Cincinnati nigger block pack party

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BLaCkS aRe dYiNg aT a HiGhEr RaTe fROm cOvId19

I wonder why

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These niggers are so fucking incompetent.

they had the best life of picking cotton and being taken care of and now look..

fucking animals...

niggers are feeding off the lockdown energy and its not gonna be pretty

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The China Virus will eliminate them.

>Coronavirus got kids acting the fool
>Fights Break Out at Walmart After Georgia Governor Issues Statewide Shelter in Place Order
>Officers Disperse Birthday Party Crowd Amid COVID-19 Pandemic In Los Angeles
>Little Rock Arkansas Coronavirus parade

>BREAKING NEWS: Louisiana just released COVID-19 data which shows that African-Americans account for 70% of ALL DEATHS in the state.
>African-Americans makes up roughly 32% of the population.

>In Chicago, black residents represent 72% of COVID-19 deaths; they comprise 30% of the population. The data is grim.
>"The distribution of this disease tells a story about resources and inequality," @chicagosmayor says.

>In Milwaukee County, Wis., as of Friday, 81 percent of #Covid-19 deaths were black people. Black people make up only 26 percent of that county.

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There should be an Animal Planet but for blacks.

and the MSM reports that blacks are dying at a higher rate...gee i wonder what could be causing this...

this is how I know corona is fucking bullshit lol

It's not bullshit you stupid nigger. See:

So these guys think the same as the nothinburger guys. lol Interesting allies


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Cringe. Why post it, though?

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based coofer BTFO basedniggers

what a shit culture

She looks american to me

I'm glad i'm white.

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I caint breeves

And you are special because?



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No monkey DNA.

>Self correcting problem.
>Still projected to be 1/3 of the world's population, with 1/3 chink and the other 1/3 'other'.
>Because NGOs wont stop feeding them.

>>throw block party in pandemic
>>bbq all your food, eat all your junk food that you only stored for a week ahead without knowing it won’t last four days
>>consume high rates of alcohol, lower immune system capabilities
>>pass blunts, stained with the spit of other nignogs, damage lung tissue
>>even without passing blunts, maintain zero sense of personal space, get real close to each other and do stupid little handshakes
>>cause massive infection spread within their community, many Tyrones die.

I see absolutely no problem with this in the slightest.


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How do you even pronounce Cincinnati?

CNN rushing churchgoers and not even covering these people, I wonder why????

Beaners and niggers, it's always them.


there was one in tampa too

Let them. Stay at home orders are unconstitutional. I'm staying at home, but it shouldn't be because of penalty of law.

they cover them but under the narrative that blacks are disproportionately affected by it...due to white supremacy or white flight or something like that. Not because they have big block parties still. Besides people should mind their own fucking business. The busybody snitching on people for standing 5.5. feet next to each other is fucking nauseating.

Nah all the latinos are all scared of the virus and staying put, they know that being sick could mean a death sentence

Why not just get a group of autistic faggots together to track when people do this shit, and tip the local PD right when it starts
Seems like it'd be fun, especially if it's livestreamed

It's the shit culture produced for them by the Jews. We have our own shit culture the Jews produced for us.

Those are half gone already.


They hate their mama, grandmama also...

stupid egotistical minions with cringe language.

Kin kin adli

>70% of deaths in Louisiana are black
>32% of the state is black
>Oh no. Racism
Blacks are 60% of New Orleans which is the primary hotspot.
Very misleading.

Soft C's, like an S.

It's okey to be white, but not around racist blacks .

I love it, my libtard friend was just bashing entitled whites and their privilege because some stupid map showed a few extra cases in the suburbs than in the inner city right at the outset of all this shit a couple weeks ago. It's probably because the wealthy people were traveling and went to get tested right away. He's usually not such a flaming faggot or I wouldn't stay in touch with him but I guess he couldn't help himself.

"Blacks life matter"

Regardless if you kill everyone around you

this is why the rest of rural states had to lockdown today other than the major cities

>coronavirus is killing niggers the most
If there has been one upside to the pandemic it's this. Fuck niggers.

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imagine the fucking smell

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Cocoa butter and weed?

>larp as muh global gubmint in the UN during decades of nothing happening
>a light coof appears

Yeah, this enitre happening is pretty much the opposite of a case for world government.

cibil war and kill these fucks in minecraft

>The holohoax is a liberal meme


Has Baltimore been ravaged by the virus??

Had you gone with my plan of calling the cops on congregating gang members, you could have had riots and a real happening. So I'll remind you
>go to gang hotspots
>If you see a gang call 101 (or your non emergency number)
>police will arrive "oi weres ur outside loicense"
>potential for someone to get shot

Says Mohamed Ahmed Abdullah.

Im so glad I dont have to suffer these baboons on a daily basis

dabbing on corona

There is nothing worse in the world than Nigger "culture".

Well-intentioned police officers turn into literal klansmen from having to deal with niggers on a daily basis.

Lucky bastard

just show this video to everyone when people are bitching about the black's high death rate.

Meanwhile Cleveland nigger shot at random cars at a gas station this weekend, killing an elderly man. Where is the news story?

Or that only liberals are forcing the stay at home meme

Because I doubt any of the people in that video are Trump fans

>white man defying social distancing GOOD
>black man defying social distancing BAD

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I am 29 years old and not once in my life have I seen a nigger wash their hands

She’s not wrong

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