed, 5G uses what are called millimeter waves (MMW). These are radio signals having frequencies between 30 GHz and 300 GHz. While these higher-frequency bands have a lot of capacity, their shorter wavelengths mean their range is lower, and they can be easily blocked by buildings, cars, airplanes, and trees.
> To get around that problem, 5G requires what are called "small-cell antennas," which must be deployed far more densely than 4G antennas, at roughly every 500 feet, or about one antenna per city block.
> Radio frequency radiation dissipates with distance, obeying the inverse-square law. That makes sources close to you far more dangerous than a source that is farther away. Duration of exposure is also an issue, and the new small-cell antennas will be active 24/7.
> On June 9, 2017, scientists with the International EMF Scientist Appeal submitted a letter of comment to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in opposition to FCC Docket Numbers 17-79 and 15-180, which would allow streamlined approval of 5G infrastructure to be built on existing utility poles, in greater number than current cellular antennas.
> The group is comprised of over 225 reputable scientists from 41 countries who have peer reviewed publications on electromagnetic fields.
that is literally what it means desu
Its caused by rotational velocidencity and can also lead to deterioration of files in your're computer if they are saved in a lossy format
Oh muh molecular!!!!!!!!
Please, give me a fucking break
I learnt it in physics when I was like 14. Do you have physics classes or something?
microwaves are very dangerous with the door off
I guess the sea side is harming as well is it?
It gives you corona.
Which doesn’t exist.
And makes you one of the dead.
Who aren’t dying.
Of different things.
That aren’t corona.
But are 5g.
Not as dangerous as life with the door on
5G makes you sterile, because balls are full of liquid, 5g affects liquids, therefore 5g affect your balls
>how 5G is harmful?
it doesn't work so if you invested in it you're going to be losing a lot of money
You get more radiation from the sun. Get fucked Brainlets.
If the "5G causes [x]" argument catches on then expect to see if for EVERY technological advance that rolls out.
There'll be no mind-body interfaces in the future that these people want, just slightly faster iPhones, thanks guys.
This is just a fresh wave of luddites not understanding something and trying to destroy it, literally destroying it in several cases.
Please ignore the fact that we're bathed in radio waves of the same frequency that they're screaming over 24/7 and have been since the fucking big bang, that doesn't matter, those are "natural" radio waves, they're free range grass fed radio waves they won't hurt you!
No, it fucks with the spin in the electrons bounded.
C'mon, shill. Try harder.
Who gives a fuck about imaginary atomic functions as a way to make man feel better about the distance from the north pol the a the french meridian?
We call that air, user.
Not my kbps
Do I need to throttle you? Is that really necessary?
you have psychosis