History (1920s) repeats itself?

which book did the 'evil' Nazis burn?
does anyone have a list?

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Porn and communist material. Anything written by kikes.

they were hypocrites, banning anything related to socialism or communism.

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People think it's jews or marxism behind it, but really its satan.

How were they hypocrates?

By attempting to force their own brand of communism through tyranny.

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i read once from a meme that they burnt transgenderism books, is it true?

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Just look at these cheering crowds of oppressed and tyrannized people! No diversity blacks! No child drag queens! Just jobs and national pride! How awful!

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>what is the difference between statism and communism

I have a speech somewhere with a speech about the books being burned. If you try to find a list now they have you believe they burned everything from HG Wells and Hemingway.

That is nice for them, what about the rest of the entire world whom they waged war upon?

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if only you knew how bad things really are

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They were the victims of the war. Poland was first to violate German territory.

A past time of mine, which usually gets me depressed yet motivated, is looking at old videos of my own country. Look at the capital in the 60s and 70s. See the time in which my parents grew up and be amazed at how clean the streets are, how white the people are, and how all the issues of todays world are not present.

Shitskins literally ruined everything.

Wouldnt be surprising.

It’s your first day here or something?

Livestream your suicide you waste of resources.

ayy lmao, fucking degenerates

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Hitler didnt start the war.
>Muh Poland
The polish people killed 1,3 million Germans. Hitler pleaded with the UK to help them in negotiations, he did this for 3 years. But, there comes a time where you have to save your people. He took Poland with 1 division. A single division. This was not the grand battle you want to pretend it to be, and you certainly wouldnt include the reason for this 'aggression'.

There exists a saying: A jew will always tell you who hurt him, he will never tell you why.

i scream but God doesn't listen

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What about Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia, Greece, and the Soviet Union? What was to stop them from taking British Isles?

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>Inb4 "that was a false flag" accusations from 80 IQ morons
No, the accusation of being a false flag was a coverup.

1. Tortured confessions were used at nuremberg
2. The two people who """confessed""" had been tortured, and severely maimed, and had given different accounts of the supposed event.
3. There were no witnesses who were not tortured
4. Hitler never once spoke of the event publicly, nor used it as his official reason for declaring war. He simply mentioned that fire had been exchanged and that Germany had to fight. Why go through an elaborate hoax and never use it?

Poland started ww2 by invading Germany to try to rally dissent in Silesia, overconfident in the promises made by France and Britain and aiming to provoke a response.

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faggot shit

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(((Wikipedia))) has a complete list of authors and genres banned and burned by the Nazis.

In terms of the effectiveness of the burnings themselves, consider that a homosexual Jew with one testicle ordered his motley crew of pagan socialists to ban material pertaining to sexual education. Was Hitler ashamed or in denial?

You're confusing libertarianism with fascism. Not all ideologies believe or require universality or reciprocity.

Why did the rest of the world have to be conquered because >muh poland?

no u

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shut the fuck up mocro scum

Source: Trust me censorship is cool when Nazis do it.

>What about Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, Luxembourg
Hitler never declared war on these countries nor made any claims or forced any concessions (Except Luxembourg, which was ethnically German). Governments like Denmark that didn't exile themselves to Britain remained in power, in active governance and weren't tampered with by Germany. Germany had to occupy the coasts to prevent a British landing. Similar to how the British occupied Iceland and Iran.

France declared war on germany you dumbass. It was Britain who first broke French neutrality after they signed armistice and withdrew from the war, by attacking France's fleet, and then later, French colonies.
Yugoslavia joined the axis, but the government was couped by anti-German insurgents in the military
Nobody would trust them after the shit they pulled in ww1 where they pretended to be neutral while letting British soldiers land.
>Soviet Union?
Broke the NAP by invading Bukovina, and were amassing forces on the borders to join the war against Germany.

>What was to stop them from taking British Isles?
The English Channel

Hitler and his fellow pagan sodomites lost the war, simple as. He was tasked with defending Germany from kike invasion and he utterly failed. Not only that, but he housed the kikes in safe camps like Auschwitz complete with swimming pools, while their guards suffered and died. Hitler didn't kill a single Jew but himself throughout the entire war, and yet NS praise him for his service?

lol ok. I'll trust you mr nazi boi

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>No counterarguments
Awwww poor brainlet thought he could debate history

>Steven Cohen

it is true they burnt LGBTQ Institutes, but which books & authors exactly ?

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why would i counter argue, I just said i trust you lol

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Okay, sorry then, I thought you were being ironic

Fascism and Communism are worlds apart brainlet.

i guess you just have to trust me back lol

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fascism is collectivism inspired by self pride. Communism is collectivism inspired by self loathing

>were amassing forces on the borders to join the war against Germany.
user wehraboo, can you explain then why the SUI would try that when they were so unprepared especially with you saying this happening prior to the war between them?


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they weren't unprepared. They were initially defeated by the skill of the German attack, but they had massive reserves of manpower and equipment that allowed them to survive and ultimately defeat Germany.

>user wehraboo, can you explain then why the SUI would try that when they were so unprepared especially with you saying this happening prior to the war between them?
They weren't unprepared, they had been arming ever since the end of ww1. They simply got caught in a pre-emptive strike. The Wehrmacht seized huge numbers of tanks in transit, and were able to destroy the air forces near the German border.

The one biggest lesson from ww2 is that whoever strikes first can cripple the enemy airforce by cratering their runways, and will have a massive advantage. Look at the Israeli-Arab war for a modern example.

Doesn't change the fact that they banned anything slightly related to socialism. Such as HG Wells.

Books about gender reassignment surgery

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Germany could've just consolidated its gains instead of pushing an ever hardening by the day enemy
This would support lebenstraum anyways, living space for the germans and the initial gains were more than enough for it

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meant for

honestly HG Wells and Hemingway is literally garbage so I wouldn't be surprised.

>"Read No Evil"
>TIME Magazine; Monday, May. 27, 1946
>To re-educate Germany, the Allies last week adopted a typically Nazi device. The four-power Coordinating Committee decided to reduce to pulp all "undemocratic, militaristic and Nazi" literature, museum and library material, newspapers, films and war memorials. >Tombstones were excepted.
>Here is how the Allies went about the suppression of ideas:
>Into Berlin's press camp breezed a pretty young ex-WAC introduced as Vivian Cox, an "expert" attached to the Military Directorate. Sitting on a desk and dangling her long, nylon-clad legs, Miss Cox answered indignant newsmen's questions in a pleasant Southern drawl.
>How would "militaristic" be defined, asked one reporter. Replied Miss Cox: "It's the way the Germans have of
waging war.".
>How would "democratic" be defined? Said Miss Cox: "Everything American people think and call democratic."
>Was the order different in principle from Nazi book burnings? No, not in Miss Cox's opinion.
>Just 13 years ago, the Nazis had confiscated and burned millions of "unGerman" books. The war had destroyed hundreds of thousands more.
>Now the Allied order would eliminate millions more. Pessimists could see the day approaching when Germans would have nothing left to read except perhaps some of Grimm's lighter fairy tales. Cracked one British officer to a U.S. colleague: "You people might yet be able to convert the Germans to your comics. . . ."
>The measure found its defenders. Said one U.S. official: "At least the Germans won't be able to read Clausewitz these long summer nights." Said a Russian: "If more of them were out ploughing fields instead of reading, there would be more food."
>But most observers condemned the order as a piece of unenforceable foolishness which would only increase interest in the verboten books, and martyrize Germany's nationalistic spirit.

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You can't just plant down a flag and say "okay, I'm happy with what I have, let's all finish here".

Germany was in constant negotiations looking for peace. Hitler even sent his best friend to Britain to negotiate peace. They locked the man up for war crimes (despite him having no actual authority within the reich and being just a figurehead).

Future Chinese Soup ingredient.

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you dont say? --

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He compared them to the Martians in the war of the worlds. It's not surprising they didn't like him.

Portal to Hell

That is because they were tyrants. That isn't the way, the truth, or the light. Only through Jesus, will we be made in one body and spirit.

Liberals literally killed journalists too



Nazis burned porn and propaganda. Liberals executed people for thought crimes.

We're well beyond the Weimar Republic in terms of degeneracy, in 2020 gay marriage is legal, abortion is legal, drag queens openly teach young school children, homosexuality is promoted in schools, mutilating people with a mental illness by cutting off their dick is considered a valid surgery, thought crime exists, you can have your children taken away from you if you don't give them puberty blockers, etc etc

Decent points user, but...
The Axis was still destined to lose because the Allies simply wouldn't just surrender if USSR collapsed by slowly taking Italy and forcing Spain to act
Though for all the points Wehraboos do point out, Japan and USSR had stationed a decent part of their forces against each other, so if Japan had that critical manpower freed up they could defend more islands and make American island hopping much harder

You're half right.

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False Jews are promoting that garbage. Just ignore it and they die off, they can't reproduce. They take a lot of money to maintain, and they are leeches on society.

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That things should never visit chinkland.
They'd drop him alive in boiling water right at the airport for consumption.

Your tyrants were the only thing that stopped communism from going all the way through Europe.

Shitskins are merely one of their tools. Biological warfare.

Washington and London are controlled by the Vatican now. Nothing we can do but wait for Jesus to come back.

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Frankfurt school "material"

So true. Be of good cheer user, change can be unexpected and against the odds.

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It was once organized by some students. Burning tranny and fag research and communist materials.

You shut your trap, sambo

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interdasting.. I find NatSoc Aesthetic as good as greek/roman Aestheic, in comparison to today's degenerate garbage.
Democracy is a false God. there is only illusion of choice

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